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these wild charges will be increased.” Quizzed by newsmen about Yarborough’s charge he is trying to “buy” the race, Connally said: “I’ve been touring the state and I’ve noticed many new billboards. He has five airplanes. He’s using a lot of TV in his entourage. He’s spending considerably more than I am.” Connally said his own total expenses in both primaries would not approach half a million. On the widely talked conservative support for Yarborough, Connally repeated: “This is a sort of political Russian roulette, a dangerous game to play with something as important as the future of this state.” A’-‘,,i`t, !s *. ‘…, rk. * ‘ i 1 I 1 1 ry o f ‘V I . I 0 % I f ‘ . .., . ‘ NE v r 1.71%111′ .-1P V- 2 –1111 Earlier, in Houston, Connally said: “Houston, an imaginative, sound business community, should back my candidacy. My background certainly should appeal to the people of this community.” On participation of young people in public affairs: “Nothing is more important to our future than responsible service in public office by our leading young people. They can bring about a new standard of performance in elective office, not only raise public confidence in government itself, but also set a moral tone for the conduct of business and other ele * . . . and Cox’s View Dallas Republican nominee Jack Cox, describing the two Democratic contenders, told a news conference this week: “If you tossed a coin it would come up the same. It’s the old game played out of Washington’heads we win and tails you lose.’ This coin has heads on both sides. One is a frontiersman for JFK and the other is a frontman for LBJ. There is nothing new about either one.” RELIABLE REAL ESTATE SERVICE Arthur Hajecate METROPOLITAN REALTY CO. 4340 Telephone Road HOUSTON, TEXAS ‘CLASS AGAINST CLASS’ ‘OLD LOBBY HOME WEEK’ ‘Irresponsibility’, Connally Warns Smith Cites Yacht Cruise MARTIN ELFANT Sun Life of Canada Houston, Texas CA 4-0686 ments of our society. “As governor of Texas, I hope to be able to visit regularly with the leading students of our colleges and universities and make them familiar with the problems and needs of government at all levels.” He said he hopes to see a day when the word “politics” will carry respect and admiration so that outstanding young people will aspire to such service. Speaking to enthusiastic crowds in the McKinney-DentonSherman area, Connally told the farmers to harvest their oats early this week, “because at the end of the week we will want to harvest another kind of crop leadership that is mature, experienced, responsible, and decent.” Commenting on the rich farmlands of North Texas, Connally said: “Look at that great land this Texas a backward, down-atthe-heels state.” In McKinney, Connally ar gued: “We’ve had enough irresponsibility. We need some honest voting and some honest campaigning and a return to Austin of oldfashioned Texas statesmanship . . . I will not be one of those who shows contempt for the Texas public by insulting the intelligence with wild promises of everything for everybody.” Later he repeated, “I simply will not commit the people of Texas to some prescribed course of action, which is planned outside the state boundaries, to be executed by a different sort of governmental operation for benefit of a majority of people who do not live in Texas.” OAt a Brownwood rally earlier, Connally declared: “What we need is action, not eloquence; performance, not promises. I am not going to offer false hope just to gain public office. “We have a moral tone of decay today,” he said, “which will ultimately destroy us if we do not reverse it.” He said he favors better education, labor-management teams to bring new industry into Texas, loan shark legislation, strengthening of law enforcement measures, and a commission for the handicapped. OSpeaking to Negro leaders in Port Arthur, Connally said he is against dividing the people and denounced those who pit “race against race, region against region, religion against religion, class against class.” He promised equal education and job opportunities for all, regardless of race. Asked by one Negro about revision of the sales tax, he said the tax “definitely” needs to be revised. “The tax should be across the board or we should set up some standards,” he said. AUSTIN Charges of lobbying, lobby entertaining, and extracurricular spending spiced the last days of the Jim Turman-Preston Smith run-off for lieutenant governor. Six conservative members of the Texas House sent Turman an “open letter” inquiring about the alleged use of state funds for personal purposes, including the hiring of a maid and baby-sitter at $8.50 a day on the payroll list as a clerk. They also asked about a cruise on Chesapeake Bay last September “in a scrumptious yacht with a nationally known small loan company president.” The letter was signed by Reps. W. S. Heatley of Paducah, J. Collier Adams of Lubbock, Myra Banfield of Rosenberg, Lloyd Martin of Madisonville, George Cook of Odessa, and Bob Johnson of Dallas. Sam Hanna, lobbyist for Pacific Finance Company and State Loan and Finance Management Company, said that Turman and several other representatives took the cruise as “our guests” on one of the days they were attending the National Legislative Conference sponsored by the Council of State Governments meeting in Philadelphia. Turman, arguing that Hanna later became upset when the House under his speakership adopted a small loan bill Hanna opposed, said, “Hanna’s trying to help Preston Smith.” Smith, in Austin, demanded that Turman return to the state all expense money he collected while being entertained by the “This is not a liberal-conservative fight,” he said, using an old theme. “This is a fight to save small business and small farmers, a fight to save our small towns and cities, a fight to save free enterprise in Texas.” In