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The Senate 32 33 34 35 36 37 WR W W W W R R R WW R R R RR R R WW W W R WWW WW W 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 R WW W.W..WWW W W W W R It W R R R W R R RR R R R R R WW W W W W W WW W W W 30 31 Aikin, Paris R W Bates, Edinburg R R Bernal, San Antonio R R Berry, San Antonio R R Blanchard, Lubbock Bridges, Corpus Christi R R W R R W W W R R Brooks, Houston R R W R R R R W R R Christie, El Paso R R W W R W W R RR Cole, Houston R R W W W W W W R WW Connally, Floresville W R WWWWW’-W WW W W WW R R R W R W WW R W W W WR R W W W R W W W 12 W 8-11I 1550 9-101 5-150 4-133 1-181 10-100 4-160 1910 1280 1730 1190 2-180 1645 1-190 . W W W W R R 12 W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W 12 R R W W W W R W R W W W W W W W W W W W W R R R W W W W W R R R R R 2000 W W W W W 4-160 R W W W W W 6-131 W W W W W W 2-180 W R W R W W 1280 W WW W WW W 2-180 28. Final passage of the tax bill. Passed, 77-59. R-No. 3-170 1541 2000 34-13 0-200 cigarette sales tax from 8c to 11 c per pack, raising from 7c to 9c the gas production tax, and adding a portion of a company’s out-of-Texas sales to the computation of 12 R W NV senators afterwards asked to be recorded in Creighton, Mineral Wells R WW WW WW WW Grover, Houston R R W W W W W R R Hall, Rockwall R R W W R W W R R Harrington, Port Arthur R R W R RR W W R Harris, Dallas R W W W W W W R W Hazlewood, Amarillo W W W W W W W R Herring, Austin R R W R R W R Hightower, Vernon R R w R W W W R Jordan, Houston R R R R R R R R R Kennard, Fort Worth R R W R R R W W R Mauzy, Dallas R R R R R R R R R McKool, Dallas R R R R R W W R R Moore, Bryan W W W R R W W W W Pa tman, Ganado R R W R R W R R R Ratliff, Stamford R W W W W W W Schwartz, Galveston R R R R R R R R R Snelson, Midland R W W W W W W R Strong, Longview R R W W R W W W R Watson, Waco R W W W W W W W Wilson, Lufkin R R W R R R W W R Word, Meridian R W W R W W W WW sand, gravel, and shell. Not tabled, 79-57. R-No. 26.Table the Williamson amendment that would increase the excise tax on liquor. Tabled, 70-64. R-No. 27.Engross the tax bill. Engrossed, 78-58. R-No. 16 The Texas Observer WW. W W W W W W W W 1-190 R RR R W R W W W R 1091 WWWWW W W W W W W 5-150 R RR 12 R R R W W W 1460 WW W W W W W W W W 2-180 SEPTEMBER 6, 1969 29. Adoption of the tax bill proposed by a House-Senate conference committee. Adopted, 106-34. R-No. Senate Votes AUGUST 21, 1969 38.Do not adopt the report of the House-Senate conference committee on taxation \(4c per pack increase in the cigarette sales tax, increase the franchise tax but do not include out-of-Texas sales as a factor, raise by 1% the gas production tax, raise the sales tax from 3% to 31/2%, 10% admission tax, and 10c charges on AUGUST 22, 1969 39.until Aug. 25 \(a move sought by those fighting adoption of a new conference committee report the one dropping the state sales tax to 2 1/2% but extending it to 40.Adopt Moore’s motion to take up the previous question \(the adoption of the conference committee report which by those supporting the conference report to end the filibuster. Motion defeated, 16-14. R-No. AUGUST 23, 1969 41.Adopt a second motion by Moore to take up the previous question. Adopted, 14-13. R-No. AUGUST 24, 1969 42.Adopt the conference committee report \(including the sales tax on AUGUST 13, 1969 30.Table the Moore amendment to increase the sales tax to 4%. Tabled, 27-3. RYes. 31.Table the Mauzy amendment to keep the sales tax at 3%. Not tabled, 21-10. R-No. 32.Table the Schwartz amendment to raise from 7% to 9% the tax on natural gas production. Tabled, 24-6. R-No. 33.Table the Schwartz amendment to raise to 8% the natural gas production tax. Not tabled, 17-12. R-No. 34.Adopt the Wilson amendment that would include a portion of a corporation’s out-of-Texas sales in computing a firm’s franchise tax. Adopted, 17-13. R-Yes. 35.Table the Jordan amendment that would establish a corporate profits tax and repeal the franchise tax. Tabled, 23-8. R-No. 36.Table the Schwartz amendment that would increase the oil production tax from 4.6% to 5%. Tabled, 25-6. R-No. 37.Adopt the Word amendment \(a complete substitute for the House tax bill, raising the sales tax by 14%, raising the SEPTEMBER 3, 1969 43.Table the Schwartz amendment to raise from 7 1/2% to 8% the gas production tax. Tabled, 21-9. R-No. 44.Table the Mauzy amendment that would keep the sales tax at 3%. Tabled, 18-12. R -No. 45.Table the Jordan amendment that would institute a corporation income tax. Tabled, 20-10. R-No. 46.Table the Hall amendment charging $1 admissions tax for ‘X’-rated motion pictures. Not tabled, 22-8. R-Yes. 47.Table the Harrington amendment relating to raising the tax on dredgers. Tabled, 23-7. R-No. SEPTEMBER 3, 1969 48.Final passage of the pending tax bill. Passed, 22-8. R-No. SEPTEMBER 6, 1969 49.Final passage of the House-Senate conference committee report. Passed, 24-5. R-No. G.O.