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Feeling over-communicated to but still under-informed? If so, you share the frustration and disappointment of many other citizens who sense that their daily newspapers don’t always provide adequate in-depth coverage of events and issues that matter. An ungracious judgment, perhaps, when contrasted with what dailies around the state have to say about The Texas Observer: “A tradition of honesty, accuracy, fairness, and tireless investigation has enabled The Texas Observer to occupy a unique place in Texas journalism.” THE ADVERSARIES: POLITICS AND THE PRESS, Bill Rivers, ed. “One of the best publications in the country remains The Texas Observer.” THE NEW YORK POST, Dec. 18, 1969. “A journal of considerable influence in Texas public life.” THE NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW, Oct. 22, 1967. “Perhaps the most articulate voice of Texas liberalism.” THE DALLAS MORNING NEWS . . . an articulate liberal bi-weekly.” DALLAS TIMES HERALD “The state’s bell-wether liberal publication.” AUSTIN AMERICAN-STATESMAN “An influential, controversial periodical.” HOUSTON CHRONICLE “The scrappy liberal fortnightly…” HOUSTON POST . .. with a reputation and influence that dwarf its circulation.”. FORT WORTH STA R-TE LEG RAM With “influence felt far beyond the state borders.” TIME, Sep. 27, 1968. “I think The Observer ranks with The Progressive as one of the two most useful papers in the United States.” JOHN KENNETH GALBRAITH, Sep. 16, 1970. “In a state known for its bland, homogenized, periodically right wing and perennially constipated press, The Observer has acted as a combination gadfly-hornet since it was founded in 1954.” NATIONAL CATHOLIC REPORTER, May 22, 1970. “Probably as close as any publication in America to the high European standard of informed reportage and commentary.” THE SOUTH AND THE NATION by Pat Watters \(Pantheon But do you wonder what it means these days to be identified, as in the preceding quotations, as “liberal?” So do we’. That’s why we need your participation, along with the 10,000 other Observer readers, as we work it out. But you should be warned that it is much more than a matter of defining a label we can feel content with. And more, even, than disseminating pertinent information. Consider this indictment by The media more and more becomes not guides and spurs to action, but substitutes for action. Receiving “information,” sharing a newscaster’s, columnist’s or Senator’s indignation and venting it to friends is for most of us vicarious action, our only sustained “action” on public matters. Thus, most of us are consumers of politics; and commentators and editorial writers are primarily processors and purveyors of political drama, creators of shared pseudo-action, turning off real action. Indeed, election-day excepted, commentators rarely, if ever, channel us to take specific actions. The Republic is bleeding to death and we stand by watching as though it were a spectator sport! The Observer, in the true tradition of the adversary press, will continue to question and challenge pivotal institutions, keep you accurately informed, and perhaps spur you to effective action. For a start we hope this complimentary issue will persuade you to join us by subscribing. If, after a few issues, you feel that The Observer has not been faithful to its promise; or if, for whatever reason, you find that The Observer does not suit your interests, the full amount of your remittance will be refunded, or merely tell us to cancel your bill. “Despite its shortcomings, The Texas Observer is needed in Texas. Texans would miss its publication….” TEXAS AFL-CIO NEWS, Nov. 15, 1965. “The conscience of the political community in Texas…” THE NEW REPUBLIC, Nov. 20, 1965. that state’s only notable liberal publication…” WASHINGTON POST, Nov. 25, 1968. The Observer “voices dissent to almost every power bloc or politician of consequence in the state, from far left to far right. … Time and again . . . The Observer has cracked stories ignored by the state’s big dailies, and has had the satisfaction of watching the papers follow its muckraking lead.” NEWSWEEK, March 7, 1966. “A respected journal of dissent.” . THE NEW YORK TIMES MAGAZINE, March 2, 1969. -THE TEXAS OBSERVER 4-504 West 24th Street Austin, Texas 78705 Enter a 1-year subscription, at $7.30 \(includstreet city state [ ] Check enclosed [ To be billed zip [ This is a gift subscription; send card signed as follows: L from