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Minnie Fish Honored Every now and then those medical doctors of ours sprint off into the thicket waving their cutlery and shouting “Murder ! Riot ! Socialists under the operating Table !” Seldom, however, do they operate on each other like they would them socialists. In the October journal of the Texas doctors, there is an editorial called “Don’t Kill the Goose.” The argument runs like this : voluntary health insurance staves off the socialists, but it is getting too expensive and is ceasing to be attractive. The reasonno, not unreasonable feesthe reason is “unnecessary hospitalization, needless procedures, and confinement of patients for periods longer than are required e oner o/ Jake Pickle, Gov. Daniel’s organizer, says that the $362 bill run up at the state convention for free chicken lunches for party officials and convention workers has been paid in full. Not only did the Daniel boys bar off the convention stage, shut off debate in the committees, toss out two caucus nomi Un ci.4 Instead of issuing statements critical o f national Democratic chairman Paul Butler \(a “duly elected officer” of the party who apparently is not among those he has Daniel might take the time and trouble to endorse Barefoot Sanders, the Democrat running against the reactionary Republican congressman in Dallas. Is the Governor a Democrat only as long as he’s in charge? We agree with Butler that Southerners who cannot accept an uncompromising Democratic Party policy on civil rights are welcome to get out of the party. It should have been said a long time ago. As for Senator Johnson’s stock rejoinder that we ought to be emphasizing what unites us instead of what divides us, to the contrary we ought to draw the lines and fight, among ourselves whenever need be, for principles worthy of a great progressive nation. Mi te ha liel Well, well. We see the NAACP had its state convention out in San Angelo. That is, we see it from the routine little press service story to this effect. Apparently white reporters weren’t invitedwe certainly weren’t. When is the NAACP going to stop discriminating against us white people ? We’d like to get to know some of them. Published by Texas Observer Co., Ltd. OCTOBER 24, 1958 Ronnie Dagger Editor and General Manager Larry Goodwyn, Associate Editor Sash Payne, Office Manager Dean Johnston, Circulation-Advertising EDITORIAL and BUSINESS OFFICE: 1504 West 24th St., Austin, Texas. Phone GReenwood 7-0746. HOUSTON OFFICE: 1012 Dennis, Mrs. R. D. Randolph, Dean Johnston. Entered as second-class matter, April 28, 1037, at the Post Office at Austin, Texas, under the Act of March 1, 1879. for good care.” One investigator found that “under voluntary health insurance we are approaching the thing which is so objectionable in government medicine … an upsurge in the utilization of personal health services.” Thus might the goose that laid the golden egg be killed. That is, you see, the more people voluntary insurance helps, the more it costs, so the less the people like it ; so the solution is, cut down on the benefits, the cost will be more reasonable, and everybody will like the program better, although, er, well, they won’t get so much medical care. Whose goose was that they were killing? Contention nees to the SDEC, and gavel the convention shut rather than face a roll call, they used Democrats’ money for free chicken for all the birds who worked out these plays. We would not be so chicken as to suggest they eat crow in 1960, but they might be more careful whose bones they drop. Conoitler We would remind voters that a precinct’s strength at the 1960 Democratic county conventions will be computed on the basis of one delegate for each 25 votes in the precinct for the Democratic nominee for governor next month. Had liberals a real choice between a liberal and Price Daniel, a protest vote might be in order, but the Republican is unworthy of serious attention. Voting for Daniel to strengthen one’s precinct in the 1960 conventions makes sense in precincts which are regularly liberal or pivotal. Yeo on 8 Constitutional Amendment Number Eight would provide hospital and emergency medical care for aged and needy people who don’t have the money for it and are on the state assistance rolls. Federal funds are waiting for Texas to use ; failure to enact this state-matching amendment would be the rejection of medical care for needy people whose pittances from the state assistance program are not nearly adequate. At most the state’s share would be $9 million a year. In effect the amendment proposes an increase in assistance to the needy and the aged, and no humane person can deny such an increase is very much called for. Published once a week from Austin, Texas. Delivered postage prepaid $4 per annum. Advertising rates available on request. Extra copies 10c each. Quantity prices available on orders. We will serve no group or party but will hew to the truth as we find it and the right as we see it. We are dedicated to the whose truth, to human values above all interleaf!, to the rights of man as the foundation of detriocracy; we will take orders from none but our own conscience, and never will we overlook or misrepresent the truth to serve the interests of the powerful or Oster to the Ignoble in the human spirit HOUSTON Harris County Democrats and those from nearby counties gathered at the Communications Workers hall in Houston to give encomiums to Minnie Fisher Cunningham for her lifetime of striving for a liberal, progressive Democratic Party in Texas. Mrs. Cunningham, who at 76 lives alone in New Waverly but has hundreds of friends near and far, responded by “doing a little honoring” herself in favor of Mrs. Jud Collier, who introduced Mrs. R. D. Randolph, the Democratic national committeewoman, who introduced