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Dialogue Responses to Tower Did Senator Tower not presume that he was addressing a literate audience when he wrote his statement for the Observer? Did he not make a serious attempt to explain what he considers the proper role of a conservative? To what are we to attribute the street-corner rhetoric and shallow generalizations that comprise his statement? Shall we conclude that his position is in fact as empty as he has made it appear? He denies and defies; he negates and obstructs. He accepts no responsibility to suggest alternate solutions for those he seeks to obstruct. . . . Don Alford, 1505 Cloverleaf, Austin 23, Tex. Thank you, Senator Tower, but let liberals speak for themselves! DeToqueville put equality ahead of freedom, saying equality gives “a bias for free institutions. A state of equality is perhaps less elevated, but it-is more just, and its justice constitutes its greatness and its beauty.” At least . . . let liberty and equality go hand in hand. While the conservatives pay lip service to individual libe -rty, it is the liberals who actively oppose censorship, loyalty oaths, indoctrination of youth, peace-time conscription, witch-hunting investigating committees, and every practice which corrupts the freedoms of the Bill of Rights. And liberals uphold our courts which safeguard the rights of individuals! Stella Mae Hunter, 4609 Lafayette Ave., Fort Worth 7, Tex. I am impressed with your response… . You assume that the goals of the con servative and the liberal are the same; “the difference lies in the approach, the conservative being libertarian, the liberal 16 The Texas Observer essentially egalitarian.” The liberal does not claim that all men have equal ability, and therefore should have equal resources. However, all men do have the right to an equal opportunity to develop, use, and enjoy the abilities they have. . . . When you state, “the best interests of the working man are closely identified with the best interests of the proprietors and managers,” we will agreewith certain understandings. We will insist that the reverse is equally truewith the same understandings. . . . A member of.. my official board works for one of the railroads. He is frequently called out on the job before he has had time for rest and sleep sufficient to maintain his health. . . . The managers of the road consider it to their interest not to provide another workman. . . . If you were in his place, what would be your reaction if told that your “best interests are closely identified with the best interests of the proprietors and managers”? Sherwood S. Davis, pastor, First Methodist Church, Smithville, Tex. Tyler Demonstrations There is now in Tyler a non-violent, direct action group that will begin demonstrations within the next two weeks, and will build toward a community movement. We would appreciate your support in getting out news of the movement, which will probably be censored from the rest of the papers in the South. . . . George Goss, field secretary, southwest students’ action coordinating committee, Tyler, Tex. Folklore About Folklore _charles Ramsdell’s article [Obs. Feb. 7] was excellent, as are most of the things he write; but his reference to gabacho left me wondering about the dictionaries he used. . . . Spanish dictionaries available to me do not define gabacho as “overcoat or fancy raincoat”; they say that it means “Frenchman,” from “gave,” a mountain torrent in the Pyrenees. In Spain gabacho also means “awkward” or “gauche”; in Colombia it can mean “failure” or “flop.” .. . Americo Paredes, Box 7758, University Station, Austin, Tex. Ramsdell replies: My valued friend Americo Paredes has indeed caught me in error. Owing to a typographical quirk in the dictionary I use, my eye was led from the word gabacho to the next word, gaban, which can mean overcoat or fancy raincoat. But the mistake was all the easier to make because I was looking for confirmation of the statement that gabacho is applied to gringos because they are expensively clothed. My informant, a stu dent at the normal school here, thought the word was derived from gabardina Charles Ramsdell, Chihuahua 126, Mexico F.D.F., Mexico. I’ve found that some of my reading material is expendablebut not my Observer. I like the new format and am glad that the bi-weekly issuance has enabled you to continue the publication. Jane E. Howell, 2514 W. Clarendon Dr., Dallas 11, Tex. Here is my renewal subscription. ‘Tain’t my fault it isn’t $500; if I sent you that much my banker would be sicker than a snake-bit bull. Rich liberals are as scarce as educated fundamentalists. Richard W. Wharton, Box 475, Joaquin, Tex. I want to thank you for the publicity you gave our little town of La Joya [Obs. March 7]. The boys that you interviewed are very happy with the write-up. Santiago Perales is especially happy, since you said that he resembled a movie idol. He’ll probably be heading for Hollywood any time now.Leo J. Leo, Leo’s grocery, Box 1, La Joya, Tex. The March 7 Observer \(I read them a masterpiece. All of the articles were fascinating, especially Mr. Mullinax’s words of reason. Texans need more of such.Sidney Cravens, Bldg. 16, Apt. 4, Stouffer Place, Lawrence, Kan. We are certain you’ll receive many compliments for the special report on “The Small-Small Lenders” [Obs. Feb. 21], so let us be the first to compliment Charles Erickson on his clever and so appropriate illustrations throughout the issue.Dr. and Mrs. Dean Ewing, 240 Billwood Rd., Dayton, Ohio. CLASSIFIED TYPING WANTED Envelopes ad dressed, lc each; theses, letters. Call GL 3-7689, Austin. SUBSCRIBE OR RENEW THE TEXAS OBSERVER 504 West 24th Street Austin 5, Texas Enclosed is $5.10 \(or if the subscriber lives outside of Texas, tion to the Observer for: Name Address City, State LI This is a renewal. [1] This is a new subscription.