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10c per copy Number 33 Maury Maverick, Jr., and Gov. Williams A Highly Gratifying Demonstration The one great rule of composition is to speak the truth. THOREA U \\14. 17 aqti 4’S C’\\.4. The ToP c/C .4 , ndent-Liberal Observer Weekly Newspaper We will serve no group or party but will hew hard to the truth as we find it and the right as we see it. Vol. 51 TEXAS, NOVEMBER 20, 1959 Labor on LBJ, Taxes LIBERAL NEEDED TO WIN–SOAPY SAN ANTONIO Organized labor in Texas stalled off a decision on Sen. Lyndon Johnson’s presidential candidacy until February, received anti-Johnson Gov. Mennen Williams and Sen. Ralph Yarborough warmly, gave Johnson himself a courteous but cool reception, and urged Mrs. R. D. Randolph to seek a second term as Democratic national committeewoman. Apart from these questions of stance toward Johnson, Texas AFL-CIO in convention at the Gunter Hotel here broke new ground in state public policy by becoming the first weighty political organization to endorse a graduated personal income taxa flat percentage of the federal tax. “We must demonstrate the courage to speak out on issues that others in the state are avoiding. We must bring the public conscience into account for the thousands of things that are still undone,” said President Jerry Holleman in an address challenging the delegates to endorse the personal income tax and a Texas Water Commission with broad powers. It was a quiet convention. Perhaps the sharpest debate occurred in the civil rights committee, where the threat of the ouster of segregated locals from the state council produced a compromise report which recommended an end to “white locals” and a civil rights committee in each local. Gov. Price Daniel, skipping the convention, sent a letter commending labor for backing many programs for the good of the people. This letter was probably Daniel’s friendliest public gesture toward labor since he has been Governor. Stance for . 1960 Although nearly lost in the amplified echoes of speeches, and reports, the, report of the Committee on Political Education, as adopted by the convention, contained guidelines to labor’s role in the complex Texas situation. From the floor delegates insisted that the position of legislative candidates on repeal of the state right-to-work law be made the first consideration in whether to support them. As laid down by COPE, Texas ‘labor also agreed: To “continue our cooperation with our political friends and with friendly political organizations,” an oblique reference to Democrats of Texas, which was named elsewhere in connection with a drive against the poll tax. To determine “our position” on candidates at the state COPE meeting \(probably in Febtion, significant for the Johnsonfor-President movement: “All members are urged not to take any action on any candidate which could be interpreted as a violation of this policy.” Another resolution said Mrs. Randolph “has worked harder” for party integrity than any other national committeewoman in the state’s history and has been recognized “all over the nation” and said Texas AFL-CIO does “unaniond term.” Since the ouster of Mrs. Randolph has been discussed speculatively as one aspect of the Johnson drive, labor in this resolution was arraying itself with Sen. Ralph Yarborough and DOT on the issue. On the other hand, Holleman did not discuss DOT in his speech, and the report of the labor executive board sandwiched a mention of DOT between “the Savings Bond campaign” and “the Diablo Dam meeting,” indicating some gingerliness among labor’s leaders toward too emphatic an association with the group. In hotel room talk it was indicated that while U. S. labor as a force at the national convention will probably oppose Johnson for president if it becomes necessary, this is a course which their leadership would like to avoid, since Johnson is the powerful Senate Democratic leader. At the same time, one big-city labor leader observed, by deciding not to take a stand for or against Johnson as a favorite son now, labor may be leaving a vacuum in Texas which the Johnson movement will fill before February. Labor delegates in the DOT convention last May also SAN ANTONIO The Democrats have a “pretty poor chance” of winning in 1960 unless they nominate “a liberal,” Gov. MenMichigan said here this week in reply to a question whether he thinks a moderate like Lyndon Johnson could be nominated. Addressing the state labor convention, he complimented Sen. Henry Gonzalez, San Antonio; added, “and talking about senators, you got a great senator down here by the name of Yarborough,” but concluded, “and I understand you got another senator, too, who’s a pretty smart fellow, but I don’t think he’d help me much if he came to Michigan.” Tom Quimby, Democratic national committeeman from Michigan who traveled to Texas with Williams, was more explicitly opposed to Johnson. Acknowledging “great respect for Mr. Johnson’s ability as a strategist and tactician” in Michigan, Quimby said he is “associated with certain programs or AUSTIN Lyndon Johnson hardly has a look-in among Eastern Democrats, runs first among Southern Democrats, and paces alongside Estes’ Kef auver for third place among Democratic candidates for president.So said Dr. Gallup this week. Nationwide, Gallup reported Democrats line up like this: Kennedy 27 percent, Stevenson 26, Johnson 11, Kefauver 10, Symington 6, Humphrey 4, Brown 3, Williams 3, Meyner 2. In the East, Johnson has 3 percent; in the Midwest, 5; in the South, 28; in the Far West, 4. Sen. Ed C. Johnson, Colorado, endorsed Johnson, saying he has Kennedy’s enthusiasm, Humphrey’s liberalism, Stevenson’s articulateness, Brown’s adroitness, Symington’s balance in economics, and Chandler’s personable ways. Johnson’s chances in Kentucky looked up as a result of the elec ideas which would make him unacceptable as a Democratic leader particularly to the metropolitan populations.” No. 1 among these programs, he said, was “the failure to liberalize” Rule 22, the filibuster-permitting rule, last session. No. 2, he said, “the Democrats in Michigan were sorry to see the Democratic majority in the Congress yield to the Eisenhower threat of veto,” especially in housing and depressed areas legislation. “No. 3, the completely understandable and natural association that Senator Johnsbn has with the oil and gas interests.” Quimby said Johnson “doesn’t have a chance” for the nomination but “is one of the great leaders of the Democratic Party and should have an effect on the nomination.” Williams refused to answer a direct request for hi s s specific objections to Johnson or views on any other candidates. He said he is willing to “break a lance” as a candidate if he’s asked to but he doesn’t expect to be. tion of Johnson man Bert Combs governor. Not so good for him was news from Sen. Pat McNamara, Michigan, that he could not “enthusiastically support” him and that after five years in the Senate, “I just don’t think Johnson represents the philosophy of the Democratic Partyparticularly in Michigan.” In Texas, Byron Skelton, national committeeman, and J. Ed Connally, Democratic chairman, announced a state executive committee for Johnson. They are cochairmen; Gov. Daniel and Speaker Rayburn are honorary co-chairmen; members are Ben Wooten, Dallas banker; Sen. Charles Herring, Austin; W. St. John Garwood, former State Supreme Court member; Jake Jacobsen, secretary of the state Democratic executive committee; and Mrs. Bill Griffis of San Angelo, SDEC member from the 25th district. Johnson Leads South; Little Appeal in East