Mrs. Cunningham. Mrs. Randolph said Mrs. Cunningham had been an inspiration to her at times of defeat and discouragement, to which Mrs. Cunningham responded that Mrs. Randolph was “the Deborah of Texas Democracy, who, as George Washington expressed it, ‘has raised a standard to which the wise and good may adhere’.” Mrs. Cunningham also paid tribute to the chairman of the luncheon, Mrs. Olon Rogers, former president of the Houston school board whom thousands know and love, she said, because of her fearless support of free public schools. Thomas Jefferson, father of the Democratic Party, fought for free public ‘education in Virginia, where today, in contrast, public schools are being closed, said Mrs. Cunningham. And, as for Governor Faubus of Arkansas, that was a tragedy about which Texas women should be concerned and which they must never allow to be repeated in this state. Mrs. Cunningham also paid her “respects” to Jake Pickle of the state Democratic executive committee. She said Pickle functions “on the good old policy of ‘let’s you and him fight,’ ably assisted by Mr. Sam Wood. ” “When the word went out that your unworthy servantless than the dust beneath your chariot wheel’was to be honored, Mr. Picklenot Governor Daniel, not Mr. Lindsey, but Mr. Picklespoke right up and withdrew the name of Mrs. Weinert,” she said. “But it would take more than Mr. Pickle and Mr. Wood together to make a fight between Mrs. Weinert and me … because in the First World War, Mrs. Weinert was my faithful and strong co-worker.” The occasion w a s Democratic Woman’g Day, observed over the state and elsewhere. The National Committee had designated Mrs. Randolph to designate an outstanding Democratic woman to be honored on that occasion. The state Democratic executive committee’s vice chairman, Mrs. R. Max Brooks, had settled upon Mrs. H. H. Weinert,. former national committeewoman. CHRIS DIXIE, Houston attorney, said at the meeting here that he was a Democrat because the Democratic Party is truly the party of genuine free enterprise, that free enterprise which protects the right of any individual to engage in any business or to work at any trade, occupation, or profession, or not to work, and which gives the maximum freedom of selection that any person can be given to do what he wants to with his life. Dixie said there may have been times when “we’ve had to grit our teeth to say ‘I’m a Democrat,’ but on the whole the Democratic Party has risen to its responsibilities, bearing in mind that there are many imperfections.” There can be no real political freedom, said Dixie, if there is not a substantial amount of economic freedom. “Above all others, not merely in America but in the world, tile Democratic Party comes closer to protecting these freedoms than any I know of,” he said. Dixie said the Democratic Party’s latest work was defending the freedom of citizens during the “McCarthy era.” The choice then, said Dixie, became one of free thought, the right to free thinking, or “damnation and excommunication.” When finally Mc Carthy was brought up before his senatorial peers on a motion o f censure, “each and very Democratic senator, whether northern liberal or southern conservative or westerner, voted to censure McCarthy.” This, said Dixie, proved that the Democratic Party had within it enough moral force to stand up and be counted. “Contrast this with Eisenhower’s performance,” said Dixie. “McCarthy was in his heyday, condemning \(Gen. head idiot and friend of the communists and having a large part of America believing it when the managers of the Republican Party took Eisenhower into Wisconsin and presented him and McCarthy together from the same rostrumthis represents the extent of the degradation of the Republican Party. President Eisenhower finally entered into the contest because McCarthy forced it on himthere was not enough moral force in the Republican Party to stand up against McCarthy.” THE NEW DEAL administration, said Dixie, saved free enterprise as we understand it in America today by making the necessary adjustments to cure the defects of its operation. “It was an incident unique in history,” said Dixie. “When Roosevelt came into the presidency, banks were failing … Roosevelt closed the banks until he could restore order and confidence … it was the time of the famous first 100 days … Roosevelt and a Democratic Congress could have done almost. anything … they held the en, tire banking system of the nation, the center of unlimited financial power with all its implications, in their hands then, having saved it, the Democratic Party returned it to private enterprise. I defy any person to show any similar incident in history where a government found itself in possession of that much power and returned it to its managers.” “If we are not exterminated by atomic bombs” by 1970, the population of the United States will have doubled. We will need a major new effort to develop the public school system and higher education. “The Democrats are the only party equipped to deal with this problem, and the problems of urban renewal, traffic and housing. The Republicans are not going to deal with them because it is inconsistent with their conception of free enterprisethey think everybody should have freedom to maintain squalor if he can make a dollar out of it.” America, said Dixie, is not the first nation to discover democracy. Other civilizations have known it. In Greece, whence Dixie’s ancestors came, the Greeks had a democracy 3000 years ago, with voting, free speech, and legislators, but democracy died there because it did not have the force within it to carry on a fight to preserve it. “If you please, it did not have something like the Democratic Party. AL HIEKEN Let those flatter who fear, it is sot as Americas art.-1EPTERSON Ca/tiny Aft g004ed erlittO Own= 41116plo