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The one great rule of composition is to speak the truth. THOREAU G CGS 919-e, The -a 0 titq.1301.013.1A9 e server We will serve no group or party but will hew hard to the truth as we find it and the right as we see it. An Independent-Liberal Weekly Newspaper Vol. 52 TEXAS, JULY 22, 1960 10c per copy No. 16 Houston Bolt, Loyalists’ OK Greet Kennedy Harris Liberals, Ralph Approve the Ticket; Texas GOP Joins Issue LOS ANGELES, AUSTIN A revolt against the Kennedy-Johnson ticket took root among “conservative Democrats” in Houston this week, even as the loyal Democrats there pledged to fight for Kennedy and Johnson. The “Democratic Precinct Organization” of conservatives, which now controlS the Harris County party machinery, repudiated the Democratic platform in a resolution adopted Tuesday night. They suggested Texas Democrats coordinate the casting of Texas electoral votes with Southern states. Hall Timanus,. a Democratic presidential elector from Houston, recently outlined a plan to accomplish this in an article in U. S. News and World Report. George Charlton, Tomball, the other presidential elector from Houston, said he will not vote for the Kennedy-Johnson ticket and would “hesitate” before voting for it as a presidential elector. He said he will not withdraw as an elector before the September 20 state Democratic convention. The Houston Chronicle published a report that Sen. Harry Byrd, Va., and ex-Congressman Martin Dies, Texas, are potential nominees on a Southern third-party ticket. Bob Eckhardt, chairman of the Harris County Democrats, said the executive and steering committees had unanimously agreed to send telegrams to Kennedy and Johnson offering their services “in carrying Harris County and the state for you.” “Furthermore,” the identical wires said, “we want you to know that we are enthusiastically for the action of the Democratic convention and in accord with the spirit of the convention, its candidates, and its platform.” “Everyone on both committees is enthusiastically in favor of the Democratic nominees and the program,” Eckhardt added. “We believe that it is an extremely strong ticket.” Woodrow Seals, a pro-Stevenson visitor to the Los Angeles convention, issued a statement upon the nomination of the Johnson-Kennedy ticket in his capacity as Harris County Democratic chairman. “The selection of Lyndon B. Johnson by John Kennedy as his running mate will unite the Democratic Party in Harris County,” he said. “Not only will this insure victory for the Demobring all sections together nationally, as well as all factions locally. .Yarborough Sees Win Sen. Ralph Yarborough of Texas, who went to Los Angeles not as a delegate but to present a statement on natural resources to the Platform committee, predicted a Kennedy victory and promised’ his own enthusiastic work toward that end. He thought Texas “can be car \(Continued Vice-President Johnson? How He Was Chosen ; What Now LOS ANGELES Will Sen.Johnson’s position on the Democratic ticket hold the South or lose the North or a little of both or neither of either? Sen. John Kennedy was impressed enough about the nascent revolt against the news of his choice of Johnson the afternoon before Johnson received the nomination that he gave Johnson a chance to back outa chance Johnson rejected. Johnson had failed to show up for an NAACP-sponsored rally of 6,000 the Sunday before the convention, although Symington and Kennedy were there. Oscar Chapman, representing Johnson, said he would not support anyone who “did not support the Supreme Court decision of 1954” and favored Johnson for president. He was then, however, set upon by such booing, he could not continue for a minute or so. When he could, he said he was at a disadvantage among such distinguished speakers, mentioned again that he would not support anyone who did not support the 1954 ruling, and sat down. Secrecy Given Up The most fascinating postnomination development in Los Angeles was a supposedly secret meeting between the Negro delegates, Kennedy, and Johnson, called to allay Negro alarm abdut Johnson’s selection or vice-president. The Observer’s man and another Texas reporter, having been told by a Kennedy man guarding the door that the press was barred, proceeded into the meeting through a side door. Kennedy and Johnson entered, shaking hands right and left. The rest of the press came bursting through the main door. Kennedy said briefly, “Sen. Johnson and I are going to run on the Democratic platform. We commit ourselves in that campaign to implement that platform.” Then he introduced Johnson. . “I’m going to run on the platform that this convention adopted,” Johnson said. “I’m always going to stand beside and behind my leader.” He added that the platform “depends on the ability and capacity of the men you select.” “I think I know something about injustices that exist. I have done my deadlevel best to make LOS ANGELES, AUSTIN If you believe everything you read, Sen. Johnson told Sen. Kennedy he had to have the vice presidential nomination, Kennedy offered it to him thinking he would not take it, and Kennedy offered it knowing in advance he would take it ; Johnson did not want it, and also did want it ; Kennedy offered it to him to get him out of the way as Majority Leader, to carry the South, to enlist his powerful help in the Congress, to please * progress in civil rights … against great odds both in the Senate and at home at times.” This came close, for Johnson, to an implied repudiation of the egregationist platform of his Texas constituency. He continued: “If you give me the strength and support, I think that before the end of the next Democratic administration that you will have made more progress in the last four years than you’ve made in the last 104. … I don’t believe you’re going to he sorry.” He spoke of an “intelligent” and “dedicated” approach to “all of our fellow Americans.” He did not mention moderation. He thanked the Negroes and left forthwith to a gathering of the Florida delegation. ‘Can’t Win Without You’ “I think Senator Johnson made a fine speech, and I think he means it,” Kennedy said. “Both Senator Johnson and I are … committed to this platform.” It