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canos, was much in evidence. Then it was learned Fuentes had quit as PASO chairman. Fuentes had been feuding with the San Antonio PASO chapter headed by Cty. Cmsr. Albert Pena. It is the Observer’s understanding that Pena, once Fuentes’ mentor, would not turn over the records of the large San Antonio chapter to Fuentes. There was some dissatisfaction among the hundred or so delegates to the Dallas meeting that they had had to troop to Dallas, far north of the concentrations of mexicanos San Antonio and southward. Word of Fuentes’ resignation also spread within PASO in advance. Resigning, Fuentes said is was costing him too much time and money to be PASO’s president. The delegates replaced him with Roy Elizondo, a militant Houston liberal who outlined, in his acceptance speech, a liberal legislative and political program .for his organization. PASO heard Woods, Hollowell, and other candidates and endorsed the Woods-Hollowell team \(only two delegates dissenting as to Hollowell, because of his segregation railroad commissioner. They did not endorse anyone for senator; they will meet again in July. Woods, in his speech, said he is for the use of massive state and federal funds in the war on poverty; for a state minimum wage law; and for an industrial safety law. Hollowell told PASO he is for the enforcement of the law on desegregation. Haring said his opponent, Cmsr. Byron Tunnell, should open his income tax records to public inspection. Sadler and Fay The Republicans have apparently de cided that they will try, not exclusively for Tower’s re-election on the statewide level, but also for the election of Albert Fay, their national committeeman from Houston, for land commissioner. Both labor’s COPE and PASO gave Fay reason to hope that at their post-primary conferences, they may endorse him. Apparently incumbent Jerry Sadler isn’t trying to forestall this; he attended neither of those two group’s candidate-gauging sessions. Fay is slamming at Sadler’s policy of not letting reporters see certain records and is disagreeing with Sadler’s opposition to a new national park at the Guadalupe Mountains if the federal government insists on its customary policy thatmineral rights be ceded to the federal government along with the land involved. Sadler and Cong. Joe Pool of Texas told a Washington hearing they’d rather it be just a recreation area if the mineral rights had to be given up to get the much better-maintained park. Sadler says the Texas school children’s interests in minerals under the state’s 45,000 lands have to be protected. Texaco, Inc., also has many thousands of acres involved, and they want the right to continue to explore on much of them in the proposed park. Sen. Yarborough’s bill would cede mineral rights to the U.S., but `He’s Obligated’ Speaking to the Young Lions Club of Del Mar College, Rep. Travis Peeler of Corpus Christi said re-districting will reduce independence among lawmakers because it takes so much money to get elected in big cities. “For example,” he said, “it probably costs between $25,000 and $40,000 to get elected in Harris C_ounty.” Campaign contributions, he said, sometimes are indirect lobbying. “When a candidate accepts money, he is obligated whether he realizes it or not,” Peeler was quoted by the Corpus Christi Caller-Times. Professional lobbyists are more subtle than amateur ones, he said. “An unskilled lobbyist might try to make outright bribes, although they are decreasing.” 0 bills by Pool and Cong. Richard White, El Paso, would not. v The Byron Tunnell-Paul Haring con test for railroad commissioner continues, but far below the general public’s level of attention. Haring said in Houston Tunnell shouldn’t get a vote there, since he’d voted against what Haring said was fair representation for the county in the legislature. Tunnell is alluding to his appointment to the commission by Connally. Tunnell spoke at the Petroleum Appreciation Day Banquet in Midland. At an Austin press conference Haring said a subsidiary of Standard Oil Co. had ordered its employees to put Tunnell stickers on their cars and that a trucking industry representative, Jack Bryan, is lining up local managers for Tunnell. Haring charged Tunnell is the only candidate with a full-time lobbyist as his campaign managerBob Bullock of Austin, who lobbied when Tunnell was Speaker. Dugger Withdraws Ronnie Dugger, editor of the Observer who on Feb. 7 filed an intention to run for the U.S. Senate as an independent, said he’d concluded it’s likelier he’ll do more good as a writer than a politician, won’t run, and is going back to his work. His statement is in Observations this issue. Bo Byers and Stewart Davis of the Houston Chronicle believed this would help Sen. John Tower’s chances in that liberal votes that would have been denied MARTIN ELFANT Sun Life of Canada 1001 Century Building Houston, Texas CA 4-0686 WW01″/WWWIFIIWft Tower now will go to him. But their construction was contrary to the general one, that Dugger’s withdrawal would help Atty. Gen. Waggoner Carr, as William Gardner said in the Houston Post. Gardner also said chances of liberals Stanley Woods and Franklin Spears probably will be helped since liberals now won’t be tempted to stay out of the primaries to qualify to sign the petitions for Dugger. Garth Jones of AP, in a story speculating that if Sen. Ralph Yarborough’s forces win the party conventions this year, this might result in state party leadership favorable to Robert Kennedy for -president in 1968, also said that Connally’s supporters are saying the liberals have no candidate for the Senate because Yarborough prefers a GOP colleague. In his Austin Report Stuart Long said Dugger was fairly sure to have polled 200,000 votes, and “You can get any kind of answer as to’ which Dugger’s candidacy, or non-candidacy, would hurt or help.” V Atty. Gen. Waggoner Carr, addressing the State Democratic Executive Cmte., took the offensive on the question of big money in the Senate race. Carr said he expects that Sen. John Tower will have $1 million to $1.5 million for his campaign, some of it from “out of state” Republican sources. Carr and state Democratic chairman Will Davis called for an allout party effort against Tower, and the S.D.E.C. resolved that all Democrats should “actively and aggressively” support all party nominees in November, with a “special obligation” to replace Tower. Carr said Tower’s re-election would be “a personal defeat for President Johnson in his home state.” frO In Lubbock, Carr t o 1 d West Texas judges and commissioners, “Criticism, the right to dissent, is a basic right guaranteed to very American. However, people who raise their voices in criticism of our nation’s policies, particularly in the field of foreign relations, often do so with little or no foundation of fact.” V In Washington Carr visited the of fices of Tower, who was out \(Carr chatted with Ken Towery, Tower’s aide, borough, with whom, in the presence of office employees, Carr exchanged greet April 1, 1966 11 EUR OPE An unregimented trip stressing individual freedom. Low cost yet covers all the usual plus places other tours miss. Unless the standard tour is a “must” for you, discover this unique tour before you go to Europe. EUROPE SUMMER TOURS 255 Sequoia, Dept. JPasadena, California Texas Society to Abolish Capital Punishment P.O. Box 5134, Austin, Texas 78712 memberships, $2 up