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Refreshing the Nation’s Economy What is the brewing industry worth to the American economy? Reckon it in billions. Here are some of our annual outlays, in round numbers: Packaging purchases $550 Million Salaries and wages $2.5 Billion ON THESE FOUR ITEMS ALONEMORE THAN $4 BILLION The Breweries of America Pump Constant Refreshment into the American Economic System. UNITED STATES BREWERS ASSOCIATION, INC. 905 International Life Bldg., Austin, Texas 78701 A BITTER ENCOUNTER called it for 3 p.m., by which time he evidently believed the funeral would be over. But, he says, the procession took longer than was expected. Newsmen who were to cover Carr’s conference arrived when the funeral was still in progress. Carr showed up after the rites, about 30 minutes later, he says, and found a “very hostile” group of newsmen. He says he read his statement, then “the roof came off,” when reporters started asking questions, which Carr characterizes as “terrible, hostile, and insulting.” “I would have settled a score with one man, if it hadn’t have been for the TV cameras,” Carr says with a grin. He adds that President Johnson had asked that Carr conduct a Texas court of inquiry because of world opinion. Carr explains that there were some who “even suggested there was a conspiracy between those of us who lived in Texas and federal authorities, particularly to close the mouth of the assassin.” V Carr says he is skeptical of the cur rent New Orleans investigation of the assassination. Connally has also voiced such doubts. In Washington Ramsey Clark, a Dallas native, has become the U.S. attorney general. His father, Tom Clark, a U.S. Supreme Court justice, will retire. Among names mentioned for the impending court vacancy are two other Texans, Fifth Circuit Court Judge Homer Thornberry, .Austin, and attorney Leon Jaworski, Houston, who are both close to the President. V Cong. Bob Eckhardt was puzzling just how his meaning may have got lost in .the quote, describing C.I.A. funding of students abroad, as “subsidizing nice Americans to go overseas and show the rest of the world what nice people we are.” This, he says, is “almost exactly opposite” what he has in his mind on the subject. He does regard the C.I.A. controversy as “a tempest in a teapot,” but his point has been, he said, that the only way the C.I.A. could get a cross-section of students of different views into the student action abroad was not to let anyone know it was founding them, because if it became known, then only the “nice people,” a phrase he means somewhat deprecatingly, ‘would have been representing us abroad. V Most of the “hate letters” received on Capitol Hill come from California percentages: the Deep South, 19%; Texas, 11%; and the East Coast 4%. The fewest poison pen letters come from the West Coast excluding California, the East Coast, and New England. V Three Texas Congressmen voted against . refusing Cong. Adam Clayton Powell his seat. They were Bob Eckhardt of Houston, Henry B. Gonzalez of San Antonio, and Jack Brooks of Beaumont. Of the 20 other members of the state delegation, all were present and voted to bar Powell. At least two Texans, Joe Pool and Earle Cabell, both of Dallas, attended a Southern caucus in which strategy was plotted in the matter. New York City President Johnson told Sen. Robert F. Kennedy of New York that his and others’ dissents concerning the Vietnam war have been prolonging it and that if they persisted ib these dissents, “The blood of American boys will be on your hands.” Johnson told Kennedy he might say this openly. Kennedy replied to the President that he did not have to listen to this “from you.” This happened, the Observer Can report reliably, when Johnson and Kennedy had what can now be known as their bitter encounter in the White House on Feb. 6 after Kennedy’s return from Europe on Feb. 4. Newsweek magazine had reported that the senator was returning with a significant “peace feeler.” On Monday morning, Feb. 6, Kennedy called Marvin Watson, said the reporters were pressing him for comment, and asked if Johnson wanted to see him. Watson, who is’ in charge of the President’s appointments, wanted to know of Kennedy whether he was formally requesting an appointment with Johnson. When Kennedy’s conversation with Watson came to an end, no appointment had been agreed upon. Later the same day, Nicholas Katzenbach, Kennedy’s former deputy in the Justice Dept. who is now a State Dept. official, telephoned Kennedy and told him Johnson wanted the senator to report to him, Katzenbach. Kennedy , regarded this as an attempt to humiliate him by having him report to his former deputy. Kennedy and Katzenbach talked a while and then, about 5 p.m., went to the White House together. They, along with Walt Rostow, the President’s foreign policy adviser, then saw Johnson. Johnson mostly lectured Kennedy. He accused Kennedy of having leaked the peace feeler story to Newsweek and of interfering with negotiations. He told Kennedy that he is not the President or March 17, 1967 9