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House of Coffee Beans, Inc., 1728 Westheimer, Houston, Texas 77006. PLAYING THE RECORDER IS EASY. Free catalog, best recorders, recorder music. Beginner’s Pearwood Soprano Book, $11.95. Amster Music, 1624 Lavaca, Austin. Guardsmen who serve for twenty years are also eligible for retirement pay when they reach age 60. Lieutenant Cortes says that when he first started working as a recruiter two years ago, he just said what he was supposed to say to prospective recruits, and that was it. Now he sincerely believes the Guard is a good deal. “It’s not only the money and the skills you learn,” he explains, “but what you do in the Guard is just not all that hard,” He admits that, despite the incentives the Guard offers, he cannot hope to persuade most of the Guardsmen who signed up in the late ’60’s to stay on. “Most of them have had a chip on their shoulder about the Guard from the first day they signed up, and nothing I could say could ever make them change their mind,” he says. “I wish we could let them out before their six years is up because somebody who doesn’t want to be here is not helping anybody. They’re always standing around or sneaking off to sleep in a quarter-ton or something. A couple of months ago I caught five of them asleep in the back of a truck. And these guys are college graduates: some of them are executives downtown.” While Lieutenant Cortes and his colleagues scramble to fill the gaps \($85 million is included in the fiscal 1974 defense budget for reserve enlistment and reduction in Reserve and National Guard manpower. Martin Binkin, a retired Air Force colonel now with the Brookings Institution, believes that manpower could be reduced by 300,000 without redefining U.S. national security interests and without altering current U.S. military strategy. He believes such a reduction would save $1.4 billion annually. GUITAR PICKERS. Buy your guitar strings from us and save 20%. Mail orders accepted. Amster Music, 1624 Lavaca, Austin. WRITERS: “UNSALEABLE” MANUSCRIPT? Try AUTHOR AID ASSOCIATES, Dept. TO, 340 East 52nd Street, N.Y.C. 10022. AN ARCHO-ABSURDIST CANDIDATE for Place 5 wishes to run Austin City Council out of town. To enlist, send resume to 472-1398. Political operators, please dial “0.” THE ENLIGHTENED REALTORS. If you don’t need to buy a house in North Dallas, call us anyway. Still in business after supporting Adlai and Sissy. Jac A. Austin Co. Realtors, 7007 Preston Binkin questions whether 7,000 reservists should continue to be trained to govern occupied nations. He wonders if there is really a need for reservists trained in the administration of art, archives, and monuments to preserve the culture of occupied territories. He believes some elements of the combat forces should be eliminated for example, brigades designed to defend Alaska, Puerto Rico, Panama, and Iceland from ground attack. He contends that little is gained by maintaining units whose missions might appear to be appropriate, but for which personnel with the necessary skills are readily obtainable from the civilian labor force people with medical, legal, construction, and administrative skills, for example. Binkin admits it is unlikely his proposals will be implemented, regardless of their merit, because “these citizen soldiers are so solidly entrenched politically that no one in Washington dares challenge them frontally” \(from Binkin’s U.S. Reserve Forces: The Problem of the Weekend “Political pressure,” he writes, “is brought to bear directly on members of Congress through local leaders \(in the case of state Guard units, through adjutant through the Washington-based Reserve Officer and National Guard Associations both of which are prosperous, united, articulate, and highly active organizations.” The fact that 108 members of the 93rd membership in one of the reserve components also has something to do with the reserves’ ability to resist change. Reservists are also disproprotionately represented on many of the major committees concerned with reserve legislation. On the fifteen-member Senate Armed Services Committee, for example, seveiLare reservists. On the twelve-member House Appropriations Defense Subcommittee, five are reservists. So while Congress authorizes a reserve budget of $4.4 billion in 1974 \(up from Cortes searches for young men who want to make a little money, learn’ a skill, and keep their hair short, I measure out my military career in computer cards \(as a clerk in logistics, I am being trained as a KP, which is not bad because the time passes faster with something to do. We even had a little excitement when two of the troops got drunk on the beer we were serving that day and started a fight with a cook. In two months I’ll sign my discharge papers, walk away from the National Guard, and never look back. Like everyone else, I’ll forget the wasted time, the wasted money, and the wasted effort, and because everyone forgets, the National Guard and the Reserves will continue to play their expensive games. CLASSIFIED