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BOW WILLIAMS Automobile ant General Inettranee Budget Payment Plan Strum Sleek Cempaalee GlIteenweed 11411411 a4 LABIAL. A171121IN Lore Abend’ the Pon Tait A Challenge, a Lookover `BY WHAT YOU, YOURSELF, SEE’ The Democratic National Committee, including Texans Mrs. R. D. Randolph and Byron Skelton, will consider Sept. 16 not only Paul Butler’s proposed rule to pledge delegates to support nominees, but whether to try to instruct Butler to designate Sam Rayburn chairman of the convention in 1960. Rayburn’s stock in this prospect may have declined because of the LandrumGriffin defeat he suffered in the House and his own delegation. 7 The oilworkers’ union has signed up 2,600 of the 3,100 workers at the Humble refinery in Baytown. About 1200 of them showed up at the organizational meeting of the new union; Fortune Magazine had three photographers there to record the first major breach of Standard of New Jersey by international unionism. 7 Houston Press said it was “disgusting” that the teachers’ lobby bought box lunches for the legislature one day. “Some day the people of Texas are going to revolt at what goes on in Austin,” the paper said. / Sen. Johnson will visit San Augustine Aug. 29 for a twodays-late birthday celebration and has scheduled a major address in Galveston Sept. 21. / Neil McNeil, Scripps-Howard writer, said Sen. Yarborough’s friends’ “daydreams” of Yarborough as a vice-presidential candidate in 1960 “aren’t necessarily just spun out of air,” that Yarborough has been getting the look-over by Democratic leaders on both coasts. Texas History Interest Sought DALLAS With more than 200 county historical survey committees already designated by county judges, the Texas State Historical Survey Committee, created legislatively in 1953 and given permanent status in 1957, has announced a program to increase public interest in Texas history. The committee’s original work was preserving old Texas homes, courthouses, colleges, forts, and historic structures. Now the committee, through its president, Col. Charles R. Tips of Dallas, urges local committees to work with local officials and the Highway Department in preserving, and adding new, historical markers; to encourage the writing of county histories and the safekeeping of valuable county records; to establish local museums or work with some nearby regional museum; to preserve old landmarks or, at least, have them carefully photographed and sent to the State Archives; and to sponsor observations of Texas holidays. LEGALS CITATION BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF TEXAS TO Henry N. Bush Defendant, in the hereinafter styled and numbered cause: You are hereby commanded to appear before the 126th District Court of Travis County, Texas, to be held at the courthouse of said county in the City of Austin, Travis County, Texas, at or before 10 o’clock A. M. of the first Monday after the expiration of 42 days from the date of issuance hereof; that is to say, at or before, 10 o’clock A. M. of Monday the 21st day of September, 1959, and answer the petition of plaintiff in. Cause Number 115,030, in which Gladys Noe Bush is Plaintiff and Henry N. Bush is defendant, filed in said Court on the 6th day of August, 1959, and the nature of which said suit is as follows: Being an action and prayer for judgment in favor of Plaintiff and against Defendant for title to and /The Corpus Christi Caller said that though many of the Hale-Aikin plans have merit, “none is so pressing as to justify calling another special session of the legislature.” The teachers’ association has ”carefully refrained” from naming an income source for their requested raise; “Are they thinking of a one-cent tax on gasoline?” asked the paper. Opposing particularly a special session early next year, the Caller foresaw “a horrifying prospect” of “a demagogic struggle” just before the May elections. / Bobby Morrow, the phenomeV nal U. S. track star, graduated from Abilene Christian College and took a job as assistant vice president for public relations at the Bank of Commerce in Abilene. Morrow, a conservative young man with obvious possibilities for politics, will have as his duties “contacts with customers and with the press, radio, and television plus representing the bank at civic functions.” /George Carmack, Houston Post editor, made “a pledge for 1961!”, to wit: “to help the Texas state parks,” which got “the worst deal” in the legislature. “What permanent damage will unavoidably be done as a result of this short-sightedness!” he wrote. IDick West, Dallas News com mentator, urged his radio listeners to attend a Freedom in Action meeting in Dallas to hear Bob Stripling, former investigator for the House Un-American Activities committee. Stripling told FIA that the Krushchev visit to the U. S. was comparable to a visit from Hitler. “In the 1930’s what would the U. S. public have thought if Hitler had been invited to the White House?” he asked. “I don’t see any difference between Hitler and Krushchev.” 7 Will Clayton of Houston, Arch Underwood of Lubbock, J. R. Parten of Houston, Walter Hall of Dickinson, J. Frank Dobie of Austin, Jim Sewell of Corsicana, and Bob Slagle of Sherman have been listed as sponsors of the Truman dinner in Dallas Oct. 17. These people, along with Byron Skelton, Mrs. R. D. Randolph, and J. Ed Connally, make the assertion by County Democratic chairman Ed Drake that prominent Texans would shun the rally “utterly ridiculous,” said ramrodder Dan Patton, Jr. /Joe Bailey Humphries, spokesman for party regulars in Dallas, charged a North Dallas chamber of commerce education course in politics is “a floating crap game” whose sponsors won’t reveal its location. Conservative Democrats and Republicans are to be the speakers. The series begins Sept. 15 with Drake as speaker; the location has not been announced. possession of the following described premises, to-wit: All of Acres, situated in Travis County, Texas, and more fully described in Vol. 1751 P. 158, Travis County, Deed Records; Plaintiff alleges that on February 28, 1957, she was and still is, the owner in fee simple of the above described premises and that on said date she was in possession of such premises, and afterward the defendant unlawfully entered upon and