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PRESS ALERT BUREAU OF EDUCA-TIONA,L AND CULTURAL AF DEPAR1 ME NT OF STATE coil NO: MUM DATE: IMOSAU not seem to be able to comprehend a third alternative; that farmworkers will organize themselves, fight the theft of their jobs, stop the importation of a foreign slave labor force, and enlist the help of people of good will in winning their rights to collectiye bargaining and union representation. This is what has been going on. While Dugger has decided on a course of intellectual despair, the farmworkers’ movement has spread from the grape vineyards and lettuce fields of California and Arizona into crops of melons, lemons, tomatoes, mushrooms and strawberriis, into Florida, into Michigan, into every major city in the U.S. through the boycott . of non-UFW grapes, head lettuce, and Gallo wines. We have not given up, even in the face of unconstitutional injunctions, illegal arrests, intimidation, harassment, beatings, jailings, and shootings on the part of sheriff’s deputies and Teamster goons. We are suffering. We have always suffered. But now we are suffering for the purpose of ending our poverty and our misery, with the hope that our children will not be exploited as we have been. I hope that these thoughts will help bring about a change in attitude on the part of the Observer and a reexamination MARY I. IVINS of Dugger’s article by its readers. -We believe that the best course of action for the Observer and its readers is not despair about farmworkers, but an immediate campaign of pressure on the Congress to prevent the imposition of a new bracero program, and support for the UFW boycott and organizing effort. With your help, we will surely succeed. Viva la causa! Bill Chandler, director, UFW Texas Boycott, P.O. Box 15415, Houston, Tex. 77020. BIG THICKET MUSEUM Saratoga, Texas Open Weekends 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Support Your Big Thicket Association Oct. 20, 19 74 23 Information for Historians. Researchers. Nostalgia limns, Observer Fans Bound Volumes: The 1973 issues of the Texas Observer are now ready. In maroon washable binding, the price is $12. Also available at $12 each year are volumes for the years 1963 through 1972. Cumulative Index: The cloth-bound cumulative edition of the Texas Observer Index covering the years 19541970 may be obtained for $10. Index Supplements: The 1971, 1972, and 1973 paperback supplements are provided at no additional charge to those who purchase the cumulative index at $10. Subscribers who do not want the cumulative index may purchase any of the supplements separately. The cost is 50c for each year. Back Issues: Issues dated January 10, 1963 to the present are available at 50c per issue. Earlier issues are out of stock, but photocopies of articles from issues dated December 13, 1954 through December 27, 1962 will be provided at 50c per article. Microfilm: For price information regarding the microfilm editions of the Texas Observer backfile, please write to Microfilming Corporation of America, 21 Harristown Road, Glen Rock, N.J. 07452. Address your order \(except for Business Office. Texas residents please add the 5% sales tax to your remittance. Materials will be sent postpaid. THE TEXAS OBSERVER 600 W 7 AUSTIN 78701 TOURING SOVIET UNION Mary T. Ivins , co-editor and political reporter for the Texas Observer , arrived in Moscow September 20 to begin , a 15 day study tour of the Soviet Union. Ms. Ivins is one of a dozen political journalists participating in an exchange visit to the USSR organized by the US Department of State. It is the eighth such exchange by young political leaders and the first official journalists to.take place under the US-USSR General Agreement on Exchanges and Cooperation. A delegation of Soviet journalists is scheduled to tour the United States in December. The visits are intended to acquaint American and Soviet journalists with political, economic, social and cultural life in the United States and the Soviet Union. During their visit, the American journalists will meet with municipal and political leaders and with representatives of youth organizations and trade unions and will confer With Soviet journalists, editors, publishers and with foreign correspondents resident in the Soviet Union. They will also tour factories, collective farms, secondary schools, and artistic, scientific and technical institutes in Moscow, This trip is funded by the Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs which seeks to promote understanding and strengthened ties between the peoples of the United States and other nations through international exchange programs. ********************************************** 4,-^,.0..k.4……w.*** ,10010-001APIr1 04,441..;*, 1″4″