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Does Texas Need a Democrat In the U.S. Senate? Desperately. Too bad there’s not one running. In two-party states, excellent men are on the ballot as Democrats, standing for change and for progress. Duffey in Connecticut, Kennedy in Massachusetts ; Proxmire in Wisconsin, Muskie in Maine, Gore in Tennessee, Metzenbaum in Ohio and even Humphrey in Minnesota can make a crucial difference in the makeup of the United States Senate. But who needs Lloyd Bentsen? He talks like Agnew, thinks like Goldwater and would vote like Stennis and Eastland. And then there’s our fuddy-duddy governor, old Preston. He very nearly gave us a sales tax on groceries. He continues to appoint reactionaries to state and party posts. He doesn’t begin to understand the problems facing Texas and Texans in 1970. Just like Bentsen, Smith is a Democrat only because Texas is a one-party state. In any two-party state they both would be in the right wing of the GOP. Vote against Bentsen and Smith on November 3. Help build a two-party system in Texas for a sound and progressive Democratic Party in the future. “Sometimes party loyalty asks too much . . . J.F.K. -,-/\\1\( PM, zitauta. ox 178 -2, Au :presentative, Houstoif,… n Dave Shapiro ~“