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d 111111111111111111111M111111111111IIMEIMS111101111111111MIIIIIINalmm A Here is my Olt In return please enter a one-year subscription to THE TEXAS OBSERVER. 11111111111111111111p1111111111M11111111111111111111111111111MMOMMIIIIIIMMORMINIM CUBA, TOURISM, OTHER RELEVANT TOPICS Soapbox Circuit Livens Up PENA ISSUES CALL PASO to Decide fror Texas Republicans have drafted two party platforms, charged Connally in Dallas Mon day, speaking to the Texas Coun ty Judges and Commissioners As sociation. The recent GOP con vention in Fort Worth devoted 112 lines in their platform to Texas problems, he said, but 204 lines were “against everything you can think of, including the advent of the Twentieth Century.” . . . Claiming harmony among the Demcs, Connally added: “Frankly, it was a very boring state con vention for the delegates and the newspapers, but one which made V Democrats who are support ing Cox for governor base their actions on a false premise, Joel B. Coolidge, leader of the ultra-conservative Harris County delegation to the El Paso convention, said in a press conference Tuesday . . . Many conservative Demos, he claims, are shy of Connally because of certain of his friends. In an effort to dispel conservative doubts, Coolidge stressed Connally’s close association with Allan Shivers and Sid Richardson . .. As for LBJ, Coolidge said, “. . . I think the state Democratic convention demonholden to no one.” Further, he said he feels that Connally is a conservative, that the convention platform is conservative, and that the convention itself was conservative . . . Not so, said Roland Sledge, conservative Democrat fo’r Cox, the next day in a press conference of his own. He cited as evidence Connally’s support of the “liberal-socialist national Democratic platform” and its candidates, and his endorsement by COPE at its San Antonio convention. Wright Morrow, state chairman of Democrats for Cox and a former national committeeman, also spoke out against Connally at the press conference. “I do not want to \\support a man who is a product of the Washington scene,” he said. ve Texas Republicans comprise the far-right minority wing of the national GOP party, contends a recent Corpus Christi Caller-Times editorial. The Republicans’ “seemingly premature” endorsement of Barry Goldwater for President in ’64 is said to confirm this fact. “Whatever the causes,” says the Caller-Times, “there is profound doubt that the Republican Party in Texas and the South can achieve a genuine two-party system in this region without moving nearer the center of the mainstream of political thought where the election-winning votes are.” g 0 Disbarment of Woodrow Bean is the aim of a suit filed by the grievance committee of the El Paso Bar Assn.. . . Bean, former County Judge and unsuccessful candidate for congressman-at-large against Joe Pool, was fined $5,000 and given a five, year suspended sentence by a federal court in June for not filing income tax returns. g o or Sen. John Tower has jumped on the ba’ndwagon of politician bookwriters, with the publication of his A Program for Conservatives. The program includes abolition of farm controls, anti-trust laws applicable to unions, withdrawal from the UN, and mandatory balancing of the federal budget . . . Speaking in Dallas Thursday Tower deplored extremism on both sides and called for strong action against Castro’s Cuba. Back in Washington the next day, referring to the Mississippi crisis, he said that the federal government must enforce the decision of its courts. But the use of troops would be “foolish,” and would “create an action of bitterness, rancor and violence.” . . . On another front, Tower got in a slap at labor. In his September newsletter, he wrote: “COPE, the extremely liberal AFL-CIO Committee on Political Education, has ‘cited’ me, in its current house organ as the ‘most right wing’ member of the Senate. COPE says that based on voting records compiled by three ‘ultrar e a. ctionary organizations’ Americans for Constitutional Action, Civic Affairs Associates, and Conservative Society of America -mine is the lone record rated ‘100 percent right’ by all three. COPE’s headline over the story says ‘only Senator Tower 100 Percent Certified American.’ The judgement is COPE’s, not , mine, but because of the ‘title’ and the source, you may wish to know about it,” IV On one issue at least, Re publicans and Democrats in Texas sided. Lyndon Johnson, in a “non-political” speech to an enthusiastic Midland crowd, had harsh words for Cuba. In the message, entitled “No Compromise with Principle,” he declared that the US hates war. “But our hatred of war is never so great as our love of freedom,” he said. Before his speech, Johnson spoke to a luncheon group containing several prominent West Texas conservatives, including W. D. Noel and John Ben Sheppard of Odessa; and Tom Sealey and Bill Kerr of Midland. . . . Cox, speaking in Bryan, said he hopes “President Kennedy will be half as firm with Castro as he was with the people of Mississippi.” poir Texas liberals have pretty much had it, the Austin American stated in an editorial this week. The liberals were “making their best showing while Texas, for two national elections in a row, cast a majority vote for the Republican national ticket,” the editorial states. Now the dissident liberalist forces have been replaced as the organized party’s main contestant by the growing weight of the independent-conservative vote.” g o olr Republicans have high hopes of an upset in Odessa’s Ector County, where Ed Foreman is running against Congressman J. T. Rutherford. Allen Duckworth of the Dallas News says many West Texans believe Rutherford’s chances were hurt by the alleged fact that Billie Sol Estes had contributed to his campaign funds. Others believe Rutherford’s popularity and moderate-to-conservative voting record will