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SDEC Okays One-Party Primaries \(Continued from Page ethics, the SDEC resolutions committee report said the committee has no authority to issue instructions concerning precinct or county conventions; said there would be no statutory authority for requiring a person to sign his name to a roll other than a simple list of qualified voters; said local police maintain “decorum, honesty, and law” at conventions and wondered at DOT’s motive in objecting to “armed guards” at state conventions, since, said SDEC, “the club as the basic method of control” had been abandoned; rejected as “impractical, illegal, a dangerous precedent” DOT’s idea of having impartial arbiters, or “masters,” rule on county delegation disputes; and instead proposed these changes for the 1958 state convention: That the SDEC chairman, Lindsey, appoint five members of SDEC to a credentials committee at least 20 days before the convention; that all contests be forwarded to this committee at least ten days before the convention; that the chairmen of contesting delegations be advised in advance of the date and place of the credentials hearings; and that the hearings be “at least one day” in advance of the convention. Accept That’ The resolutions committee’s re’ port said a conclusion had not been reached on party registration. However, Fagan Dickson of Austin proposed in place of this recommendation. “This committee recommends passage of a law providing for party registration which is designed to prevent members of the Republican party from participating in Democratic primaries.” Dixon said to Daniel, who was present, he had no objection to electing county convention delegates provided “we have a registration law in connection with that recommendation.” “This committee is regular . . has gone SAVE NOW for The Future! Open Your Account at Alice Savings & Loan Association CURRENT DIVIDEND RATE 2 o 3VV PRE ANNUM Insured by an Agency of the Federal Gov’t BOB MULLEN, Vice President Mullen Building Alice, Texas down the road, on the county, state, and national levels,” Dixon said. “Now that’s fine if we limit the election of these delegates to Democrats.” Lindsey, John Peace of San Antonio, Dixon, Jake Jacobsen, and Daniel conferred at the head table then. Daniel was seen nodding his head. Peace announced he would agree with Dixon’s amendment if he would accept the wording, “a law which is designed to keep members of one party from participating in the primary of the other party.” Dixon said “I accept that,” and the principle of party registration was endorsed unanimously by SDEC by voice vote. The SDEC also approved moving party primaries up to earl:: summer to enable the holding of one set of precinct conventions in national election years. As finally shaped, the precinctlimiting plan of the SDEC and Daniel is to elect county convention delegates in party primaries and to retain precinct conventions “so that Democrats may pass resolutions and make recommendations to the county convention.” The SDEC rejected a resolution by Dixon to instruct SDEC officers and employees to urge party members to abide by “the will of the majority and not to join in `rump’ conventions.” Daniel said “practically all” of the SDEC members were working for “unity and harmony” among Texas Democrats. SDEC’s program was supported, he said, by a large majority of Texas Democrats. “A minority splinter group explicit, was warmly taken. The Caballeros played the San Antonio Rose. The melody drifted across the East Texas grass plain toward the woods where the dogwood trail begins. As the boys shifted into “Tequila” Gonzalez started holding court. Though local candidates spoke for another hour or so he went on talking to people who came up to him. Locality Governs Joe Calvit, a reporter for the Palestine daily, asked him about integration. “Actually I think all school districts work on the same principle that the locality where the school is governs who shall attend,” Gonzalez said. He said if schools don’t act in good faith, however, the courts will act to bring about compliance. What about equal but separate facilities? Calvit asked. “I think that the local conditions would govern,” Gonzalez told him. “You can’t compare a city with historical conditions of San Antonio the same as with Houston.” Thirty or 40 people were standing around. Fullingim took up the questions. “That’d be, let those integrate who want to integrate,” he remarked. “I see nothing else that could be done within the orderly processes of the law,” said the senator. “The question now has assumed the constitutional aspect which is beyond the sovereignty of the state legislature or