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lIIK media Theilirorld Watches m e di a l “All I know is what I read in the papers:’ Will Rogers said that. We believe hat there’s some truth in this comment, and a warning, too. Whomever we talk to, wherever we go, we try to get the truth behind the headlines. Who did.what? Where? Tear off and mail this coupon today Columbia Journalism Review 700 Journalism Building Columbia University New York. New York 10027 SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER Journalism RevieW for just $12, and bill me. BONUS: Two Extra Issues If You Enclose Payment Nov. O I have enclosed payment with my order, enabling Name Address City State Zip T COLUMBIA JOURNALISM Al 006 eve –How? Did the story get distorted by the time it reached the public? If so, how? Who benefited? Did distortion affect your thoughts and actions? The COLUMBIA JOURNALISM REVIEW is an eye-opener. More than any other publication in the country, CJR helps you keep your eye on the people in power \(the people who make the news and the people who report as the national monitor of the media. For a limited time, CJR will be offered to you at an introductory rate of $12.00 for 9 issues, which is one-third off the regular price. Subscribe now. Our guarantee: if for any reason you wish to cancel, your money will be refunded for all unmailed issues.That’s because we are confident that you’ll be glad you subscribed. r I 1 IONE!. MOM