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Labor Uses Sales Tax as Alarm Texas AFL-CIO’s Committee on Political Education is using headlines in Texas papers reporting businessmen’s advocacy of a general sales tax to raise COPE dollars. Warning that 33 states now have a general sales tax and “Texas can be next,” a COPE handbill says such a tax would cost workers $35 to $70 a year. Editorializing for ordinary morality in politics, “Texas Ecumenical Action,” published by the Texas Council of Churches, says the commandments against stealing and false witness “habit ually are broken in Texas Demo cratic conventions from precinct to state …” whichever faction wins. “Plain honesty and integ rity” in conventions are called for. / “Texas Businessman” writes: V “Apply WaShington.’s Dr. Schwartz standardthat it’s a felonious offense to accept expense money for a speaking trip to a trade groupand 80 to 90 percent of official Austin would have to resign.” Adds the busi Political Intelligence nessman’s advisory: “It is doubtful that these items produce bad state policy in Austin.” V”Currently,” says the same newsletter, “there are so many dossiers on the private afbents in circulation here, one cynic refers to his files as ‘the Loan Library.’ ” Doris Fleeson, commenting acidulously on Lyndon Johnson’s “first 100 days,” noted he had said, announcing his antirecession program, “I am aided by a cabinet made up of committee chairmen. I have conferred with them,” said reporters’ comments in the Senate gallery included: “That fellow thinks he’s going to be President in 1960.” “Heck, he thinks he is.” “I wonder if he has a clear understanding with Senator Mansfield in case of disability.” “… and on the seventh day he rested.” Fleeson said Johnson has staked out “for himself” every main issue of the session. \(The Observer will cornment next issue on Harper’s and The Johnsons’ KTBC-TV did not announce until a few hours beforehand it would carry Harry Truman’s speech \(Obs for the first time in Washington that night that station officials did not plan to carry it, told them to do so and to make announcements every half hour. The switch was carried out by long distance. Visitors to Sen. Johnson’s of fice are presented with a lead pencil, compliments of the senator whose picture adorns it. VIt was announced that the usual.$2.50 meal at the Hillsboro chamber of commerce banquet would be served, but that through the courtesy of a “wealthy friend,” tickets would sell for 50 cents each. Instead of the usual 200 persons attending, there were 800. Speaker: ex-Sen. and present multi-millionaire Bill Blakley. The Observer has received two reports denying the Democratic Women of Dallas County de-invited Harry Truman after inviting him to speak to One is printed in the Stump this issue; the other, from an official of the club who says she cannot be quoted, says the club members “did not know the affair had been called off until Mr. John Wilson came back from a phone call to Washington and said Mr. Truman had other engagements to fill at this time and would come later.” Wilson, president of Dallas County Democrats, told an executive committee meeting of D.C.D. that an official of the club advised him that the club had just voted not to have Truman, and he so advised Washington. The Observer was not aware there was a dispute over the facts in its first account. IInjury in a car wreck may prevent Martin Dies, Jr., from running for the Senate seat being vacated by Sen. Ottis Lock, Lufkin. V Jake Pickle, SDEC’s organ izer, is reported organizing Young Democratic clubs in an effort to take over the YD’s at their convention in Austin this May. / Mae Tuggle, active liberal in San Antonio, plans to run for the legislature from San Antonio. Mrs. Maury Maverick, Sr., is considering running for county treasurer. / At a recent area meeting of V Harris County Democrats, Mrs. R. D. Randolph, DOT chairman and Democratic national committeewoman, said the state Democratic executive committee is “trying to weasel out of \(the not want to seat the Harris County delegation.” Bob Eckhardt, chairman of the Harris County Democrats, said, “our LEGALS NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that temporary Letters of Administration upon the Estate of John L. Stover, deceased, were granted to me. the undersigned, on the 4 day of December, 1957, by the County Court of Travis County, Texas. All persons having claims against this estate are hereby required to present the same to me within the time prescribed by law. My