stand him in goOd stead. But in a county in which Teddy Walker lead in the first primary, anything could happen. fre The present method of choosing public school textbooks was called “fair and workable” Monday by the Texas Association of School Administrators and School Boards, conventioning in Austin. The organization adopted a resolution asking the Legislature and the Texas Board of Education to carefully consider “any proposal for revision or abandonment of present state textbook selection procedures,” before changing them. g o Or The odds are heavily stacked against Price Daniel’s convening the legislature in special session to consider “hot oil” legislation upon his return from the Southern Governors’ Conference in Florida. A new “political action group” to be called PAG was formed last week on a statewide level, under the aegis of the Retail Furniture Association of Texas. Operating out of Dallas, PAG will try to organize all the 756 member furniture stores into a dues-paying group, with the objective of analyzing candidates for public office and recommending those “whose views of government are sound.” Hiram S. Brown of Austin is the chairman. g o or The Houston Post followed the Observer’s lead Thursday in endorsing Republican Albert B. Fay for Texas Land Cornmissioner. Fay is trying to unseat incumbent Jerry Sadler who, contrary to Fay, is against. the use of Padre Island as a national park. \(Continued from Page “Pena’s PASOwhich obviously doesn’t speak for very many Spanish-speaking peoplegot aboard Gov. Price Daniel’s campaign special. It was derailed in the first primary. Then he gathered them into a tight little bundle aboard Don Yarborough’s Toonerville Trolley. It jumped the tracks after picking up a surprising head of steam in the downhill letdown of a second primary. “Now, Pena is trying to find a handhold on John Connally’s campaign caboose. Pena found himself a member of a three-man minority in El Paso at the state convention of Democrats. “The great masses of Spanishspeaking peoples voted for Mr. Connally in the primaries, as the record shows. So, they aren’t as easy to put in halter and leador misleadas Pena seems to think. They are entirely able to think for themselves. “This is the political ‘Leader’ who now says he will summon his legions to ‘study’ the party platform. This is the stalwart who couldn’t even get a platform plank adopted commending President Kennedy in even general terms. “Pena has opposed Connally all along. His caboose-grabbing act was made all the more ridiculous by his pronouncement that he will summon the troops and see about this platform. “In what telephone booth will you meet, Mr. Commissioner?” Pena replied in an appeal to PASO memberi five days later. Calling the state meeting for ‘October 7, he set the gathering place at the telephone booth on the corner of Houson Street and Soledad, with the main session to take place later at the Gunther Hotel. “PASO is a moving, vital force in Texas politics, or it isn’t,” he wrote the membership. “PASO is an independent thinking, tied-to-no-one’s apronstrings organization, or it isn’t. “PASO is the conscience of the aims and aspirations of the Mexican-American and all well-meaning Texans, or it isn’t. “If PASO is not all these things, then we should decide that now. Enclosed is a copy of the editorial from the San Antonio Evening News. As you can see, it is a new low in editorials. The personal vituperation does not bother me in the least. This I am used to. What does aggravate is the insinuation that PASO is non-existent, that PASO is a figment of my imagination or of a very few. This is not recent. Ever since the Viva Kennedy victory the politicians have tried to ignore PASO as nonrepresentative of our people and their problems. The time has come, that if PASO exists a public display of our representation across the state is vital if only to prove its existence. “The PASO convention in Austin on August 26th endorsed John Connally with the qualifications that the state Democratic platform would be in keeping with the national Democratic platform. “We must decide whether the platform meets these qualifications. We must decide the future role of PASO. Is PASO dead? Is PASO a figment of our imagination? Your absence will prove this a fact. “However, if you make the meeting and bring some people with you to San Antonio at what we know will be a personal sacrifice, you will have restored the faith of our people in the existence, aims and purposes of PASO and the march to San Antonio will have been worth this sacrifice.” Jack Cox supporters, believing the Latin vote their most vulnerable spot, particularly in areas like San Antonio’s West ‘ Side where Connally swamped Yarborough by huge margins and where President Kennedy is more popular than the Pope, would like to see a no-endorsement Sunday. The ‘ Connally people, who see their greatest danger in a below-million vote turnout in November, want to see at least the qualified recommendation re tained. W.M. Political Intelligence me very happy because there was no strife and dissention.” . . . In Fort Worth the previous Friday, he attacked what he called the GOP “unity show.” He was glad, he said, that his party is made up of divergent views. g o of Both . gubernatorial candi dates hit the town of Quannah in West Texas last Saturday, speaking to the crowds attending the Fiesta Mexicana. Cox, in shirtsleeves, hammered away on his leitmotif that Connally is afraid to debate him in public. Cox promised increased tourism, teaching of Spanish in the schools, and higher Texas per capita income. Connally called for teaching of English to pre-school Latins, and increased Texas-Mexican trade. fr or “At least three big interna tional unions in Texas are pushing for an all-out endorsement by labor of Co nally,” Mike Quinn of the Dallas News claimed this week. The United Steelworkers of America, the United