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Democrats and two-thirds of the Republicans in the Senate voted to ratify the test ban treaty. Bush would be in a minority in his own party.” Yarborough said San Antonians, living in a city where 44 cents of every payroll dollar is federal money, are not hostile to federal programs, as some in other areas may be. He said that for every dollar paid into the federal government from Texas, $1.08 is spent here, because Texas is 36th in average per capita income. Referring to Bush’s opposition to federal funds to “keep cages clean for baboons, or something like that,” Yarborough asked if Bush opposes the aero-space medical research program in San Antonio. He believes in HemisFair and will help it as a member of the Senate commerce committee, Yarborough said. More than a contribution to trade, culture, and education, “It will be a binding together of the Americas,” he said. Bryan Jordan, Yarborough’s local finance chairman, said he needed $2,000 to finance a newspaper ad listing 1,014 university professors endorsing Sen. Yarborough, whereupon Charles Murray, a real estate man who said he used to be a member of Yarborough’s Baptist Sunday school class in Austin, pledged $1,000. Others gave Jordan checks. In a press conference then at the Gunter Hotel, Yarborough noted that the only way a senator gets on a House-Senate conference committee is by having been one of three or four who have done the most work on a bill. “I have been on every conference on an education bill in the last six years,” during which eight major education bills have passed, he said. Margaret Mayer of the Dallas TimesHerald asked Yarborough, “Have you felt any slight from Governor Connally in this campaign?” “No,” Yarborough replied, and after a pause added, “Governor Connally and I are just as close together as we’ve ever been.” “How close is that, senator?” asked a radio reporter. “Well, I’ve endorsed the straight Democratic ticket. He’s endorsed the straight Democratic ticket,” Yarborough said. N THE AFTERNOON Yarborough taped a TV conversation with Cong. Henry Gonzalez, State Sen. Franklin Spears, and Mrs. O’Neil Ford of San Antonio. Gonzalez, on this program, told him he’s “liked and loved in San Antonio” as a proven friend of the city. “You didn’t have to be briefed to know what HemisFair is” and had helped rescue appropriations for Randolph and Kelly fields that had been lost in the House, Gonzalez told the senator. Spears said that only because of Yarborough’s work for the federal medical school construction bill was it feasible for the legislature to authorize the new medical school in San Antonio. “People talk about more controversial issues like civil rights or the tax cut,” Yarborough responded, but they forget about the Congress having provided medical education loans, college classroom construction, library assistance, vocational education funds, funds for edu cation of the mentally retarded, and the like. “I cannot imagine how we could make the progress in education” Gov. Connally wants at the state level without Yarborough’s work in Washington, Spears said. Mrs. Ford, formerly chairman of the San Antonio Conservation Society, said every conservationist and preservationist in San Antonio would get a lift from Yarborough’s visit there because of his advocacy of “the things that nourish the spirit.” Yarborough then touched on the Padre and Fort Davis bills and bills he has pending for a Guadalupe Mountains national park and an Alibates national monument on the Canadian River in Texas at flint quarries that have been worked for 12,000 years. On a minute-long spot, Spears boosted Yarborough and said, voters, “I ask the people of San Antonio to give me a Democratic senator.” On another minute spot, Yarborough told Gonzalez, “You and I see eye to eye on practically everything,” to which Gonzalez responded, “There’s no question of it senator. Your help is indispensable” to San Antonio. Yarborough attended a cocktail party in his honor at the Patio Club of the Menger. About 150 or 200 people were present. The senator made a short, high-spirited talk. Pageant Magazine, he started out, had reported a poll of the Washington press corps rating John Tower and Bruce Alger as two of the ten least effective congressmen in Washington. “You can’t afford putting a third one in there” who “welcomes the support of the John Birch Society,” Yarborough said. Bush having said the nuclear test ban treaty won’t work, Yarborough said fallout had been poisoning the soil, and “babies in Eskimoland were being born with leukemia and cancer.” Violations of the treaty can be detected in 20 minutes, Yarborough said. “I believe in a livable world,” the senator said. “After all, Barry Goldwater was a freshman drop-out. My opponent advertises that he was a graduate of Yale with high honorsHe oughta know better than that.” He’d heard, Yarborough said, of a bumper sticker being used in Tennessee saying, “Keep the TVA. Sell Arizona.” He would rather just retire Goldwater there, he said. YARBOROUGH has been attending as many straight party functions as he can. His theory here appears to be that the “Vote ‘er straight” program is thereby emphasized and benefits him directly. San Antonio Democrats had planned a local party night, with Judge Jim Sewell of Corsicana as the main speaker; a few days beforehand it was learned Yarborough would attend. He was fitted into the program to present a certificate of appreciation from President Johnson and Governor Sam Fore, Jr., Floresville publisher and Democrat. About 750 attended the event, held in the new assembly hall across the street from La Villita. Large photographs of all the Democratic candidates were displayed, and literature for the major candi dates was available. In San Antonio there is substantial emphasis on the “Pull One Lever” program. Making his presentation to Fore, Yarborough stressed this program. Fore, he said, is “a straight ticket Democrat. He’s a loyal Democrat. He Votes that ticket as he pledges to do.” Yarborough also noted that two of Gov. Connally’s brothers were there and thanked them for being at the reception for him earlier in the afternoon, also. “A lot of people are trying to divide us Democrats,” he said, but “There’s a lot more unity in the Democratic Party than they hoped for.” In response, Fore said he has never deviated from voting the straight ticket, “from president down to public weigher.” A certificate was presented to Grover C. Morris, a locally well known Democrat, who urged, “Go in the polls with your hat on and pull that lever one timeand when you do that, [you’ll vote for] Senator Yarborough, who has the same philosophy of government that my good late friend Jimmy Allred had.” Judge Sewell, in his speech for the Democrats, took up Yarborough’s cause..”I know that he’s a man of integrity, an honest man,” Sewell said. Voting aye for the civil rights bill, he proved himself a statesman, Sewell said. “I know,” said the Corsicana judge, “that every third man who walks the street of my area is a Negro. It takes a man of courage to stand up and fight bigotry and prejudice in East Texas, and I’m proud of him. Let’s go all out for him and see he’s re-elected. Wouldn’t it be a shame to have that little old fella Shrub, or. Bush, or whatever his name is . . .” Sewell also touched base endorsing as great men Governor Connally and President Johnson, saying of Goldwater, “I think what he wants to do is to repeal the past and to veto the future.” Again he said of the civil rights bill, “I’m proud, for one, that it was passed because I know of the circumstances under which some people lived, and live and still live in this country.” Closing the program. Democratic chairman John Daniels said, “There is .a great deal of apathy. If the Democrats don’t vote Nov. 3, we’ve lost, we’ve lost.” YARBOROUGH’S INTENSIVE campaigning in East Texas is of special interest. Bush’s polls have not indicated that the civil rights subject is as important in Texas this election as it has been expected to be; Bush has not been leaning heavily on it. A speech Yarborough made before East Texas postal clerks in Longview may be taken as characteristic of his emphasis in that region on economic issues in the accents of populism. Reviewing Democratic accomplishments, he said fat had been cut out of foreign aid, decreasing the appropriation from $4.9 billion year before last to $3 billion. The Democrats’ tax cut meant $406 million additional income in Texas alone, he said. Government workers have had many pay October 30, 1964 9