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4..1″kr,04 ,70.440.1144vir “W. spokesman told the committees that they still live within the southern tradition of a white ruling class and a minority group working class. “Mexican-Americans have tacitly accepted the position that Anglos would not take orders from MexicanAmerican and Negro supervisors,” Mrs. Young said. Bexar County Commissioner Albert Pena has declared war against ethnic commercials. His first attack was against Bell Telephone Company’s “Jello Pages” advertisements. He urged Mexican Americans to write letters criticizing the ad which makes fun of a oncecommon mispronunciation by Spanishspeaking persons with heavy accents. Pena said his next target will be the “sneaky Frito . Bandido” ads. g Seven Mexican-American parents of children in Edgewood Independent School District have filed a suit in U.S. district court to force “equal educational funds and facilities” for all students in the San Antonio metropolitan area. Named as defendants in the case are seven school districts and Atty. Gen. Crawford Martin. The suit alleges that virtually all students at Edgewood are of Mexican descent and that there has been “a pattern of discrimination against this class of citizens in the southwestern United States.” V Another round has opened in the con tinuing fight for dominance between the University of Texas and the Coordinating Board for Higher Education. The Coordinating Board proposed a new senior college for the Dallas-Fort Worth area \(Obs., Regents countered by suggesting a UT system in North Texas which would include the UT-Arlington campus, the Southwestern Medical School and the Southwestern Center for Advanced Studies.The center founded in 1961 with $20 million in contributions, is a non-profit research foundation: Dallas business leaders, hoping the state would assume financial responsibility for the foundation, offered it to the regents a few years ago. The regents turned down the proposal at that time, but now they want to adopt it and rename it the UT Center for Advanced Studies in Dallas. g. The University of Texas, Austin, will offer its first course in Negro history next spring. “The Negro in America” will be taught by Dr. Henry Allen Bullock, head of Texas Southern University’s sociology department. Bullock recently won a Bancroft Prize for his book, History of Negro Education in the South. V Houston has a new conservative school board member, Howard Moon, a salesman for American General Life Insurance Co., was elected to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of School Board President J. K. Butler. Liberal board members Asberry Butler and Mrs. Gertrude Barnstone abstained from voting. Butler is believed to have resigned because he, a conservative, had lost his leadership of the conservative majority on the board. Butler, who has been on the board since 1961, had long been considered THE power on the board, even during the years he did not serve as president. Robert Y. Eckels succeeded Butler as president of the board. V Texas is third after California and New York in the number of Vietnam war dead, Pentagon figures show. The state has suffered 505 battle deaths and 1,436 injuries so far this year. 10 The Texas Observer Did you EVER hear of an insurance company . . . which allows its CLAIMS to be ARBITRATED! We do! Specifically, Part Five of our Special Union Labor Disability policy states that .. . “In the event of a disagreement between the Insured and the Company on any question arising under the policy, the matter under dispute may, on the request of the Insured in writing to the Executive Offices of the Company be referred to a Board of Arbitration, said Board to consist of three persons, one to be selected by the Insured, one by the Company, and a third selected by these two. The award or decisions of the arbitrators, or a majority of them, if not unamlnous, shall be binding upon both the Company and the Insured.” This provision is in the policy that pays you $200 per month when you are disabled and unable, to work due to sickness or accident. Something else. Ours is one of the few Unionized insurance companies in the United States. Our employees are represented by Local 277 of the Office and Professional Employees International Union. And we’re proud of it! AMERION INCOME LIFE t irmtotemee A Executive Offices, P. 0. Box 208, Waco, Texas BERNARD RAPOPORT President