post office address is Box 1132, Austin, Texas. W. S. BIRDWELL, JR. Temporary Administrator of the Estate of John L. Stover, Deceased. SHERIFF’S SALE BY VIRTUE of a certain Order of Sale issued by the Clerk of the District Court of Travis County, Texas, 98th Judicial District, on the 12th day of February 1958, in a certain Cause Numbered 107,010, wherein William M. Meacham, is Plaintiff, and R. K. Abbrat, Vincent Caltagirone, and W. A. Thomas, are Defendants, in favor of the said Plaintiff for the sum of Fifty-nine Thousand Five Hundred Seventy-six and no/100 thereon at the rate of 6 per centum per annum from the 20th day of January 1958. together with ail costs of suit, that being the amount of a judgment recovered by the said Plaintiff, in the 98th Judicial District Court of Travis County, Texas, on the 20th day of January 1958, and for the foreclosure of Plaintiff’s equitable lien. I, on the 12th day of February 1958, at 3:31 o’clock P. M., have levied upon, and will, on the 1st day of April 1958, that being the first Tuesday in said month, at the Courthouse door in the City of Austin, within legal hours, proceed to sell for cash to the highest bidder, all the right, title and interest of R. K. Abbrat, Vincent Caltagirone, and W. A. Thomas, as said equitable lien existed on the 30th day of November 1955, in and to the following described property levied upon as the property of R. K. Abbrat, Vincent Caltagirone and W. A. Thomas, to-wit: that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in Travis County, Texas, and more particularly described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at an iron pipe at fence corner at the Northeast corner of that certain 71 3/4 acre tract conveyed to William H. Meacham by deed recorded in Volume 236, Page 135 of the Deed Records of Travis County, Texas, for the Northeast corner of the tract herein described; THENCE with the fence along the East line of the said Meacham tract, S 29 deg. 56′ W. a distance of 1495.82 feet to an iron pipe set at fence corner for an angle point in the East line of this tract; tidelands are not being preserved; and they should not be leased until the state can get the proper price for them.” Dean Johnston, advertising and circulation manager of the Observer, said the Texas Research League, cornposed of “representatives of big corporations,” likely “will want to add a two percent sales tax o: -. everything”; he said 41 percent of state taxes now are sales taxes. Employer Group Warns Of ‘Reuther Delegation’ AUSTIN The Texas Assn. of Employers messages designed to warn or alarm Texas conservatives. “How,” one asks, “would you like a Walter Reuther delegation from Texas in 1960? Well, that exactly could be the result of the organiThe purpose of “Mrs. Randolph, the DOT President,” says the employers’ association, is to replace the state Democratic committee with persons pleasing to “the labor-liberal, NAACP, and ADA groups.” Porter Whaley, president, says Sen. John Kennedy’s bill on unemployment compensation would increase employers’ costs under the program 25 times. He says an attempt is under way to abrogate “Texas’ MAGNIFICENT LABOR clusion: “Send $25 if convenient; if not, send a smaller amount” to Whaley’s association. THENCE continuing with the said fence, S 30 deg. 17′ a distance of 1074.08 ft. to an iron pipe set in the center of Little Walnut Creek at the Southeast corner of the said Meacham tract for the Southeast corner of this tract; THENCE with the center of Little Walnut Creek N 19 deg. 04′ W. 632.57 ft. to an iron pipe set for the corner from which an Elm 12″ in dia. marked “X” bears N 87 deg. 05′ W 35.85 ft., and a Willow 14″ in dia. marked “X” bears S. 8 deg. 50′ W. 44.5 ft; THENCE continuing with the center of Little Walnut Creek with its courses and distances as follows: N. 19 deg. 39′ W. 426.97 ft., N 45 deg. 30′ W. 320.0 ft. N. 6 deg. 01′ E. 321.79 ft., N. 59 deg. 20′ E. 292.92 ft., N 13 deg. 18′ W. 1144.22 ft., to an iron pipe drilled on rock in the East line of the Manor Road for a corner of this tract; THENCE with the East line of the said Manor Road as follows: N 54 deg. 55′ E. 189.89 ft. N 51 deg. 02′ E. 222.19 ft., N 42 deg. 53′ E. 70.49 ft. to an iron pipe set at fence corner for a corner of the tract herein described; THENCE S 54 deg. 51′ E. a distance of 620.29 ft. to an iron pipe set for an inner corner of this tract; THENCE N 27 deg. 26′ E. a distance of 198.30 ft. to an iron pipe set for a corner of this tract in the North line of the said Meacham 71 3/4 acre tract; THENCE