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Nelson Wolff’s people have been implying that Bob Krueger got an AFL-CIO endorsement \(still equivalent to a pat on the back from Fidel Castro in the 21st referring to a statement by Conrad Truss, president of the San Antonio AFL-CIO Council. Truss said he would personally recommend support for Krueger. Krueger is counterattacking with the charge that Wolff got $375 from COPE in his 1972 race for the State Senate, and is reminding voters that Wolff racked up a 67 percent “pro-AFL-CIO” record last session. Krueger is also broadcasting his support for right-to-work laws and his memberships in the Texas Manufacturers Association and the National Right-to-Work Committee. Greetings U.S. Rep. Charles Wilson has introduced legislation to bring back the draft. Wilson conceded that his bill may not even be considered until after this fall’s elections because of the draft’s unpopularity, but said he would actually prefer an even less popular system of universal military training. In a press conference and in remarks on the floor, Wilson explained that he considers conscription less objectionable than voluntary service “maintained by providing incentives only to a marginally sufficient level.” Such a system, he said, results in armed forces “manned principally by semimercenaries,” especially blacks, browns and poor whites. On one hand, this volunteer army’s quality “has steadily declined from a mental and educational standpoint.” On the other, it perpetuates the “immorality of expecting lower income people and the culturally disadvantaged to do the fighting.” U.S. Sen. John Tower has reported receiving a total of $25,447 in honoraria for making 23 speeches last year, making him the 14th-ranking senator in outside income for speeches and writing. \(Sen. Hubert Humphrey led the pack with on the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee. He received a total of $8,150 for speaking to the Industrialized Housing Seminar, the Mortgage Bankers Association, the Associated Independent Electrical Contractors, the Savings Association League of New York, the National Electrical Contractors Association and the National Association of Real Estate Boards. The thirteen senators who earned more than Tower from honoraria were Senators Humphrey, Abourezk, Goldwater, Jackson, Proxmire, Dole, Eagleton, Muskie, Baker, Buckley, Hatfield, McGovern and Ervin. Sen. Lloyd Bentsen refuses all fees for his appearances. Both of Texas’ senators voted for the tough anti-busing provision which the U.S. Senate recently rejected by one vote, and both voted against the weaker version accepted by the same margin. Each made another, contribution to the education bill to which the busing amendment was attached. Bentsen sponsored an amendment to provide federal incentive funds \(to the tune of $50 million in fiscal 1976, $75 million in 1977 enact school financing plans that determine educational quality by the wealth of the state as a whole. The Bentsen timetable, as included in the bill, would give the Legislature time to come up with such a plan in its next session. Tower ran with a successful amendment to exempt revenue-producing sports \(read which would require equal funding for men’s and women’s athletic programs. The Big Thicket Bill is moving along, but the situation is not getting any less complex. The Senate Interior and Insular Affairs Committee has approved a 100,000-acre bill, which would add 15,450 acres along Village Creek to the House-passed bill. The Senate bill, however does not include a “legislative taking” Root ripper provision which was in the House version. “Legislative taking” of the land to be included would allow the government to claim land within six months after the bill’s effective date without immediately appropriating money for the purchase. Sen. the Senate committee and a likely member of any conference committee, is the strongest opponent of including “legislative taking.” If “legislative taking” is not approved, acquisition could be delayed by as much as seven years, since the preserve would have to take its place on the Interior Department waiting list for purchase funding. There would be almost $300 million worth of projects ahead of it on the list. Meanwhile, Rep. Charles Wilson, who represents the Big Thicket area, continues to say he’ll fight to the death against any bill providing for more than 84,000 acres. Wilson is a good bet to be on the conference committee, too, assuming the Senate passes its bill and things get that far. And as if that weren’t enough to consider, there’s talk that Time, Inc., \(more specifically, Arthur Temple, Jr., a major stockholder in Time since its merger with possibility of donating some part of its holdings in the Village Creek area to a Big Thicket preserve. appeared recently in The Corpus Christi Caller: “How low can we sink? I see where Bill Human was running for state representative in Dallas County. The only Human running for office in the state was defeated.” From the Texas LP Gas News. publication of the Texas LP-Gas Association, May, 1974, letters to the editor: “Ruth and I are so grateful for the nice dinner with which we were honored and we shall ever remember it as one of the nicest things in our lives. “The television set is so great and fulfills a wish we have had for a long, long time. “The association with you and your Association over the years has been so wonderful and I shall miss you very much. “My very best wishes and regards, “Sincerely, your friend, Sam Kimberlin \(former director of the Motor Fuel Tax Bullock, Bullock? About 345,000 persons in Texas aged 65 or older live in poverty. According to statistics compiled by the Texas Agricultural Extension Service, there are 992,059 Texans 65 or older, of whom 35% more than one out of three have an income below the official \(and poverty. O dear. Well, it was kindly meant and all. Houston liberal organizer Billie Carr, who is not only irreverent by nature, but a practicing agnostic as well, has a Number Three Son who is ailing seriously, though not terminally. When Carr failed to attend an SDEC meeting in order to be with the boy, it was erroneously announced that the kid was suffering from bone cancer \(could anything less keep Carr Briscoe, that good soul, chanced across Carr at a public gathering not long after. “Billie!” cried Ms. Briscoe, gathering Carr under her wing, as it were \(Carr outweighs boy! I want you to know that he is on mah prayer list! Right after my own boy! And you be sure to let me know when he gets better, so I can take him off mah prayer list!” June 7, 1974 7 Letters dept. The following despairing letter