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Harsh words for Dowdy Congressman John Dowdy of Athens is under indictment for bribery, but he took the offensive recently, alleging that some Viet Cong flags have been seen in Washington, D.C., classrooms and demanding of the D.C. school system a list of all its personnel who had ever attended Antioch College, a 118-year-old liberal arts college in Ohio. Evidently he suspects that Antioch is Ohio’s Karl Marx Institute. His charges brought down on him one of the bitterest condemnations to be found in the Congressional Record in recent years. Senator Young of Ohio began gently, complimenting Dowdy, in a way, as “a corporation lawyer.” Young said of Dowdy, “He is one of the foremost trial lawyers in Ohio employed by liability insurance companies and other corporations. ‘ This will come as news to most of Dowdy’s constituents. Then, Young zeroed in condemning Dowdy as “a witch hunter” and noting that Dowdy had obtained a delay in the trial on the bribery charges on grounds of a back injury, for which he entered a hospital. Young said that any man who feels he has been wrongfully accused invariably seeks a prompt trial by jury without any delay. Said Senator Young then about Congressman Dowdy, according to the Sept. 21, 1970, Congressional Record at pages S 16018-19: “Dowdy is a despicable fellow and I hold him in utmost contempt. His conduct following his arrest on these serious criminal charges is definitely that of a guilty criminal undeserving of respect of law abiding citizens. “Mr. President, I respect every Member of the House of Representatives except Dowdy. I am proud to have served in that body for eight years. Should the voters of his district re-elect him in November, and I cannot believe they will, I feel certain the House leadership would ask him to step aside instead of taking the oath of office.” The Washington Teachers Union filed suit in a D.C. court to blOck school officials from providing the names requested by Dowdy. The suit was dismissed by . U.S. Dist. Judge Oliver Gasch after Cong. John L. McMillan of South Carolina, head of the full House District of Columbia Committee, said Dowdy’s D.C. subcommittee no longer needed the information. Dowdy has been incommunicado in East Texas for some time. His doctors have shielded him from the press, insisting that the congressman is too ill to be interviewed. His trial was postponed so that he could have a back operation and now the word is that it will be a couple of months before he is ambulatory. of Rinche Capt. A. Y. Allee, La Casita may not have the same luck they had last time ’round in resisting unionization of field workers. UFWOC is asking consumers to boycott all Purex products including Purex Bleach, Brillo soap pads, Sweetheart soap, Trend, Doan’s Pills, Beads-O-Bleach, Dutch Cleanser, and Brion Enzyme Pre-Soak. Purex owns the California lettuce fields in which UFWOC has organized a strike. LBJ and U of H Blackie Sherrod, the Dallas Times Herald sports columnist, says that Lyndon Johnson is behind the present maneuver to get the University of Houston into the Southwest Conference. Sherrod’s grapevine allows as how Herman Brown of Brown & Root Construction got LBJ interested in the campaign. The Political Association of S p a ni sh-S peaking Organizations, attempting to revitalize itself as a significant voice within the state chicano community, devoted most of its time at a day-long convention in Corpus Christi last week to discussing the need for emphasizing chicano power at local levels in school board, city council, and county commissioners’ races. P . A .S .0. passed resolutions denouncing the war in Vietnam and its high cost to young chicano men. “Our war must be in the barrios and in the fields,” the resolution noted, “not in Vietnam.” They also condemned Gov. Preston Smith for his “insensitivity” to 10 The Texas Observer Mexican-Americans, endorsed the use of boycotts and strikes for social and economic gains, also endorsed chicano school boycotts, took a swipe at discrimination by local United Fund agencies, and denounced the Texas Democratic Party as “monolithic, monopolistic and unresponsive.” About 100 P.A.S.O. members attended. Despite efforts by State Rep. Carlos Truan of Corpus Christi, a Democrat, to keep references to individual candidates out of the resolutions, P.A.S.O. went on record in opposition to the re-election of the governor and Lloyd Bentsen, Jr., the Democratic nominee for the U.S. Senate. Truan did ward off an endorsement of Ed Yturri of Corpus Christi, the Republican candidate for attorney general. Smith endorsed The United Auto Workers Political Committee endorsed Gov. Preston Smith for re-election in November but did not endorse either candidate in the Senate race, G.O.P. candidate George Bush was well received, however, when he denounced “the power and the glory” of the Texas Democratic establishment. The Harris County grand jury that investigated the slaying of Carl Hampton \(Obs., incident on “this small but significant group of individuals who benefit from disorder, dissent, and despair for their repeated incidents.” The grand jury exonerated two Houston policemen and maintained that the first shot was not fired by police who were on top of a church but rather from the ground where Blacks were massed. Many Black Houstonians believe the incident was nothing less than a police ambush of local militants. At last report, the O.E.O. program in Marshall was still waiting for word from Washington, D.C., that it is to be refunded for the coming year. The agency’s refunding deadline was Sept. 30 and they had heard nothing by that date. The small C.A.P. program in Harrison-Panola counties has long been beset by woes. Their last and perhaps most bitter battle was last spring over their efforts to get an emergency food program started. One of the leaders of the opposition to that basic program was Jim Ammerman, chairman of the commissioners’ court, who is currently enmeshed in a splendid voting fraud director of the community action efforts in Marshall, said he will consider the emergency food program a success as long as they see no more death certificates such as that filed in Harrison County as Inquest No. 201. “Name of deceased: Roy Lee Thompson. Nature of Information: On May 10, 1970, at 11:40 a.m., I was called by Mr. McIntosh, a deputy sheriff, to .go with him out on the Harleton Road to the Lee Thompson home, the grandfather of the three-month-old child. The boy was found dead about 8 a.m. The mother of the boy said she put the baby in that bed about 8 a.m. and when she went back in a few minutes he was dead. She said the doctor had never seen the child. The child was born by the use of a midwife, or mother as they call her. The child’s mother said she had nothing to feed him for about 15 hours.”