with the fence along the North line of the said Meacham tract, S 50 deg. 45′ E. a distance of 1116.85 ft. to the place of beginning, containing 71.25 acres of land, being 70.3 acres in the J. C. Tannehill League and 0.95 acre in the J. A. G. Brooke Survey, as surveyed November 14, 1955, by Claude F. Bush Jr., Licensed State Land Surveyor. THE ABOVE SALE TO BE MADE BY ME to satisfy the above described judgment for $59,576.00, and for foreclosure of Plaintiff’s equitable lien, in favor of Plaintiff, together with all costs of suit, and the proceeds applied to the satisfaction thereof. T. 0. Lang Sheriff, Travis County, Texas, By HENRY KLUGE, Deputy. Austin, Texas, February 18, 1958. SHERIFF’S SALE BY VIRTUE of a certain Order of Sale issued by the Clerk of the District Court of Travis County, Texas. 98th Judicial District, on the 17th day of February 1958, in a certain Cause Numbered 104,103, wherein Austin Discount Corpora tion Inc., is Plaintiff, and Wilbur B. Allen and wife Winnie Allen, jointly and severally, are Defend ants, in favor of the said Plaintiff for the sum of Two Thousand and interest thereon at the rate of 6 per centum per annum from the 15th day of February 1958, sub ject to all right, title interest and equity of the Mutual Savings Ir. Legislative candidates introduced, whom Mrs. Randolph said were “inspiring and idealistic” and should be elected, included Johnston, place 1; Eckhardt, 2; Bill Kilgarlin, 4; Otis Scruggs, 6; and Charles Whitfield, 8. / E. Pliny Shaw, Houston busiv nessman and longtime Republican worker, resigned as G.O.P. chairman of precinct 142, convinced, he said, that “the soDemocrats” still run the Texas GOP and, he believed, were discouraging GOP opposition to conservative Harris County Judge Bob Casey. / State Highway Commission V Chairman Marshall Formby gave a friend permission to introduce him for a speech to the U. S. Highway 87 Improvement Assn. as “the 1960 governor of Texas.” The Houston Post reported that Atty. Bill Bryant of Sherman likely will be appointed a federal judge to succeed the late Lamar Cecil of Beaumont. I The Fort Worth Star-Tele gram editorialized for a sober second look at the need for annual sessions of the legislature and higher legislative pay. Kansas, where the legislature meets in even-numbered years to enact budgets and levy taxes and in odd-numbered years to enact its annual-meeting system a failure, the newspaper said. stitution, and the further sum of being the amount of a judgment recovered by the said Plaintiff, in the District Court of Travis County, Texas, 98th Judicial District, on the 16th day of January 1958. I, on the 17th day of February 1958, at 21:07 o’clock A. M., have levied upon, and will, on the 1st day of April 1958, that being the first Tuesday in said month, at the Courthouse door in the City of Austin, within legal hours, proceed to sell for cash to the highest bidder, all the right, title and interest of Wilbur B. Allen and wife Winnie Allen, as said implied vendor’s lien existed on the 15th day of January 1958, subject to all the right, title and interest and equity of the Mutual Savings Institution, in and to the following described property levied upon as the property of Wilbur B. Allen and wife Winnie Allen, to-wit: Addition, a subdivision of ‘the City of Austin, Travis County, Texas, according to the map or plat thereof as recorded therein Book 7, Page 81, Plat Records of Travis County. Texas; together with all improvements thereon situated. THE ABOVE SALE to be made by me to satisfy the above described judgment for $2,000.00, subject to all the right. title, interest and equity of the Mutual Savings Institution, together with the sum of $48.75 Original Costs, and the proceeds applied to the satisfaction thereof. T. 0. Lang, Sheriff, Travis County. Texas, By HENRY KLUGE, Deputy. Austin, Texas, February 18, 1958. CITATION ISY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF TEXAS TO N. A. Dawson, Jr., Robert Caudle, Lena Caudle, Harry Lenord, Alton Lenord, Perry Lenord, Blanche L. Douglas, and husband Joseph J. Douglas, Ada Lenord, William Lenord: if living, whose places of residence are unknown to plaintiffs, and if dead, the legal representatives of each of said named defendants; the legal representatives of the unknown heirs of each of said named defendants, if the unknown heirs of said named defendants are dead; the unknown heirs of the unknown heirs of said named defendants, if the unknown heirs of said named defendants are dead; whose places of residence are unknown to