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Dialogue: A Writer on Morris’ Observer Willie Morris Journalism, the true profession of writing for a newspaper, hardly has a wall to put its back to. It has been caught out in the open between the artificially colored lard of the ads. the self-feeding scare and scandals of headlines, and the bland objective prejudice of the news services. Journalism has few places to turn. I confess to reading three papers: The Christian Science Monitor, The Village Voice, and The Texas Observer. The Monitor is made for informative reading, not to supply the day’s exercise in pursuit of hard news. The Village Voice, by a lively and sustained contortion among the swelling ads, contrives to keep from turning into The Village Square. And the Observer tells me that Texas is both far worse than I think it is and not so bad after all. One can live here as long as the Observer keeps our conscience. Willie Morris has left his mark on the Observer because he works before all as a writer. Reporter, editorial writer, idea man, crusader-obviously he has had to be all these things too. But what has kept the paper ticking under Willie’s direction is his search for sturdy style in himself and in his contributors. By keeping his attention constantly on the writing, he could keep the issues and the personalities in perspective. In Texas they loom so large they would overwhelm a mere journalist who thought only in terms of news. I remember well his story from the border, his Tower endorsement, the recent Connally endorsement, and a score of legislative articles that many representatives and senators must have found invaluable in order to know what was going on around them. Of course writing as something not merely measured in column inches constitutes an Observer tradition. Ronnie Dugger moved resolutely in this direction, and in the past several months Chandler Davidson has produced some fine lyrical pieces on oil rigs along with his political punches. But our departing editor must have removed from the outside of the Observer in order to engrave it inside his mind Thoreau’s epigraph: The one great rule of composition is to speak the truth.” It makes the New York Times’ line on “fitness” look like professional evasiveness. Willie Morris has served us well, and we can let him go only because the Observer is more alive than ever. Roger Shattuck, 1607 Sharon Lane, Austin. The Next Two Years The liberal movement in Texas has not been vanquished with John Connally’s election. Instead, it has been called to a renewed and continued battle. We need to be reminded of the essential right and morality of our position. The stand of selfish interests against the rights of the minority groups, response to the Editor’s Note With this issue the title of the ,Observer’s letters to the editor feature is changed from “The Stump” to “Dialogue,” for at its best it Is a candid dialogue among the readers and the writers. Shorter letters are appreciated, although the editor realizes some subjects require more space than others. The editor reserves the right to make minor, non-substantive modifications in letters in the interest of clarity and brevity. Any omissions of a full sentence o r mo re will be indicated by three extra periods \(“. . problems of aged and physically handicapped people, improved and free education, fair taxation, and public recreational needs this stand cannot prevail. It is wrong. However, unless we in the liberal movement recognize the necessity of organization and education at the precinct level, not only will the special interest group prevail, they will wipe us off the map. . . . If John Connally destroys the liberal coalition, he will do so only because we who should have been out organizing. selling poll taxes, and campaigning were too busy bitching rather than working. Senator Ralph Yarborough and, perhaps. Don Yarborough, too, will be running in 1964. Now is the time to get ready. It is going to be a long battle. Christopher Fry once wrote something to the effect that progress is the achievement of vision. We have that vision. Much stands in our way. Achievement will not come without a great deal of hard work. Phillip Perlman, 1801 Milam St., Amarillo. Tex. A Shock …. The capitulation of the Observer to the conservative forces of control in Texas politics for the last 20 years was a shock, for your action [that is. the endorsement of Connally] erased the illusion that t! –2 liberal had one principled newspaper in the state which would espouse the liberal cause with fervoror at least not capitulate for the ostensible reason that the governorship of Texas is somehow intertwined with the foreign policy of the United States. . . . Gene Barrington, Attorney, 1025 Elm St., Dallas, Tex. Wax Even Stronger Although not all our exchanges of correspondence have lacked acerbity, it has always been pleasurable for me to engage in dialogue with any man who, as I fancy myself, still is seeking truth and pursues it with diligence. as I always have regarded you even in moments of our profoundest disagreement. This specific epistle has been LEGALS Certificate No. 199 ,! Company No. 06-57320 STATE BOARD OF INSURANCE STATE OF TEXAS October 2, 1962 Pursuant to Article 21.29 of the Texas Insurance Code, I hereby certify that Mutual Insurance Company of Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, has in all respects complied with the laws of Texas in relation to insurance. Given under my hand and seal of office at Austin, Texas, the date first above written. WM. A. HARRISON Commissioner of Insurance NOTICE OF INCORPORATION WITHOUT CHANGE OF NAME Notice is hereby given that George R. Matthews, doing business as Matthews Electronics, 415 West Terminal, San Antonio International Airport, San Antonio, Texas, qualified as a corporation on November 1, 1962, and will continue to do business under the name of Matthews Electronics, Inc., at the same address. GEORGE R. MATTHEWS CITATION BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF TEXAS TO: Morris Henderson, if he be living, and whose address is unknown, and if he be dead, his unknown heirs and legal representatives, whose addresses are likewise unknown, and Elsie Henderson Heywood, if she be living, and whose address is unknown, and if she be dead,. her unknown heirs and legal representatives, whose addresses are likewise unknown, and the unknown owners of the hereinafter described property, defendants in the hereinafter styled and numbered cause: by commanded to appear before the 53rd District Court of Travis County, Texas, to be held at the Courthouse of said County in the City of Austin, Travis County, Texas, at or before 10 o’clock A.M. of the first Monday after the expiration of 42 days from the date of issuance hereof; that is to say, at or before 10 o’clock A.M. of Monday the 17th day of December, 1962, and answer the Original Answer and Interpleader. of Defendants, Nettie Mae White and Robert B. Thrasher in Cause Number 127,833, in which the City of Austin is Plaintiff, and Robert B. Thrasher, Nettie Mae White Higgins, and husband Albert Higgins, and the defendants hereinabove named, are Defendants, filed in said County on the 20th day of September, 1962, and the nature of which said suit is as follows: Being an action and prayer for partition of Lots. 2. 