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r MALDEF 145 Ninth Street San Francisco, CA 94103 Enclosed is my contribution of $ Name Address City State Zip Make checks payable to MALDEF. Contributions are tax deductible. .40t 1PRIM:.nolling places are tOo . often either . ..,,non-existent in large, pop barrios; .. Local ruleS4:17fSli*Oftibit voters from speaking Spanietilie..polls intimidate . Chicano vote rs and discourage , pation. ,.’.Literacy teSts-.attif: .-ther restrictive jtkre4Uirements have tea …Many Chicano voting because we grew.. ool systems that failed to -adlin tic problems of acing udents. ben Chicanos do get to the polls, our4otes are dro 9 ered or at., flofl dis few and tar tween or ulated ..s : . : , . . citi shall rice6e, United States count of race,A tion of servitude , Southwest a host’ ‘at vo practices haye.derti.ed this Mexican Americ es kee,ping us out of the po out in ger Educational Fun i , an fo un di ng Id an A n to n i o nine years ago. Much of MALDEF’s’ ,.’.:’ voting rights litigation has attacked the tems a plan that has traditionally served to muffle the voices of Chicano ‘Voters. Under the at-large system, bar rio districts are swallowed up within enlarged jurisdictions, making it impossible for Chicanos to elect representa , 4410We poo -, .-,,,. e mate” . , hoot d’istfict ;, 46116g , ::31i4 .. 1. ,,_:-,, rge , ans;.,%1 :!v :i AlStre: ,, ‘ A.OI YRe n s . tives responsive to :e n,cl aS;an;The court fowl resp9 urn ester. tiexarc coun ti e s r4n .1″3 White v . 4,0 and . p rin cipal MALDEF v Reg in Dalla s decision i n idn Whi that at-large p la ns violated1 Luting the vote of racial, ethnic counties were re -Person one vo t e PA ridY litical minorities. Both :cowl Sn an ss F ,,proven a highly ffcti m ve es in u e s a used i the’ d at a si n ng s ch e that water down the votes of Et 1975, when CongresS ek VotingRights Act to cover SQUthWeSt, Chicanos won ptuti. :74:lsc it i Yt ri o m p i r n e ay sche v to; 1Sit:th -ef in m further MALDEF’s involvement in teA wh ich i w s ,e4i , ,! a *7.fa s ,, t nf e th ii ra a :A nc o ra ii t h e sp ies s Eerle story w. r er y ni i t li n tl lfdne er . , et in the Chicano invite share our concerns and invite And as a none profit orga ALDEF needs 6nt support U\\ will ui ,..,.. single member di ans, resulting,,in the . :r ir . ,s MEXICAN AMERICAN LEGAL DEFENSE AND EDUCATIONAL FUND, INC. A Public Service Message from the American Income Life Insurance Company Executive offices, Waco, Texas Bernard Rapoport, Pres.