has been drawn up, Kennedy said, by his own foreign policy adviser, Chester Bowles, and is “the greatest platform in the history of the United States.” He wanted them to be joined by “everyone who will support this platformthat’s the point.” The platform, “a great American document,” was “a means to an end,” he said; “then, having won, .we can proceed to implement our sober commitment.” “As far as I’m concerned and as far as Sen. Johnson is concerned, we are committed to this platform. I want your help in this electionwe can’t win this election without your help,” he told the Negro delegates. Kennedy received two questions. One, from a Washington delegate, , who said he could not ask Johnson, since he had left, was what help could they expect from Johnson on civil rights in the last fragment of Congress, without which they would have trouble convincing Negro voters? Kennedy said there would be difficulties in a three-week session, but “I am committed to action. Senator Johnson is committed to action.” A Michigan delegate said Kennedy had remarked he could carry the nomination without Southern support. “We worked on this basis Northern bosses, to prevent. a Southern bolt, to go along with Walter Reuther, and in spite of Walter Reuther; Johnson agreed to run from a sense of duty, because of ruthless pressure, because it looked like the shortest road to the White House for him, and because he had nothing to lose. From this welter of warring wiseacres, diverging dopesters, contradictory certitudes, the poor citizen can hardly conclude anything. Fortunately Kennedy and Johnson have both discussed the … and won on this basis. How can you account or the fact that we come up with a man who is a symbol of the South?” “I understandI understand,” Kennedy said. “It seems to me that what we are interested in is the support of those who support the platform. After all, I think we should welcome those who will work with us. … I hope that you will have sufficient confidence …” Thereupon Kennedy, saying he had expected the meeting to be “a personal executive meeting” but that , the public were present, suggested “questions up here, we can get at it that way.” The formal meeting was adjourned. Kennedy talked fulsomely with persons present for another 15 minutes and then took his leave. Two Texans There Two Texas delegates were present, Albert Pena and G. J. Sutton of San Antonio. Pena, the Bexar County commissioner, said, will have to come up with something pretty concrete \(in the closif these people are so inclined, they can sell it.” Sutton thought Johnson is “committed to the platform.” Had Johnson’s nomination hurt the ticket? “I’ll have to talk to more people,” he replied. AUSTIN, HOUSTON “We have until November 15thno laterto determine the economic potential of the Observer,” its proprietors state in announcing a fourmonth effort for new subscriptions and new advertising July 15 through Nov. 15. “The results of the effort will have a bearing on the continuation of the Observer after that date,” said Mrs. R. D. Randolph of Houston. and Ronnie Dugger of Austin, partners in the enterprise. Dugger said he will assume the duties of advertising manager and, beginning in August, will also hold a series of meetings with Observer subscribers in the major cities of the state. These meetings may be held Saturday mornings. Dugger said he would appreciate suggestions from subscribers in the major cities about dates and places for them. subject, providing a solid starting place for the speculation, The complete truth is doubtless very complex, for there were many variables. Johnson’s staff were mostly opposed, believing he is more powerful as Majority Leader, but there were those who believed he could hold on to his Senate power, wanted him freed of the Southern/Texas image, and believed they could foresee his presidential candidacy blooming again in 1964 or 1968. Last Saturday in Los Angeles, in his last press conference before leaving for his rest at Hyannis Port, Kennedy said he called Johnson at 8:30 Thursday morning. Mrs. Johnson has contributed the fact that she answered the phone, waking Johnson up to take the call. Johnson said he and Kennedy bantered about who should visit whom, both being willing to go to the other, but Kennedy said he would come down, and did so about midmorning. “And I asked him if he would be willing to run. He said that if I wished him to do so, that he would do so,” Kennedy told the press Saturday. Both Kennedy and Johnson then, misled the ‘hundreds of reporters waiting outside Johnson’s suite. Kennedy said the vice-presidency had been discussed generally, but “nothing specific.” Johnson said there had been a general discussion, but no special candidate had been singled out. That is, neither of them told the press at that point of the main fact: Kennedy had asked Johnson if he would run, and he said he would. Johnson told the Houston Press by long distance: “He got down to business quickly on his arrival. He said he wanted a strong man to stand beside him in the campaign and that I was the man. Would I accept the vice presidential nomination? “I asked him with whom he had checked. He told me of his breakfast conference with various party leaders. He said they wanted me, too, that I would strengthen the ticket and unite the party. “I asked him how it would be At each of these meetings, Dugger will make a statement of the facts about the Observer and outline a course of action for each person present who wants to help the Observer attain a better financial condition. His hope is that separate efforts can be launched for Observer subscrip ,ions and advertising in each of the major cities. Subscriptions in rural areas were the subject of discussions which started in Austin in June. A separate effort in this area may be undertaken by rural friends of the Observer. Dugger asked leaders of organization’s which wish to assist in obtaining Observer subscriptions on a commission basis to contact him. “Not a line of a news story or an editorial is for sale, but our subscriptions are,” he said. “We have gone as far as we can with friendly enthusiasm,” the partners in the paper said. Lyndon and the Negroes Kennedy’s Decision An Announcement