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For a new car, a new camper, a piano, a diamond ring, a boat, a new stove or dishwasheror just about anything you might want. Because anyone that works as hard as you, deserves all the good things. And we want to help you get them. A loan that’s good for you is good for us. UNION Mlle NATIONAL BANC I I th and Interregional In Union there’s strength. WE’LL LEND YOU A LOAN. *MP *yea* A grower responds really a Czar. He concluded, “Congress must give us a better future, or as stockholders in this huge U.S. corporation, you and I should replace every single Congress member.” Dr. Pierre Rinfret, a New York economist, was at least more urbane and literate than the others. He essayed some mild sarcasm concerning the “non-partisan” nature of the evening. He too thinks we’re all in turrible, turrible trouble and that Fear Stalks the Country. He suggests, by way of positive programs, that we can’t spend our way into prosperity and that the thing to do is to unleash the American people. Yup, he wants to unleash Americans, especially their vitality, vigor, dynamism, faith, and dreams. He also wants to relieve of us our onerous tax burden and he further asserts that we can and we will overcome. \(At Well, after these four turkeys, Connally himself was a great relief. He didn’t have a whole lot of great profundity to offer either, but he said it a lot better than anyone else. He really is a fine public speaker. Who else could get a rush of applause from an old chestnut like, “Second place is not good enough. America must be number one”? He first laid out some of the specific issues he plans to discuss in appearances around the country, which the dinner was designed to finance. He does have one good idea he’s plugging for a one-term,. six-year presidency. He’s also plugging for a constitutional amendment to prohibit deficit spending \(Ich bin not a of federal judges at age 70 \(alas, Justice promoting the CIA “in this treacherous world.” Next, Connally went into a series on “what I believe.” It turns out that he believes the United States is the greatest nation ever conceived by the mind of man. And that mankind by its very nature must strive for excellence and reject mediocrity, that human freedom and economic freedom are intertwined, and that we can have a strong central government, but it should not be a strongarm government. He did not mention motherhood nor apple pie. So finally, except for Connally’s personal flash and style as an orator, it was an evening of bad and bland conservatism. It was not profound in its analyses \(a la interesting in its proposals \(a la Howie criticism or invective \(a la George Wallace cliche-ridden rhetoric, self-evident affirmations of patriotism, and appeals to the already-established prejudices of the audience. Topsy even thought the steak was bad, but I didn’t. M.I. I found your article on the melon strike very informative especially on the lack of connections betWeen leader Tony Orendain and the United Farm Workers. I was surprised, however, to find myself suddenly classified as one of the farmers who “by the large . profess highly unenlightened views on race, unions, and social welfare.” I don’t know where social critic and former United Farm Worker staff reporter, Bruce Cory, got his information but it failed to even touch the real problem down here… . Let’s look at Cory’s article and then at the real problem and possible solutions that would benefit everybody from grower to consumer. The introductory paragraphs were a lesson in basic travel folder writing techniques. Grab interest by telling of the farmer who “fired into a crowd of pickets, wounding 11.” Now, neglect to mention until deep into paragraph 27 that police admit that the farmer was within his rights, that the pickets were breaking open the melons representing the farmer’s living, and that while a civil charge was filed against criminal charges were, I believe, filed I cannot and will not condone the actions by either side, but do desire reporting both sides of the story. Perhaps the farmer wasn’t the implied red neck bigot but a man defending his property from men attempting to draw the publicity that they got. I don’t know, suspect some Communication’ of both, but do know that Cory certainly didn’t tell me anything. THE STORY then sums up to the following: The union failed to attract people after six days in Starr County, so they moved to Hidalgo and found that 30 August 22, 1975 15 The Outpost Austin’s Best Barbecue 11:00-7:30 Monday-Friday Closed Saturday and Sunday David and Marion Moss .345-9045 Highway 183 North MARTIN ELFANT SUN LIFE OF CANADA LIFE HEALTH DENTAL 600 JEFFERSON SUITE 430 HOUSTON, TEXAS 224-0686