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1 Guest Editorial Continuing to comment on developments in college legislation in Texas, Editor H. M. Baggarly writes in the Tulia Herald: One of the most repulsive aspects of Governor Connally’s proposal to tighten his grip on higher education in Texas is that the bill specifically states, “No member of the 18-member board [to be appointed by the governor to oversee all state-supported institutions of higher education] shall be employed professionally for renumeration in the field of education during his term of office.” This means that no professor, dean, or college administrator can .be a member of the board. Present governing boards of Texas colleges and universities and junior colleges will retain only those powers “not specifically delegated” to the coordinating board, so that the board “shall represent the highest authority in the state in matters of public higher education.” Each governing board of the local school shall submit to this Super Board immediately following the effective date of the act, and thereafter once each year, a comprehensive list by department, division, and school of all courses, together with a description of content, scope, and prerequisites of all such courses, that will be offered by each institution under the supervision of said governing board during the following academic year. The Super Board may order the deletion or consolidation of any courses so submitted after giving due notice with reasons therefor and after providing a hearing if one is requested by the governing board involved. Shades of Adolf Hitler ! Giving this Super Board the power of life and death over any course a college proposes to offer is unbelievable! But even worse is the proposal to eliminate educators from the board. A Super Board member can be the president of Southwestern 16 The Texas Observer Public Service, the president of Texas Natural Gas Company, of Southwestern Life Insurance Company, a rancher such as J. Evetts Haley, but he can’t be an educator We would be the last to suggest that the board be confined to educators. Any board should represent a cross-section of our people so that each could be a “specialist” in his particular area. A board Should be composed of a big business man who understands the part business plays in the operation of an educational system, other segments of the economy should be represented, but above all, someone who understands about education! Because a man knows how to run an oil company doesn’t mean that he is an authority on what courses should be taught in a school. Would we consider not having a dentist on the dental board? Or a doctor on the medical board? More and more, public higher education in Texas and elsewhere is taking on organizational structures and promotional techniques more akin to big business than to structures designed to give freedom to a community of scholars whose common purpose is to seek the truth and teach it. It is no accident that of the 25 prominent Texans appointed to Governor Connally’s Committee on Education Beyond the High School, which recommended the new policies on higher education, fifteen . . . a majority . . . were high-powered business officials. At one time, American college trustees were almost all clergymen. Now they are almost all businessmen. H. M. BAGGARLY On a Liberal Organization Let me be the first to say amen to your suggestion that it is now time for liberals to form an organization of liberals \(ObserWe have only to look back a very short time to see the need for such an organization ; however, in any new endeavor, we should heed lessons learned in the past. To recap very briefly, DOT \(the Demochinations of a bloc within it. The Democratic Coalition was, basically, an effort to revive a liberal organization. While the coalition concept is valid, the Coalition as an organization was foredoomed to failure for several reasonsnot the least of which was the unrealistic approach, mechanically. Mechanically and structurally it was completely inadequate and unworkable. In my opinion we must have a formal organization that people can work within, coalesce around, and identify with. Anything less will fail. Also, we must try to organize so that the organization itself will not be wrecked by the actions of any specific segment or bloc within it. While I represent organized labor, I am first and foremost a liberal and believe our cause is best served by_liberalism itself. I sincerely hope there is enough interest in this to start gearing up. Nate Slough, secretary-treasurer, Texas State Industrial Union Council, 308 W. 11th, Austin, Tex. The ‘Brain Drain’ from Texas I continue to enjoy reading the Observer. In the April 2 issue I was particularly interested in John Lawrence’s “The Flight from Texas in the Fall.” In general I certainly agree that the “brain drain” from Texas is tragic. As you may know, the colleges themselves are beginning to get quite restive. Of course, administrations see the problem most obviously in terms of salaries, but I think there is getting to be more than a faint recognition that other things are involved, too. Our own college, Trinity University, has academic freedom, I believe ; when Paul Baker came here he gave the play, “Oh, Dad, Poor Dad,” and that was about as severe a test for a denominational college as you can get, and I haven’t heard even the rumor of a rumble. I wonder if one reason that Mr. Lawrence found his search for a position here in Texas a discouraging one was not that many schools here make an effort to gain variety in their departments by hiring people from other states. . . . Thomas F. Gossett, San Antonio. Texas May Become Another Virginia I have just read your editorial [“Stand Aside for Politics” Obs. April 16] and could not agree with you more. If Connally is not defeated in his try for a third term. in 1966, Texas may become another Virginia, controlled by a ruthless machine. It seems unlikely that our Bourbon governor can be clefeited, but if a liberal ran a good race against him in 1966, Senator Yarborough would have a better chance in 1970. .. . As for the four-year term amendment, I think .the people of Texas, naturally suspicious of their state officials \(and with Even the conservatives seem to be against it. The “fat cats” may get a shock on seeing the results. I read the Observer every issue, often even twice to make sure I miss nothing. Without your reporting, what goes on in Austin would be a mystery, because the regular newspapers never provide complete coverage. Gary Sanders, Box 5150, Stephen F. Austin State College, Nacogdoches, Tex. Governor for Life Why not start calling the man “Papa Doc Connally.” He deserves to be elected governor for life, this true savior of our state.Abbie Lipschutz, 4418 Lemac, Houston, Tex. An Era Will Be Closed The article by Elroy Bode describes Mrs. Marburger and my Anchor Ranch exactly. I am over 85 and she 83. We are still going strong. When we are gone, an era will be closed, for we are a few of the last. Max Marburger, Route 2, Flatonia, Tex.