dispossessed her of such premises and withholds from her the possession thereof; Plaintiff further prays for such other and further relief as she may be entitled to, either at law or in equity; All of which more fully appears from Plaintiff’s Original Petition on file in this office and to which reference is here made for all intents and purposes; If this citation is not served 7 Some of the investment eery tificate lenders, whose rate of interest is about 22 percent, .have begun arguing for passage of the constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to set small loan interest rates higher than the present 10 percent. They argue that the people of 42 other states trusted their legislators, and it has turned out all right for them. Defeat of the amendment, they say, would give the sharks aid and Political Intelligence comfort by discouraging the 20 to 36 percent boys. This work is being done quietly, preparatory to the big, expensive campaign next fall. 7 House chief clerk Dorothy Hallman’s total of lobbyist spending \(not quite complete, but the legislature: $121,909. Homer Leonard, beer industry, was the highest individual spender reporting, $4,054. By industries, approximately: oil’ and gas $20,000, railroads $17,000, truckers $12,000, beer $11,000, labor $6,000, utilities $4,000, distilled liquor $3,500, sulphur $2,000, loan industry $1,800, public school teachers, $1,200, Texas Manufacturers’ Assn. $1,100. Interesting miscellany: Frank 01 tort $130 for Brown & Root, Inc.; Taber Ward, the only lobbyist for the cigarette industry, which was rewarded for its disinterest with a three-cents-per-pack cigarette tax hike, $43; the smallest individual spender reporting, Major T. Bell of Beaumont, for Gulf States Util/ Stuart Long, in his Austin Re port, said Sens. Johnson and Yarborough are outside the speculation about the serious political races in 1960. “Chances are,” he said, however, “that there will be a conservative candidate wasting his and Dan Moody’s time this spring running against Johnson.” / All proceeds from “Dollars for Democrats” this year Sept. 25 through Oct. 4will be sent to the national party, J. Ed Connally, state chairman, said. He named John Wildenthal, Jr., Cotulla, to head the drive, Wildenthal being a state Democratic commmittee member and assistant attorney general. Connally’s letter about the drive contains the sentence, “Although Texas Democrats have disagreed with some of the remarks made by our national Democratic officials, we are cooperating to help meet the state’s quota to the Party.” He designated all county chairmen as chairmen of their local money-drives. 7 Sen. Abraham Kazen, Laredo, is reported considering running for D.A. for financial reasons. Rep. Bob Mullen, Alice, is a possible candidate to succeed him. within 90 days after date of its issuance, it shall be returned un,served. WITNESS, 0. T. MARTIN, JR., Clerk of the District Courts of Travis County, Texas. Issued and given under my hand and the seal of said Court at office in the City of Austin, this the 6th day of August, 1959. 0. T. MARTIN, JR. Clerk of the District Courts, Travis County, Texas. By A. E. JONES, Deputy. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO INCORPORATE Notice is hereby given that P. B. Thomson doing business as Depot Stores, 1430 W. Commerce St., 201 S. Alamo St., 3618 Broadway, and Thomson’s Stores, 3106 Fredericksburg Road, all in San Antonio, Texas, and as Thomson’s Stores, 909 E. Main St., in Fredericksburg, Texas, intends to incorporate under the name of Thomson’s Depot Stores, Inc., on September I, 1959. P. B. THOMSON, Owner \(Lon Tinkle, book critic of the News, recently did a piece on J. Frank Dobie which, informally, conveyed a part of the essense of this most lusty and honest Texas man. We excerpt a few paragraphs for our readers’ Dobie has always had a passion to see things clearly and them right. He turned this clearsightedness, which is really just intensified awareness, on his homeland. Nobody has taught Southwesterners more about their landscapes and their traditions, their history and the animals they live with. Dobie’s artistic interpretation of the Southwest has never been merely local. Like all real artists, Dobie is a man of highly amplified consciousness. He is a “natural” man, but a civilized man too. When you talk with him, what strikes you most is his effortless power of concentration. He is not merely visible in a conversation but fully alert and present. His well-stocked mind constantly sees relationships. “I have learned more about grasses,” he says, ‘from Wordsworth than from all the Department of Agriculture’s manuals put together.” For Dobie, truth is larger than mere fact. But with equal scruple, he guards against illusion, that occupational disease of the artist mind. A man who has fought to preserve the Southwestern heritage, he is in no sense a conservative. His motto could be “Preserve and Discover,” with emphasis on the latter. He is a true liberal. “I have oAen tried,” he says, “to find a good definition of a liberal. I think a liberal is simply a man willing to see the truth and unwilling to reject what is real.” Hence, Dobie’s passion for clearsightedness. Hence, his fundamental incorruptibility. **** “I was lonesome for land,” he told us, as his arm swept in a wide arc indicating the hills and creek of his country place, “and I bought this place about a year ago. When I got sick, I thought for awhile that maybe I was through, so I sold my country place at Cherry Springs. But I got lone Facts Behind the Myth Sirs: Thanks for your superb coverage of the legislature. I look forward to Editor Goodwyn’s series on the economic of power in Texas. We Texans are steeped in folklore concerning this subject. So many otherwise well-informed people seem to me to have cultivated this blind spot to be so amazingly ignorant of the history and the facts behind the myth of “free enterprise” as it is practiced in Texas. While I have always thought myself a liberal, the education I have been receiving through your news coverage, columns, and editorials leaves me somewhat in doubt. But, even though being a liberal in Texas is becoming more complicated and difficult, it is just as surely becoming more important, even urgent. I am enclosing a check for $4. I