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The three non-students have “actively opliosli of Texas, as well as vocally and openly op; ica in its foreign affairs, thus engaging in ac versity of Texas.” from the U.T. Board of Regents’ tion requesting an injunction. rebuke had been forthcoming? Ransom learned of the planned meeting late that Friday afternoon. It is understood that he consulted with some persons, presumably others in his administration. He then decided, on his own, he says, to ban the Sunday meeting. The reasons for his action evidently are traceable in part to the appearance on campus, the week before, of Stokely Carmichael, the champion of Black Power, whose speech here was S.D.S.-sponsored. There was great concern about Carmichael’s safety, though evidently the worst plot that anyone heard of involved the plans of some non-students to hurl eggs at Carrnichael. It was said that several persons attended the speech, bearing eggs under cowboy hats, but there were no incidents. Carmichael showed up an hour and a half late as an overflow crowd of about 3,000 waited with varying degrees of patience. Most of his speech was a reading of a rather scholarly article on Black Power which Carmichael had written for a Massachusetts quarterly. S.D.S. flouted an order not to collect money by passing hats and tin cans through the crowd several times. Ransom is said to have come under heavy criticism from some legislators and from other persons across the state for permitting Carmichael to appear on the campus. The taste of that experience still in his mouth, Ransom, one week afterwards, Incorporating the State Observer and the East Texas Democrat, which in turn incorported the State Week and Austin ForumAdvocate. We will serve no group or party but will hew hard to the truth as we find it and the right as we see it. We are dedicated to the whole truth, to human values ‘above all interests, to the rights of man as the foundation of democracy; we will take orders from none but our own conscience, and never will we overlook or misrepresent the truth to serve the interests of the powerful or cater to the ignoble in the human spirit. Editor, Greg Olds. Partner, Mrs. R. D. Randolph. Editor-at-large, Ronnie Dugger. Business Manager, Sarah Payne. Associate Manager, C. R. Olofson. Staff Artist, Charles Erickson. Contributing Editors, Elroy Bode, Winston Bode, Bill Brammer, Larry Goodwyn, Harris Green, Dave Hickey, Franklin Jones, Lyman Jones, Larry L. King, Georgia Earnest Klipple. Al Melinger, Robert L. Montgomery, Willie Morris, James Presley, Charles Ramsdell, Roger Shattuck, Robert Sherrill, Dan Strewn, Tom Sutherland, Charles Alan Wright. Contributing Photographer, Russell Lee. The Observer publishes articles, essays, and creative work of the shorter forms having to do in various ways with this area. The pay depends; at present it is token. Unsolicited manuscripts must be accompanied by return postage. The editor has exclusive control over the editorial policies and contents of the Observer. faced the question of a campus rally to launch an anti-Vietnam demonstration by the same S.D.S. Late on Saturday afternoon, April 22, S.D.S. leaders learned that Ransom had issued a press release saying that the meeting “has been . . . disapproved” and that students were warned that, if they participated, they would be referred to a discipline committee. The need for “orderly administration of student activities” was mentioned by Ransom. Students later pointed out that no rule was cited by Ransom to support his ban. Sunday is a day when there are practically no campus security officers on duty. Ransom may have been worried about a counter-demonstration and the possibility of violence, though it is con-. ceivable that officers could have been assigned special duty for the meeting. Shortly before 6 p.m. on that Sunday more than a hundred students met across the street from the campus and deter None of the other people who are associated with the enterprise shares this responsibility with him. Writers are responsible for their own work, but not for anything they have not themselveswritten, and in publishing them the editor does not necessarily imply that he agrees with them, because this is a journal of free voices. Unsigned articles are the editor’s. Subscription Representatives: Arlington, George N. Green, 300 E. South College St., CR 70080; Austin, Mrs. Helen C. Spear, 2615 Pecos, HO 5-1805; Corpus Christi, Penny Dudley, 1224% Second St., TU4-1460; Dallas, Mrs. Cordye Hall, 5835 Ellsworth, TA 1-1205; Denton, Fred Lusk, Box 8134 NTS, 387-3119; Ft. Worth, Dolores Jacobsen, 3025 Greene Ave., WA 4-9655; Houston, Mrs. Shirley Jay, 10306 Cliffwood Dr., PA 3-8682; Lubbock, Doris Blaisdell, 2515 24th St., Midland, Eva Dennis, 4306 Douglas, OX 42825; Snyder, Enid Turner, 2210 30th St., HI 39497 or HI 3-6061; San Antonio, Mrs. Mae B. Tuggle, 531 Elmhurst, TA 6-3583; Cambridge, Mass., Victor Emanuel, Adams House C112. The Observer is published by Texas Observer Co., Ltd., biweekly from Austin, Texas. Entered as second-class matter April 26, 1937, at the Post Office at Austin, Texas, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Second class postage paid at Austin, Texas. Delivered postage prepaid $6.00 a year; two years. $11.00; three years, $15.00. Foreign rates on request. Single copies 25c; prices for ten or more for students, or bulk orders, on request. Editorial and Business Offices: The Texas Observer, 504 West 24th St.. Austin. Texas 78705. Telephone GR 7-0746. Change of Address: Please give old and new address and allow three weeks. mined to hold the rally in defiance ‘of , the proscription. Petitions , were ‘tieing, passed around, the signers deinanding that all whose names appeared be disciplined, if any were. Arriving on campus they were met by Edwin Price, co-ordinator of student activities, who read a’ . short, prepared statement to the group advising them that the meeting was dis.; approved and all students who partiCi pated would be subject to disciplinary action. Perhaps 350 persons were on hand for the meeting, which, S.D.S. leaders’ *t, would have attracted 50 participants were it not for Ransom’s news release. Of those there, 220 signed petitions claiming eqiial responsibility for the rally. After 45 min-. utes it broke up. Around the noon hour the next day; April 24, abOtit 50 denionstratorS, Most of them college-aged, greeted the Vice President, as he arrived at the Capitdl, with the chants of :”Hey, hey, whadaya Say, how many kids did you kill today?” Humphrey, as did Secy. of State Deal Rusk before him,’ earlier thiS year: \(ObS., While the .denionstratOrS were standing outside the Capitol *a 17-year-old youth walked up, grabbed one of the signs held by the group and threw it into their ranks. It hit Sandra Wilson, 22, of -Houston, an S.D.S. member, cutting her tinder an eye; she was taken to the university health center with blood running &N AT her face. The policemen standing along the front of the demonstrators’ .groUp at first made no move to arrest the boy who threw the sign. This angered George Vizard, who yelled something at the officers. Finally the sign thrower was arrested. He said he had done what he did because “that sort of stuff bugs me.” Miss Wilson talked to the boy later in the day and decided not ‘to press charges. Meanwhile, S.D.S. had lost its recognition as an approved campus organization, for holding the Sunday rally. THE NEXT DAY, about 9 a.m., Vizard was arrested at a campus soda fountain on a charge filed the afternoon before of abusive language in connection with yelling at the officers at the Capitol. Making the arrest were officers of the Dept. of Public Safety and the chief of the campus police. Vizard, on being shown the warrant, dropped to the floor. A couple of officers made as though to carry him outside. “Drag him,” one of the officers said. And Vizard, who had been carried out of the Capitol in February after trying to distribute leaflets on the THE TEXAS OBSERVER @Texas Observer Co., Ltd. 1967 A Journal of Free Voices A Window to the South 61st YEARESTABLISHED 1906 May 12, 1967