the lower Valley, where he was accompanied by PASO president Albert Pena, Yarborough said Connally “carried Duval County by 15-1, and if he’s going to have the boss-control vote delivered into his pockets by the Duke of Duval, we cannot be satisfied with a small lead.” Earlier, in Houston, Yar borough declared: “The people want a man who can face the challenge of the ‘sixties. They want a man who will state firmly where he stands on the issues. They are rejecting the big-lie technique of my frightened opponent, who sees his political campaign grinding to a halt in a quagmire of his own charges and irresponsible labeling of all Texans who disagree with him as extremists . . . He has insulted the small farmers, the teachers, the independent businessmen of Texas, who want to preserve Texans’ freedoms, by stating that those who do not agree with him are extremists. “His campaign,” he said of Connally, “has taken on the tone of desperation and defeat. His failure to debate me and to discuss the issues have been a crippling blow to his campaign.” OIn Weslaco and McAllen he specifically came out for a $30 increase in old age pensions, and for “better jobs and wage opportunities.” THE TEXAS OBSERVER Page 2 June 1, 1962 loan lobbyists. “It is somewhat shocking to hear of these activities on the part of a man who says he is against lobbyists,” Smith said. Turman, meanwhile, accused Smith of personal self-interest in helping kill that part of a bill approved earlier by the House which woud have controlled the showing of obscene movies. Smith, Turman said, is a movie theater owner. “My movie magnate opponent doesn’t want to clean’ up the stuff he peddles,” he said. One of the movies showing at a Smith theater this month, he added, is advertised: “Bridgitte Bardot lets the bars downa woman like Satan.” I-ICA Da OA ;Wit -xt:= d it its % 114 14 Speaking in San Antonio, Turman charged that lobbyists have taken over Smith’s campaign. “It looks like old lobby home week in my opponent’s office,” he said. “They say they have to have a man they can deal with, and they don’t want an independent man.” Smith’s claim of experience as presiding officer in the Senate, Turman added, is based on holding the gavel “when Ben Ramsey was out making a phone call.” While he was speaker, Turman said, the House approved the best loan shark measure of any state OAt two Brownsville rallies, where he was endorsed by Judge Oscar Dancey, Yarborough said of his opponent: “He said it is unrealistic to try to help old folks. He said the cost would be ridiculously high. He has adopted the attitude of Richard Nixon in saying that some things cannot be achieved because it would cost money. I say that nothing can be achieved with a negative thinker, and my opponent is a negative thinker . . . Every rroposal we have made to help the common man he has come out against. Every proposal we have made to help Texas, he has come out against.” He said he wants “to get across to small businessmen in Texas the fact that big Eastern gas pipelines don’t care a thing about the small businessman in Texas. They only want to keep control of the state.” OCampaigning at a series of coffees on the conservative Northside and handshaking with industrial workers in San Antonio, where Connally compiled almost cne-fourth of his first primary lead, he said, “People are switching in Bexar County. You can’t pin it to one section of town.” On statewide television Monday night, Yarborough flashed photographs of Abraham Lincoln, Sam Houston, John Kennedy, and Richard Nixon as examples of men in history who have been willing to debate the issues of their age. The half-hour program stressed the debate issue. “How can he tory books when he won’t stand tall on the platform and express his beliefs?” Connally, he charged, has not presented a meaningful platform. “He has hedged and he has straddled and he has dealt in in the country, while Smith was among those who voted against it and killed it in the Senate. Turman, describing himself as a “conservative with a heart,” predicted he will win the run-off by 200,000 votes. He led Smith in the first primary by 70,000. Turman has not commented directly on the yacht cruise issue. His state headquarters did distribute a statement quoting him as saying: “No amount of mudslinging can hide the fact that my opponent and 15 other senators prevented Texas from having a strong anti-loan law.” The House last year passed such a bill “with my 100 percent endorsement.” Later in the week Smith said Turman’s use of state expenses during the overnight yachting cruise “in an appalling case of irresponsibility . . . It is really not a little thing to make the people of Texas pay this unwarranted charge while the state treasury was nearly 100 million dollars in the red.” Smith, continuing to stress the theme of Turman’s support by organized labor, branded his opponent whose “campaign has been taken over lock, stock, and barrel by Austin’s most prominent lobby the AFL-CIO.” Turman, Smith said, is “rumored to have permission from his labor backers to come out for keeping the right-to-work law if the stand seems politically expedient.” He said he opposes four of labor’s specific goals: repeal of the sales tax, a state income tax, federalizing the Texas Employment Commission, and unionizing Texas farm labor. personalities.” In not presenting a program and in refusing to debate, Connally has tried “to be all things to all people right to election day .. . “I don’t believe the governorship should be won where a person can win on the basis of spending money alone,” Yarborough said. Connally, he added, denied during his first primary he had been a lobbyist for pipelines for 1956 legislation until another canto be. wrong. He quoted from the Congressional Record of the McClellan Committee of 1956 citing Connally as a member of the “General Gas Committee” of the