the executive,” he added. Fullingim volunteered Gonzalez would carry his county. “You see, senator, these brass-collar Democrats, they’re all fallin’ into line. … Daniel is gonna drive the colored people to vote for you. And us Democrats have got to vote for you because they’re ain’t nobody else.” The circle broke into laughter. “You …” Henry began: “You make me feel like medi known as the DOT” has avowed to take over the party, Daniel said. It is “the only serious voice” of dissension, he said. Its leaders have “ridiculed and abused” Sen. Lyndon Johnson and Speaker Sam Rayburn and “demeaned” national committeeman Byron Skelton. Mrs. Randolph, DOT chairman, accused the SDEC of being “Republicans and Dixiecrats” and then “backed away when challenged and refused to identify any of these,” Daniel said. `Wedlock’ He again condemned the “unauthorized and unethical” use of the name “Democrats of Texas,” saying some SDEC mail had gone to DOT, and vice versa. The name, he said, is “unconscionable.” But he thought the best remedy was for Democrats “who believe in majority rule to snow under the DOT” July 26. He said he would present “the true facts about the DOT. In this work I assure you I will deal with facts, not with any .propaganda or any hate or prejudice at all.” Of DOT’s code of ethics he said, “I have never seen a draft of any document more pointedly designed to allow a minority to control state convention affairs.” Its first provision, he said, would prohibit the use of armed policemen at state conventions. “Can you imagine what a field day the strong-arm minority goon squads cers present?” he asked. “I don’t know if I’d have got to speak to the Fort Worth convention yet if tine.” “Oh, I like what I’m votin’ for.!” Fullingim said. Gonzalez moved about. He told a group he hopes the Belden poll is wrong; if it is, “they’ll be lulled. I’d much rather be underrated anytime than overrated.” He produced a wire from Palmer Hutcheson, Thad Hutcheson’s father, endorsing him for governor as “a man who fights for human rights.” Finally the talking from the platform stopped and the people went home. Caballero and Moreno sat on a log playing a time for two middle-aged ladies. There had been no incidents on Gonzalez’s first sally into East Texas. La Villita Gonzalez formally opened his campaign Monday night under two arching oaks and a tree of heaven, before a pink adobe building at La Villita, the late Maury Maverick’s reconstruction of the first center of community life in Texas. About 1,500 or 2,000 people crowded into the seats and milled up and down the walkway in front of the craft shops. They could buy beer; Mrs. Gonzalez and the seven Gonzalez children helped pass out free chicken salad sandwiches. A majority of the people were Latins; there were many Anglo loyalists, some from out of the city. A dance band, the Caballeros, and two Mexican dancing girls were there for entertainment; but most of the entertainment was Henry Gonzalez, once he got off television. The concensus was that the TV show did not go off well. Gonzalez was just winding up when he got his cutoff signal. He ad libbed at length about his campaign but then had little time left to tell of his promised platform. After the TV, however, he talked an hour about his program, and then introduced friends for it hadn’t been for the police officers there.” Electing county convention delegates directly “is the best way of assuring majority decisions,” he said. At precinct convention, “it just depends on who gets the biggest minority present.” Organized minorities, he said, “can be felt more in small precinct meetings. It is another evidence of absolute wedlock between DOT and minority groups.” He agreed with Mrs. Randolph and others who had said the precinct conventions should be kept “for grass-roots expression.” He also agreed “only bona fide Democrats” should vote on the delegates. “We’re already being accused we’re going to steal the next convention before it’s ever held,” Daniel ad libbed. “Mr. Creekmore Fath already made that allegation down here. . . I want you to know that you’re gonna find some common ground.” Daniel then said: “The best way is not to thumb your nose at people who might have gone astray a few years ago. Why even the Baptist Church will take you back if you repent.” He said if Mrs. Randolph’s group takes over, “you’ll run people away” from the Democratic Party. Ticayunish’ Barnhart objected to Lindsey that members of SDEC were not allowed to present resolutions directly from the floor. Peace, reading the resolutions group’s report, said only a minority afraid they could not win delelections could object to the dele another 45 minutes. Hundreds of people