3, 10 and 11, in Block No. 2, South Extension of generated by ‘Dugger’s Statement’ en the front page of the Texas Observer of November 9. I am enclosing a check payable to the paper in the amount of $25.50 in enthusiastic response to this statement of yours. The use to which it may be put lies with your discretion: you may use it as ‘lagniappe’ or as five subscriptions for those who “may enjoy or be profitably or in any other way to maintain this publication. While this check does not emanate from what I concede to be the “maldistribution of wealth” with this subscriber \(although I am sure I could direct you to many in this parish who would accept such it does proceed from a genuine desire to see the Texas Observer wax even stronger in the years ahead. R. W. Jablonowski, Jr., minister, St. Stephen Presbyterian Church, Fort Worth, Tex. \(We shall apply Rev. Jablonowski’s check to gift subscriptions. In fact, we may use it to establish a gift subscription Enjoyment Or Profitable Infuriation Fund, or Even Republicans Are Individuals As an active Republican and conservative, I am also an avid reader of the Texas Observer. Unlike many Democrats that I have met, I recognize that there are two sides to every question. I demand of myself an understanding of both sides to the issue. Because of this, I find the Observer to be invaluable as the vehicle for presenting the liberal point of view. I have noticed that you occasionally lose your objectivity in your zeal to express editorial viewpoints. An editorial in the November 9 issue is a case in point. You stated that the Texas Republicans are subject to “shrill extremism” and that their “dogmatic right-wing reading of recent history sets them on the right fringes of the national Republican Party.” And, “they need a more rational and sensible political mentality.” This seems to be a very genera statement of the some 680,000 pec ple who voted Republican in th recent election. Since I knov many Republicans, I feel that :I have as good of a vantage poin as you do. I cannot make an sweeping and general statement . in regards to the mentality am philosophies of the many Republ! cans. You do yourself an injustic’ by such an editorial policy. Clare G. Weakley, Jr., Fidelit: Union Life Bldg., Dallas, Tex. Shock Two They say the merit of a newspaper or any other publicatio’ may he indicated by how a sul -scriber responds to a cancellatic of his paper. I haven’t received an Observer for four weeks and have been completely frustrated by its absence. I didn’t even know that you all had haltingly en doi’sed Mr. Connally! What shock! I’m really anxious to knov why! Please see what you can d to get these back issues to me And please don’t torture me by not sending my paper each week! Imogene Williams, Route 3 Panhandle, Tex. Jones on Hiss \(The Marshall attorney and Observer contributor, Franklin Jones, sent this letter Nov. 13 tc Howard K. Smith of the ABC network with copies to a Shreveport TV station and this newspaper. Dear Mr. Smith: Allow me to add an appreciation uary” to the denunciations those who did not bother to view the program are no doubt sending in. The tragedy of Alger Hiss could have been written byDickens, even to the selection of a name to compare with Bumble, Pecksniff, or Micawber; one that can be hissed. Those who heard him Sunday night should have come away with a feeling of humility, rather than condemnation. The obvious lack of bitterness in the man is unbeliev able. Think how much worse Mr. Nixon would have come off with Harry Truman on the same spot, :rats of 1952 who were said to beong to the party of traitor’s \(Texirkana, Oct. 9, 1962from bitter My appreciation for a job well lone and the proper conclusion that the injection of the false issue of treachery on the national political scene has rendered, and is yet rendering, our national welfare a disservice. Franklin Jones. attorney, Marshall, Tex. Brotherly Love Recently the Dallas Times Herald has had two inspiring prayers on its front pages which have moved me to write a prayer of thanks. I would like to share it with you: “We thank you, Almighty God, for giving us a President who possesses the wisdom to act from faith rather than reasonregardless of the consequences of his actsin order to quell this deluge of Atheism which threatens to douse the all-powerful flame of Christianity. “Let us be doubly thankful for the H-bombs and A-bombs with which, if God wills, we can obliterate this Red communist devil more efficiently as a means of protecting our citadel of freedom. And please, oh just and true God, after we are nudged by your divine hand to exterminate communists with our weapons of peace, please make the aim cf their nuclear missiles of hate wayward, so they fall into the sea instead of upon our peace-loving nation. “Then Christians can smile with the true light of brotherly love and say, finally, ‘Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.’ ” Peter A. Mood, 8003 Inwood, Dallas. THE TEXAS OBSERVER Page 7 November 16, 1962 TO: THE TRUE OWNERS OF UNCLAIMED FUNDS IN THE RECEIVERSHIP ESTATE OF HOME LIFE & ACCIDENT IN-SURANCE COMPANY: A hearing will be had upon the application of C. H. Langdeau, Liquidator for the State Board of Insurance, in Cause No. 128,689, entitled IN RE: RECEIVERSHIP ESTATE OF HOME LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE COM-PANY, in the 98th Judicial District Courtroom in Austin, Travis County, Texas, at 9 o’clock, A.M., on the 3rd day of December, 1962, for the purpose of declaring such funds to be abandoned and to be the property of the State Board of Insurance. C. H. LANGDEAU, Liquidator for the State Board of Insurance of the State of Texas. CITATION BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF TEXAS TO: Elsie I. Linder, Defendant, in the hereinafter styled and numbered cause: by commanded to appear before the 53rd District Court of Travis County, Texas, to be held at the courthouse of said county in the City of Austin, Travis County, Texas, at or before 10 o’clock A.M. of the first Monday after the expiration of 42 days from the date