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TEXAS STYLE FOOTBALL An Illustrated History of the Southwest Conference. Seventy years: The Complete, Colorful Story of the .Great Players, the Great Coaches, the Rivalries, and the Top Games. Over 375 Photographs and Diagrams. By the Top Sportscaster, KERN TIPS List Price $15.9 Pre-Christmas $12.50 Mailed “post free” anywhere for $12.00 when payment is sent with order. GARNER & SMITH BOOKSTORE 2116 GUADALUPE AUSTIN, TEXAS, 78705 Phone: GR 7-0925 IT J. T.:. …T.”‘ T game of jump-squeal-and-hit-it, leading to another of those plagued rumors. Which yarn has it that J.W. told reporters he eschews such misleading labels, and gave them permission to say he had damaged a moderate, reasonable, open-minded, sincere, Christian, middle-of-the-road foot. This rumor bears further investigation before I am willing to label it hoax. HARDLY HAD WE ADJUSTED addled minds to proof positive that Jim Wright had human frailties, until word was flashed to the hinterlands that our senior senator had gone and seriously overmatched himself in a grunt-and-groan contest in no less an arena than the Capitol Building. If one is to trust press dispatches, then one must believe that Ralph, The Unmasked Marvel, dropped two straight falls to South Carolina Senator Strom Thurmond, appearing on the bill as The Unreconstructed Rebel, and that the Texan never was in danger of winning according to critics in the best seats. This performance came as a prime disappointment to those of us who thought Our Leader had learned the value of going to the mat with opponents of less than championship caliber: Bill Blakley, Martin Dies, Gordon McLendon and other hasbeens of the ham-and-egg stripe of political warrior. Instead of cautiously picking his mark, Ralph rushes in where angels fear to tread and engages in a dogfall with a senator who has a weight-lifting fetish, takes pre-dawn hikes, engages in marathon filibusters, and who on the record could easily have been judged as immune to all senses including that of pain. I do wish Senator Yarborough had checked with yours truly before throwing himself ‘so impulsively into battle, for I could have hand-picked no less than a dozen senators who own prominent bay windows, palsied hands from riding the cocktail circuit, and Bound Observers For 1962, 1963 Readers, libraries, politicians, anyone else: We are preparing to bind sets of the Texas Observer in maroon buckram for the years 1962, which was the last year of the Observer on the old weekly format, and 1963, which was the first year in the present format. How many of these sets we have bound depends to an extent on how many advance orders we receive for them. If you want a bound set of the Observers for either 1962 or 1963, or both, at $12 a volume, please send your order to Sarah Payne, Business Manager, the Texas Observer, 504 West 24th St., Austin, Texas, not later than Oct. 15. Should you want bound volumes of the Observer for years before 1962, tell Miss Payne, and we’ll see if we otherwise manifest signs of being soft touches in contests of physical encounter. \(Let me scotch another of those nasty rumors at this point, however: R.W.Y. will not grapple in his next senatorial muscleflexing against Senator Smith of Maine or In addition to Jim Wright’s fractured ankle and Senator Yarborough’s ruptured dignity, certain lumps have been suffered by other Texans in Washington this year. Congressman Graham Purcell of Wichita Falls, who is my personal favorite among our statesmen because he has that rare ability to judge himself mortal, to laugh wryly at his own foibles, and to successfully fight temptation to speak the pure gobbledygook so much in fashion with our public men \(and who, I suspect, is a Secret limp playing polo \(which I personally place Purcell has reportedly given up the game of croquet-on-horseback since it did him foul, showing an admirable sense of judgment on his part traceable,to very long tap roots. In 1939, Purcell coveted the position of fullback on the Texas A&M football team and promptly trotted out to stake his claim. Only short hours after the initial workout down at Aggieland, Purcell communed seriously with himself, after which he surrendered his grid togs and fled to other pursuits. He had concluded that he was not likely to win out over another primary contender for the fullback position, the other aspirant being from Haskell, Texas, and listed on the official roster as John Kimbrough. Although I have never had the pleasure of watching the lanky Hon. Purcell go churning into a line with ball tucked under arm, I harbor the instinct that he made wise choice. OUR OTHER TEXAS ATH-LETES in Congress competed directly against each other a few months ago. of San Antonio bearded Hon. Ed \(The of the U.S. House of Representatives much against the latter’s willand promptly copped the duke, although there is some difference of opinion among the combatants as to the punch that did The Kid in. Foreman swore by Robert Welch, Barry Goldwater, John Tower, and all others he considers Holy that he had distinct recollection of having been clobbered about the head and ears. Hon. Gonzalez, who made the match to prove the point that he did not take lightly being called a Pinko even if a fellow-Texan did the dubious honors, was equally adamant in insisting that he won by delivering a single shattering blow \(accompanied by one Kid’s right elbow. If one wishes to believe Hon. Foreman’s version of the conflict, he must award that loser tardy paints for having artfully slipped numerous punches while delivering himself of an oration approximately as follows: “Goodness gracious Mercy me, Henry! I do believe you have lost your mind! It is not seemly that two grown men possessed of public mandate and the dignity of our respective positions as dulyelected Members of the United States Congress from the Great State of Texas should so rudely and basely belabor each other on the public view. In the name of the Constitution, I do wish you would reconsider your rash and ungentlemanly actions and join me and other patriots in saving the world for Freedom.” One is torn by indecision in trying to adopt Hon. Foreman’s version of the contest. There is conflicting evidence. Against his story is the fact that he does not appear possessed of necessary agility or finesse to avoid an aroused Hon. Gonzalez passionately. engaged in throwing leather. On the other hand, The Kid is a Dale Carnegie graduate who won either a ballpoint pen which will write under water or a wristwatch which will keep time under the same hard circumstance, for excellence in extemporaneous speech. At any rate, a return match looms in the Gonzalez-Foreman series, due to be staged in El Paso when Gonzalez appears to urge voters in that Latin-oriented area to choose themselves quite another gringo as their congressman. ALL THIS ACTION and sweating and flexing of muscles fogs the senses and reels the brain. Judging with hindsight the frantic performances herein enumerated, one may say only of our Texas congressmen that which ancient Sugar Ray Robinson so eruditely blurted about himself into network microphones a few years ago after having just lost a bid to win back the middle-weight championship. Said Sugar Ray sadly: “I guess I’ve slown down.” D MEETINGS THE THURSDAY CLUB of Dallas meets each the Downtown YMCA, 605 No. Ervay St., Dallas. The TRAVIS COUNTY LIBERAL DEMOCRATS meet at Saengerrunde Hall, Scholz’ Garten, at 8 p.m. on the first and third Thurs days. You’re invited.