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OAK CLIFF “My good friend, Rep. Joe Pool. of Dallas, sponsored in the House the bill requiring certain organizations which engage in activities’ designed to hinder, harrass and interfere with the operation of our public schools to report information to the county clerk on their affairs. This is a bill ‘designed to ferret out t the sneak agitators are ‘mostue’zto rovoke trouble. This is House Speaker Waggoner Carr’s assessment of the “:et the NAACP” bill orrari_ t “The legislature also enacted a lobbyist control measure, designed to bring into the light the small percentage of lobbyists who operate ‘secretly, unscrupulously and unethically.” Carr said Texas “faces a future far exceeding the wildest dreams of our forefathers. The challenge Carr Endorses Pool Bill who came to he hat on stage ar bun re _…suvE ,B. r ‘Put into words, w h ep-a Onsvr-. 4.1 Le.x.: TEXAS f they alreadY Dec. 131957 o Vovernber 1, 1951 Page …alas ogsSIViTEr. “A fella back bent said tot Courts p ublic $chool integration d e cision s. balding , a now on the Supreme Court \\ Griffin, a middle-size couldn’ even be depended onItnan with a wide. Warm grin rne that the talent we got D t to try a case of chicken steal-: a resemblance to the Martin le. rrn gonna have to des -‘ of some years ago, flew into lio agree with him just a little tons International Airport bit: I think that’s just the 1, fro Tuesday afternoon, en route croimd to try a little case of\\ from a hunting trip gia ort, in Wyo G eor is chicken stealiii .” \\ with e.evcral Geor stat “The Republicans and the , pl9Yees. .M. the airp Dernocrats -the l eaders , of both parties–are vyle to stick a knife itt the back of allures cross.” – \\ prohibited by Georgia’s the oUth right where our ,___ “I’m not a moderate–but I \\ Von from serving an ot S ant hopeful. Mydefinition of natorial terhaveld re a moderate is a fella that lead a \\\\ might soon sorn says, `o, yes, were gonna \\ cal fish to lry. Ile sa lose the war, but le it be I be willing to le slowly.” \\ states’ rights third p Even before he reached these , led in 19413_by Sen by-the’ climaxes in his speech. means of South last Tuesday night at Houston’s means the salvatio Music gall, govern ner at was clear that Martry and the right tution.” since Herman Talmadge left that Griffin left th vin Griffi or of Georgia office in 1955, had come to rasp din the the file ot his purposes sharp between 0 and itivities of the 2,100 Texas legislat SOLONS HEAR GRIFFIN ‘HOUSTON , frayed b y the Supreme Jens Council of America in Texas, age 5 Speaker acro ss the &ens Ly man ion n a off’ cials w a ggoner t arge Martin Dies dur ing the Music Speaker Waggoner Carr follo s w Georgia Gov. Marvin Griffin onto the iuditorium stage in Houston from which Griffin addressed a Citizens’ Council crowd, nc. -the organization which Griffin to I-I.ouston. The ether et er and e were i t’ enses there. A picture taken during the meeting showed Gov. Marvin Griffin Waving, a Confederate flag in the background, and Carr ad1 11 1 57 ng behi vancind Griffin, smiling slight TEXAS . OBSERVER May 2, 1962. Carr -Zogabled arr attended a meetin ton s of Hous vvRite aid his e:c n Council, which Arthur M. Schlesinger quotes JOHN F. KENNEDY: “SOMETIMES PARTY LOYALTY ASKS TOO MUCH’!… He spoke gloomily about the Massachussetts Democratic Party: “Nothing can be done until it is beaten . beaten. Then there will be a chance for rebuilding.” .. badly Free copies of this ad available upon request. Also free upon request, our bumper ,sticker \(This Car NOT for Carr/”SOME