sat still throughout the show; hundreds more socialized on and off the walkway, returning now and then to “tune in” on the senator. Rep. Bob Mullen, Alice, introduced Gonzalez as “a dedicated and fearless man.” Gonzalez said the crucial issues included “who in Texas will pay the taxes for the next two decades,” whether Texas “will slip off this suffocating mantle of mediocrity” and “the corrupting dead hand of the immediate past” and declare independence from “mediocracy, faithlessness, spurious claims of accomplishment, bigotry and racism, double-dealing, and double-cross.” “We appeal to you as the only real Democrat in the current contest. We have not defiled our hands nor stained our honor by the betrayal of the Democratic Party when it was popular to do so,” he said. He promised a water program for all parts of the state. He called for more representation “for the plain common ordinary run-of-the-mill citizen. The rich and powerful … can afford the service of able, competent, and highly paid lobbyists. But what about the plain ordinary citizen? He tends to get lost in the shuffle.” “Unalterably” opposed to a general sales tax, Gonzalez called for clarification of present tax laws, closing of loopholes caused by inadequate enforcement and business practices, and a better state fiscal management plan. He did not say where he would seek for new tax money, or if he would. His time running out, Gonzalez asked his supporters: “Please keep the faith. Don’t permit yourself to get discouraged. … Keep the faith, keep good courage and good cheer, because we will wage the good fight and God willing we will win.” gate electing plan. Committee proxy-holder Ricks of Beaumont asked if the report meant SDEC members would have to be Daniel supporters. Peace said this was just a “suggestion” for caucuses, but that all the statutes should be followed. The report was adopted as amended 47-5, with nos from Jim Sewell, Corlier, Mumford, Mrs. E. H. Harkins, Sweetwater, and Barnhart and Ricks. Sen. Henry Gonzalez, a candidate for governor, arrived before lunch but was not invited to the platform until early afternoon; then Lindsey did not ask him to speak. Judge E. D. Salinas, Laredo, objected. Lindsey said no candidates had been invited to do so. “It’s these small picayunish things . . .” Salinas said sharply. Dickson moved Gonzalez be heard, saying it was “clear how I feel” about the governor’s race but it would be a “terrible mistake not to hear Gonzalez.” By voice vote, with a number of nos, Gonzalez was invited to have a say. “I just want to say howdy and thank youall for certifying my name,” Gonzalez said. “It’s not my intention to be here as anything but a fellow Democrat. I’m not gonna demand equal time \(with endorse me; but I’m not soliciting your endorsement. There are no hurt feelings or slights or anything. I understand perfectly well and I appreciate the courtesy.” This brief speech was greeted by enthused applause from the heavily pro-Daniel committee. Committeeman Skelton said “today everybody” wants to work for the Democratic nominees. He pledged his cooperation to the SDEC. Before he left the air he mentioned further only a state atomic energy act and veterans’ program; he gave no details. His script said he intends the atomic energy act to provide for peaceful uses of atomic energy. In his second speech he called for a youth conservation program. “to try to keep the normal child normal.” When a ten-year-old truant boy is sent to reform school with hardened offenders and emerged to commit car theft, “who has committed the crime in that caseI ask you that,” Gonzalez said. He objected to the doubled tuition.. “This is the time to cut out tuition, not to double it,” he said. “So that was another thing I wanted to say in my speech tonight . . .” “I’m glad my opponents have money,” he said. “That will enable more people to see them. The more people get to see them, the more votes they will lose.” The people there cheered him happily through the three-hour program. R.D. All But 0/Daniel Sign Campaign Code AUSTIN All major statewide candidates except W. Lee O’Daniel signed the state council of churches’ code of fair campaign practices. In addition, candidates for governor and lieutenant governor were asked to answer questions about public school integration. Sen. Henry B. Gonzalez and ex-Sen. George Nokes said they believe the judicial branch has the role of interpreting constitutionality and applicability of laws and that the Supreme Court of the U. S. and the Texas Supreme Court “acted within their recognized powers” in the decisions favoring school desegregation. THE TEXAS OBSERVER Page 4 June 13, 1958 From Palestine to La Villita