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Marijuana: It’s time to change the laws. An estimated 20,000,000 Americans, including 43/o of all college students, have smoked marijuana. Under existing laws, all of them could go to jail. aramp. eiees avemilM10110K The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, NORML, is working to change these laws. We want to end all criminal penalties for possession and use of marijuana. We don’t advocate the use of marijuana, but can find no medical, moral or legal justification for imprisoning those who do use it. NORML is a non-profit organization which vitally needs your help. If you share our concern, join NORML, and support us in our fight. 011111111111111″. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111. NORML National Organization for Reform of Marijuana Lows 2105 N Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037 Name: Address: I have enclosed my membership fee of $7.00 I want to support your work with an additional contribution of $ I prefer to remain anonymous but want to support your work with a contribution of $ I would like to distribute your literature and work for the reform of marijuana laws in my area. Please furnish me material for persons. Membership includes: Subscription to NORML NEWSLETTER. Pamphlet analyzing marijuana laws in all SO states. Full size illustrated marijuana penalty poster. Additional posters available for $2.00 each. Please make checks payable to: NORML. POT LUCK