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Vote FO R AMENDMENT AUGUST 5 334 x 8″ Radiant Red and Black 4 for 504 15 for $1 War we. Q141.4 oo r classification center on a regional basis. Parole revocation policies should be studied with emphasis on rights of juveniles to due process. The report analyzes briefly some of the major legal dilemmas, and concludes that there is pressing need for substantive revision of the juvenile laws. The committee recommends that the Texas Legislative Council give priority to a recodification of these laws, and that an advisory body, including members of the Citizens Advis Austin The closing time for serving alcoholic beverages in the state’s five most populous counties will be moved back to 2 a.m. from the present 1 a.m. on Sunday and midnight other days. Drivers suspected of being drunk will now be required to submit to a breath test under a newly adopted doctrine of implied consent; that is, anyone who operates a vehicle in the state will be assumed to have given prior consent to such a test if a peace officer believes the driver may be drunk. A driver can refuse the test but then is liable to a year’s suspension of his driver’s license if other evidence is adduced that indicates he was driving drunk. Rep. Jim Clark, Dallas, who has closely followed the situation whereby vending machine companies gain holds on taverns, won passage of a bill that would require reporting of a vendor’s financial interest. Vendors can no longer own an interest in taverns but still can loan them money. This bill arose from last year’s scandals uncovered in the investigation of the State Liquor Control Board. Constitution Revising the State Constitution, in response to the report of a commission authorized by the House in 1967, got virtually nowhere this session. The only headway the revisers could make was to win submission this August of a proposed constitutional amendment which, if voters 10 The Texas Observer ory Committee, of the Family Law Section of the State Bar of Texas, and others desired by the Legislative Council, be formed to prepare this revision for the 62nd Legislature in 1971. A secondary function of the Senate Youth Affairs Committee was to review the drug and narcotics problem. Recommendations resulting from this study are general in nature and prescribe the need for in-depth study. They are reevaluation of the public schools’ policies on automatic approve, would remove obsolete provisions of the state’s basic governing document. Eight other amendments will be considered on Aug. 5 this year, and four more in November, 1970. The 1969 amendments under consideration will include raising the ceiling on welfare payments from $60 million to $80 million and authorizing sale of the first $3.5 million in state water plan bonds. The 1970 amendments under consideration will include approval of local-option liquor by the drink. Welfare Legislative liberals wanted the welfare amendment that voters will consider in August to eliminate the ceiling on payments altogether. Failing, mostly because of efforts in the House, to get that, liberals then proposed that a second vote on the question be authorized in November, 1970, in case the 1969 amendment is rejected. Sen. Joe Bernal, San Antonio, pushed this through the Senate but Rep. Frances Farenthold, Corpus Christi, despite assurances from the House leadership that the bill would get a run on the floor, couldn’t get the proposal before the House members. Texas welfare checks have been cut three times in recent months, and further cuts are in store if the August amendment fails, as did a similar proposal last November. Mrs. Farenthold and Dallas Rep. Jim Clark co-authored a resolution directing the State Department of Public Welfare to seek federal aid through the food stamp and commodities programs for all Texas expulsion of students using drugs, analysis of the current drug-education methods with particular emphasis on the successful peer-group pressure organization, and complete review of the current Texas drug abuse laws with a possibility toward providing elasticity in laws relating to punishment for possession. There are apparent discrepancies between the severity of penalties and the harmful effects of some durgs, the Senate committee concluded. M.C. counties, whether or not a county presently is participating in those programs. But the measure never came to the House floor. A federal report recently revealed that 99 of Texas’ 254 counties have no food programs at all for the poor, though Texas farmers in 1967 received $457 million in federal farming funds. In the session’s closing days the House passed a resolution proposed by Rep. Charles Jungmichel of LaGrange, memorializing Congress to continue the national farm subsidy program. What’s in a Name? Despite evidence of widespread student port for renaming Texas Technological University as Texas State University, the Legislature in the dying hours approved Texas Tech as the full name of the Lubbock institution. There is, in the Lubbock business community, and among a sizeable segment of the ex-student population, a sentimental attachment to the school’s double-T symbol. This latter view also is that, unanimously, of the Tech board of directors. Opponents of the inclusion of “Tech” or of “Technological” in the name of the school feel that it misrepresents the institution’s true nature, to the detriment of faculty recruiting and the amount of prestige attached to a diploma from the Lubbock university. Eighty per cent of Tech’s students today ATHENA MONTESSORI SCHOOL Leo Nitch, Director RED RIVER AT 41ST Opposite Hancock Center Phone 4544239 And Other Issues… Two New BUMPERSTRIPS NOW AVAILABLE 33/4 x 8″ Radiant 100 for $3 1,000 for $25 10,000 for $230 MIX THEM IF YOU WISH, but be sure and indicate bow many you wish of each strip. Tax and shipping charges included. Send check, money order, or cash with your name, address and zip code, to: FUTURA PRESS, INC., Box 3485, Austin, Texas 78704 AMENDMENT Vote AUGUST YES Chartreuse and Black