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Since 1886 The Place in Austin GOOD FOOD GOOD BEER 1607 San Jadnto OR 7-4171 size the statement of a store owner. And the story was taken off of page one and given a less prominent spot inside the paper. Hobby told Newsweek that “I’m sensitive to the point [of picketing] because of civil rights demonstrations.” A top reporter quit after part of a series he wrote about truth-in-packaging was rewritten, evidently because some advertisers had complained. A cartoonist was fired because Mrs. Hobby thought him disrespectful of LBJ and too concerned about racial disputes. Finally, last month, Woestendiek was fired. Mrs. Hobby’s son is running the Post now. The prominent developers of a new downtown Dallas skyscraper have offered to pay $600,000 of $753,000 for repairs to a collapsed portion of Elm Street. Excavation for the structure occurred near the cave-in, but the developers have not conceded that this was its cause. goor The wishes of the Cotton Belt Rail road to move personnel out of Tyler have become an issue in the city elections there. The railroad signed an agreement in the 1880’s to keep its offices and shops in Tyler “in perpetuity.” The city gave the company, in exchange, acreage for rights-of-way, plus some other concessions. Some of the city councilmen are reported to have decided that a compromise with the railroad is in order. Don’t worry if liquor by the drink isn’t passed by the legislature, visiting Republican emissaries, selecting a site for their 1968 convention, were assured in Houston. Delegates would be admitted to more than 300 private clubs where “we serve liquor in more ways than they do in wet states,” a proud Texan bragged. vir At Mathis, Fred Pfeifer, the city secre tary who was hired when MexicanAmericans took power, has filed as a candidate in the school board election. He will run with David Trevino against two Anglo incumbents. Colorful San Antone i s San Antonio city election campaign ing is off to an exciting start. Some thing like 25 candidates had filed at last report. One of them is Tom Cahill, 30, who hopes to unseat Mayor W. W. Mc Allister. Cahill, last month, undertook a 8 The Texas Observer combination fast and one-man La Marcha, from San Antonio to Austin, in support of the striking Valley farm workers. On March 1 he began conducting his campaign for mayor from the San Antonio jail. That was after he smashed two $1,500 closed-circuit TV cameras at a manufacturing plant. One of the cameras, Cahill explained, was focused on a rest room door. A company spokesman denies this. The sensitive nature of the relation ship between HemisFair officials and U.S. Sen. Ralph Yarborough has been aggravated with the return of Jim Gaines as head of the fair’s staff. Gaines and Yarborough had been at odds during consideration of a federal appropriation for the fair. Gaines made some scathing public statements about Yarborough and resigned last fall “in the interest of federal federal money voted, Gaines is back with the fair. 1, There is, however, a movement afoot to name four Yarborough supporters to the fair’s executive committee. The papers of former Cong. Martin Dies that reflect his work as the first chairman of the House un-American Activities Committee will be given Texas A&M. 11,0 A&M is the state’s first college to hire a lobbyist to secure federal grants. Cliff Carter, formerly head of the Democratic National Committee, will represent the university in Washington. Las Dos Huelgas The National Labor Relations Board has taken a hand in two strikes involving Mexican-American workers in Lubbock and Rio Grande City. vo At Lubbock workers have maintained their strike for six months, after spending the previous ten months trying to get the Lubbock Co-op Compress to recognize their local of the United Packing House, Food and Allied Workers \( AFLwas held in January at which representatives of the strikers charged that the company is refusing to bargain in good faith with the union. Particularly at issue is seniority; Mexican-Americans charge that preference is given Anglos in hiring, laying off, and promotion. In Rio Grande City the N.L.R.B. ruled that an election should be held among workers at a packing shed owned by Starr Produce Co., a shipper of Starr County fruits and vegetables, to determine whe CLASSIFIED BOOKPLATES FREE CATALOGUEMany beautiful designs. Special designing too. Address BOOKPLATES, Yellow Springs 24, Ohio. “Forgive My Grief”The book on the strange deaths after Dallas. Available from The Midlothian Mirror for $3. Address: The Midlothian Mirror, Midlothian, Texas 76065, “The Idler.” Send $1 fo’r four sample back issues of lively, liberal monthly. 413 6th St. NE, Washington, D.C. 20002. NEEDED Baby . Sitters. Write for information. Austin Sitter Service, 4601 Highland Terrace, Austin. ther most of the workers want a union. A date for the election has not been decided. In the meantime there is dispute about the success of the boycott of La Casita produce that is being organized by supporters of the Starr strikers. Ray Rochester, La Casita general manager, says that business has picked up since the boycott was announced. This is denied by the strikers, who say it is too early to tell yet whether the boycott will work. Leaflets may be passed out later at stores that persist in selling La Casita goods. fro Another caravan, collecting money and supplies for the Starr strikers, is planned on the Easter weekend, from Austin to Rio Grande City. There is some activity similar to that in Texas and California among migrant farm workers in Florida, the New York Times reports. Texas is playing a leading role in a suit attacking a feature of the new federal minimum wage law, which went into effect last month. At issue is the provision that employees of state and local hospitals, schools, and governments are to be included in the wages and hour measure. Gov . Connally says he’ll urge the Governor’s Conference to support a suit opposing the provision. Atty. Gen. Crawford Martin has been a leader in generating opposition. Nearly 30 states are taking part in the case, which will be heard later this month in Baltimore. Texas has two Mexican-Americans and no Negroes among its 902 highway patrolmen, State Dept. of Public Safety director Homer Garrison has testified before a legislative committee. “You bring us some good boys and we’ll take them,” he told Rep. Raul Longoria, Edinburg. More Manchester p Senator Yarborough has found him self in agreement with Gov. John Connally and former Atty. Gen. Waggoner Carr on one matter, at least: William Manchester’s book contains inaccuracies. Yarborough says it is a “fairy story” that President Kennedy came to Texas unwillingly and just to patch up a quarrel, as Manchester states. “No intelligent politician would spend two days traveling around just hoping sometime in those days the [quarrelling] men would speak to each other. He was preparing for the 1964 presidential campaign,” Yarborough said of Kennedy. Connally had said roughly the same thing earlier. Carr denies Manchester’s assertion that investigation of the murder was to be conducted only by Texas and that President Johnson and Carr were dissuaded from such a course only by the vehement protests of then-Atty. Gen. Nicholas Katzenbach. Carr did plan a Texas inquiry, he recalls, but it was to dovetail with the federal investigation. As it developed, the Texas investigation was never held. Carr has explained about the Wash ington press conference that he con dutted on the afternoon that President Kennedy was buried. He says that he