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also showed Texans thinking a lot about inflation and the cost of living. V Tower criticized McNamara for cutting back military construction requests by $1.5 billion. He continues to stress inflation, arguing that a tax hike is a silly way to curb inflation; a tax hike would help, Tower said, only if the revenue was spent on paying off the federal debt. V Tower’s family will move back to Wichita Falls, and his children will enroll in schools there this September, the Dallas Times Herald reported. V It was Tower who sponsored, and was successful with, the foreign aid bill amendment cutting off U.S. funds to Indonesia after Sukarno’s consistent badmouthing of Uncle Sam. The New York Times’ illuminating series on the Central Intelligency Agency revealed this month that the administration had endured Sukarno’s insults because aid missions there were cover for large-scale CIA operations, and that those operations had to be curtailed when the American money was withdrawn. V Waggoner Carr for the Senate bill boards are sprouting out, bearing the message that Texas needs leadership, “not just a vote.” V David Hearne of the Long News’ Ser vice reports it “definitely known” that activists will field an independent candidate, a Negro, for the U.S. Senate, and that the group expects to have to fight Texas election law limitations on independent candidates; Hearne said the activists believe that such a candidate would hurt Carr’s chances. V In Washington, Sen. Ralph Yarborough said federal car safety standards are needed and pointed to his support of tire quality legislation. In Texas; Gov. John Connally said that the automakers could do it better if left alone. . . . The death of Michigan Sen. Pat McNamara moved Yarborough a seniority step higher on the labor and public welfare committee, making him third-ranking Democrat. .. . Dedicating a new REA power plant at Victoria, Yarborough said the Bureau of the Budget has joined private sources in threatening co-op power. The Bureau has recommended a cut from last year’s $365 million to $220 million for ILEA, despite an expected loan application backlog of $362 million by the end of this year; the House restored the cut. V Yarborough has introduced amend ments to add on-the-job, on-the-farm, and flight training to the Cold War GI Act and to increase the rates of assistance to match those for Korean veterans. V Yarborough said the North Texas floods should mean a re-evaluation of flood control and disaster coordination in the state, and then plonked the state administration for reluctance to seek aid from the Office of Emergency Planning. V Yarborough and Tower stood together to vote against an amendment by Sen. Jacob Javits, R-N.Y., appropriating $20 million for rent supplements, but Tower voted for, and Yarborough against, eliminating $12 million for the program. The $12 million sum was approved by one vote. Cong. 0. C. Fisher of San Angelo said that “arm-twisting” and Yarborough’s vote saved “socialized rentals” which would allow the poor to move into middle-class neighborhoods. . . . A federal housing official in San Antonio, Phillip N. Brownstein, told mortgage bankers that builders in Texas have expressed interest in constructing 6,000 living units in 29 locations for rental under the supplements program. V Sen. Ralph Yarborough was among the 38 senators who voted against, staving off by seven votes, the Dirksen amendment to change the Constitution so that the Supreme Court’s one-man, one vote ruling wouldn’t apply to the state senates. Sen. Tower voted with the ma jority of 55. . . . Texas House members split, ten for, nine against, on rent supple ments. The ten voting for the President’s new program were Beckworth, Brooks, Casey, de la Garza, Gonzalez, Mahon, Pat man, Pickle, Thompson, and Young; the nine against, Cabe11, Fisher, Poage, Pool, Purcell, Roberts, Rogers, Teague, and White. Since the program was saved by a vote of 198-190, the Texans who voted for it can be said to have made the difference. Dallas and de Gaulle After checking with the State Depart ment, Dallas merchant Stanley Marcus said he would go ahead with the two-week French Fortnight at Neiman-Marcus next October. He said cancelling the event would put 5,000 to 6,000 out of jobs and might worsen relations between the ‘United States and France. Dallasites critical of de Gaulle’s NATO pull-out had protested to the store. V Cong. Henry Gonzalez, in the House, repeated charges that San Antonio newspapers print racially classified helpwanted ads, pooh-poohing a denial from the San Antonio Express-News advertising director by pointing out that the newspaper executive had admitted running 18 such ads in a single issue. \(The Austin American-Statesman runs property ads appealV Unhappy about Supreme Court invali dation of the Arizona loyalty oath, Cong .: Earle Cabell, Dallas, introduced a resolution requiring a two-thirds vote of the Supreme Court before federal or state laws could be declared unconstitutional, and the Dallas Times Herald called the idea “logical . . . a cogent answer.” V Cong. Kilka de la Garza, Mission, said his Latin surname was an asset when he accompanied the President to Mexico last month. Discussing a border problem with a Mexican official, he was told, “Thank you for being so enthusiastic about helping our neighbors to the north.” He said, “But I am one of your neighbors to the north.” Water, Water, Where? 1/ A source in the water development board office has advised the Observer that operations there are on a day-to-day basis, despite existence of two files marked “1990” and “2020,” target dates for the statewide water plan which was reserved for post-election reading. In Washington, members of the board showed the plan to Texas Democrats in Congress at a lunch eon, and, since Tower doesn’t attend that group’s functions, gave him a look at it in his office. Tower said he liked the plan, but did not comment specifically on what it said. Flak had come earlier from Cong. Wright Patman, who said he was unhappy about the plan’s provisions for moving Red River water south to Dallas-Fort Worth; Patman had said East Texas water belongs in East Texas. At the luncheon, however, Patman led the hosannas, saying, “It is certainly a tribute to Gov. Connally” and “a broad, imaginative program of fantastic scope.” Cong. George Mahon of Lubbock was worried about the High Plains; the plan reportedly acknowledges that the West Texas water shortage cannot be solved without bringing in out-ofstate water. V The President handed back to the Bud get Bureau and the Corps of Engineers the complaint from Fort Worth Cong. Jim Wright and 15 others over the bureau’s hostility to the Trinity River canalization project, ignoring the lawmakers’ request for a meeting with him. Millionaire Fort Worth publisher-oilman Amon Carter Jr. headed a 16-man delegation to ‘Washington to seek restoration of funds for the project. The backers reported a warm reception from the House subcommittee that has say on the project. They told the lawmakers that only a $200,000 feasibility study, one of the smallest items in Johnson’s budget, held up the canal and $60 million in ‘highway building which would hinge on the final decision. V Cong. Bob Casey of Houston is upset because the House Appropriations Committee cut out the $19.7 million the administration sought for Project Mohole, the Brown and Root corporation’s journey to the center of the earth. He said he would try to see the funds restored, because he believes postponement now would kill the research project. V Looking ahead to the 60th legislature, the Texas ‘Research League is readying a report on needed state help for local law enforcement. . . . Public Safety Director Homer Garrison Jr. said in Houston he wants a crime control center in Austin. . . . James Saxon, U.S. comptroller of the currency, said in Houston Texas needs to lift its prohibitions on branch banking so that the state’s big cities, such as Houston and Dallas, can have stronger single banks or, he said, “. . . mergers will be limited to a few downtown banks.” V Dr. Jack K. Williams, the new Texas higher education czar, was to arrive in Austin this month, with his family, to select the “official residence” which will be provided in addition to his salary by “priv ate sources.” William’s said that he didn’t know who would be paying for the house and the $17,500 salary supplement. In an interview with the Houston Post’s Donnie Moore, Williams revealed a little of his theory of education. On tuition-free state education: “. . . Often, what’s totally free is not appreciated by the person who re ceives it without sacrifice and effort.” On federal aid: “I see no hope in the immedi ate future to do without federal aid.” And May 13, 1966