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rillo. The flinta stratum varying from two to five feet thick, lying between layers of dolomite limestone”occurs in a great variety of reds, blues, purples, yellows, tans, blacks, and off-whites and in an equally great variety of bands, stripes, splotches, streaks, and polka dots. Green is scarce but it does occur,” Mewhinney wrote. Such flint occurs nowhere else known to man. After the time of the mammoth-hunters, the flint on the Alibates ranch \(named for by hunters of Ice Age bison, peoples in the Archaic Stage, and, perhaps about 900 to 1300 A.D., Indians who grew corn and lived in stone houses like pueblos \(one or two of which could be restored without too few modern dart-point makers somehow get some of the flint and make arrowheads of it, and these sometimes turn up in the hands of “gullible collectors,” Mewhinney says. Yarborough introduced a bill to create the national monument, citing, as he did so, support from Gov. John Connally, the Texas state historical survey committee, the Potter County branch of that committee, the Potter County commissioners court, and the .Panhandle Geological Society. This summer, however, an assistant secretary of the interior notified Sen. Henry Jackson, chairman of the Senate committee on interior affairs, of a recommendation that the bill not be passed. “The Alibates Flint Quarries are a number of small excavations dug by prehistoric Indians in search of the agatized dolomite of the area,” said the official. “The largest pit is about 20 feet in diameter, and none of them is over three feet deep. The pueblos were built in the 13th and 14th centuries by Indians who moved into the area from the plains and acquired. certain Pueblo traits. “Neither the flint quarries nor the pueblo ruins are unique in the United States, and they do not represent any significant cultural varues that would warrant their preservation in federal ownership. . . . The major pueblo ruins were excavated many years ago and have since deteriorated beyond usefulness for display purposes. In addition, the area is cut by pipeline and other rights-of-way which intrude upon the natural scene and are adverse to National Park Service requirements for proper interpretation and public use.” The area’s development, the report concluded, “should properly be undertaken by state or local authorities.” Yarborough was infuriated. In a letter to another assistant secretary of the interior, he said the bill had been “assassinated,” Texas was being discriminated against, and he would not abide by “this report on the size of the holes in the ground.” He recited a letter from Floyd Studer, chairman of the Potter historical committee, saying the outcroppings “are enormous in extent and depth.” He contended 10 The Texas Observer again that “From no other quarry in America is there evidence that weapons were made from it as far back as 12,000 years ago.”‘ “Look at the vast area of Texas with no national monuments and compare New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, with national monuments designated as thick as ticks on an undipped cow,” Yarborough exclaimed. “Please present this letter to the Secretary in person. I am not giving up this project. I have just begun to fight. . . . The only thing standing in the way . . . is the obtuseness of somebody in Interior who decided that he didn’t want it and that Texas shouldn’t have a national monument. . . . We are in dead earnest about this and we will not stop under this or any other administration in the future.” Guadalupe Peak Guadalupe Peak, in the Guadalupe Mountains in the northwest corner of Culberson County, is the highest point in Texas, 8,751 feet above sea level. Cong.-at-large Joe Pool, Dallas, has proposed the creation of The small coterie of tyrants had decimated the people of the southland. *Men, women and children, yellow, white and black, had been murdered to purify the race. Buddhists, Jews, Christians, Pagans, and Atheists had been tortured and killed for the greater glory of God. Red parties and blue, nihilists, legitimists, men of the left, of the right, and of innumerable centrist gradations had been purged to cleanse the body politic. Only the armies, the navies, and the stratospheric forces of the nation had increased in volume and in dimensions. At the end of January, the army numbered five hundred thirteen million guns, men, and armored cars. The navy was at full strength with fifty nine thousand ships of the line and seven s hundred thousand forty two smaller boats and submarines. The stratospheric arm boasted planes and rockets totalling either four thousand seven hundred thirty five million or four hundred seventy three million five hundred thousand. The Ministry of Lives, Deaths, and Statistics had received independent counts from the two stratomarshals. These differed by a factor of ten and no error had been discovered in either compilation. But a mere decimal was The ‘writer, a professor of mathematics at the University of Texas, was born in Turkey, studied in Turkey, England, and Canada, and, with J. L. Synge, wrote Tensor Calculus \(University of Toronto translation of a play by Durrenmatt have appeared in the Texas Quarterly. a Guadalupe Peak National Park. But Pool has run into the same kind of snag that Yarborough encountered, as to the de Zavala park : the home district congressman is opposed. In this case the block has been thrown by Republican Cong. Ed Foreman of Odessa. In an interview with the Dallas News last month, Foreman questioned the advisability of spending new tax dollars for the park and of removing the property that would be in the park as a source of county, state, and federal tax revenues. “Let’s remember,” Foreman told the Dallas News in this connection, “that every penny the federal government does not appropriate for ‘aid’ is potentially available for private useand without the overhead charge for processing the money through a federal bureaucracy.” Foreman recommended that the park be developed as was Mount Vernon, which was acquired by the Mount Vernon Ladies Assn. in 1858 and turned over to the government. This month, visiting the site of the proposed park with area citizens, Pool stated that the land should be bought by private interests and then given to the government. no longer of importance, for the day of glory was dawning. ON \\THE FIRST OF FEBRU-ARY, at 4:03 hours, the tyrants’ armies invaded the empire to the north. Trucks and soldiers overran villages and towns, blasting, destroying, killing. Anguished wails of women raped, shrill cries of children impaled on sharp blades, torn flesh and bones, crimson streamsthus fared the towns near the border. Further inland, death came from the skies. Nuclei fissed and fused, mesic forces crumbled structures of steel, ripped the bones and entrails of men and left smoking black holes in their flesh. Germs and living molecules escaped from bursting cylinders and crowded into human glands and mucous membranes, bringing decay or stifling growth. Before noon, the northern capital fell and within perished all officers of the government except one junior minister. He escaped, and being overtaken by fleeing remnants of a northern division, he rallied the men and exhorted them to fight anew for honor and country. Within an hour this small force was annihilated by the enemy. The junior minister was captured and shot. Thus ended all resistance to the tyrants’ power. In a remote corner of the northland, the city of Colonia had not been reached by the war and destruction. There, in a quiet and shady suburb, lived John Holmes, a young man of great ambition and a deep sense of law and justice. It was his secret wish to be permitted one day to join the corps of detectives of Colonia’s police The Loyalty Oath Alfred Schild