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If You Believe in Fair Play “PLEASE DON’T SHOP AT ONT GOM ERY WARD’S” Montgomery Ward has been declared unfair by the Retail Clerks International Association, and pickets are now marching in front of Montgomery Ward stores in Houston, Dallas, Beaumont and various other cities, as well as in other cities across the nation. RCIA members were forced to this method of protest against the tactics of the Montgomery Ward management after fruitless efforts on the part of the Union to induce Montgomery Ward’s to negotiate fair and reasonable wages and working conditions for retail clerks. For Months the Union committees representing Union Clerks in Montgomery Ward stores met with company officials. The Union stripped down its proposals to five “bread and butter” issues. The Company rejected every one. The Company said “NO” to the Union proposal of a dime an hour pay increase and one-half of one per cent raise in commission for those paid on commission basis. Although the five-day, 40-hour week is standard in most industries, the Company refusedto shorten its present work week. Many employees were being required to work a six day week with nine and ten-hour days and broken shifts stretching out the day. On these and other issues, the Union offered reasonable proposals … the Company’s answer was curt refusal and in every meeting it adopted the policy of stall … stalL staLL stAI.L sTALL … STALL … ! This stubborn attitude is not surprising, for this is the same management, the same Company, whose President was forcibly removed from his office to enforce a wartime government directive with which he had refused to cornply. Montgomery Ward’s stand today is no less disgraceful in the eyes of all people who believe in fair play and fair Union conditions. It has become obvious to the membership that : “MONTGOMERY WARD’S PRIMARY CONCERN IS TO DESTROY THE UNION!” WE NEED THE HELP OF THE BUYING PUBLIC: With the help of YOU … the buying public … we can win our fight FOR SURVIVAL! You can help us BY REFUSING TO SPEND YOUR MONEY WITH MONTGOMERY WARD . . until such time as they decide to treat their union employees with courtesy and consideration. PLEASE: DON’T SHOP AT MONTGOMERY WARD’S! Montgomery Ward STRIKE and BOYCOTT COMMITTEE, Southern Division Retail Clerks Union, AFL-CIO 804 Hermann Building Houston, Texas Jan. 31, 1958 THE TEXAS OBSERVER Page ‘7 / Dallas Times-Herald’s Bob v Hollingsworth, on the question of opponents for Sen. Ralph Yarborough: “Almost every political name in Texas, past and present, has been suggested or rumored, but most attention still centers around a man who says he’s not runningformer Sen. William A. Blakley of Dallas.” / San Antonio Express’s Jon V Ford assesses State Sen. Henry Gonzalez as a possible opponent for Lt. Gov. Ben Ramsey: “None other than Bexar’s man of a few thousand words, rambunctious State Sen. Henry Gonzalez, is being viewed by some as a prospect for something more than a token try at a statewide office. … Labor is seeking a candidate for lieutenant governor. And lieutenant governor is the only state office on the line that Gonzalez would have the remotest qualifications for. … With the aid of the militant liberals and the NAACP, together with whatever labor support he might garner, he might run a creditable race against incumbent Ben Ramsey.” / Charter Wesley, publisher of v the Houston Informer, reported on a Washington conference with Sen. Lyndon Johnson: “Senator Johnson is a clever, man, and I found no fault in the facts that he stated \(about Newas entirely off-the-record … as I sat and listened to the senator talk, I was almost persuaded that the guy was a right guy … “He reminds me ‘of Roosevelt, who, when our committees used to go in. to him, would talk past any point or questions we had and hold the committee spellbound in the process … Even I, who went in with resentment, came out with nothing left except a questioning skepticism.” ‘Good Morning, Pinkos’ Number One To the Editor: Frank Dobie’s self-conducted delight. … I am almost as much intrigued by his imaginary interviewer as by tough-minded Frank Dobie himself. One slight correction to Mr. Dobie’s interview: He seems to imply that he has very little influence. For the record, it might be observed that but for the example of Frank Dobiewho, with Walter Webb, was for many years the only “writer” of national prominence that we had in TeXassuch young writers as George Sessions Perry and Tom Lea and Fred Gipson and John Howard Griffin and George Fuermann and many another might never have had the impulse to write a book. If books have any influence, if George Fuermann is right in devoting a full book to “the Texas mind,” surely Frank Dobie has been the Number One influence in shaping that mind. LON TINKLE Dallas \(Mr. Tinkle is book editor, the LEGALS completely objective? … Mr. Hugo Loewenstern of Amarillo is one of the members of the commission, and he was strongly recommended by many groups in Amarillo, as well as the Texas Real Estate Assn. Mr. Loewenstern is a real civic leader and s man who has made a real study of our state taxes. We are fortunate to have a man of this type to serve. You surely must realize that we need some general overhauling of our tax structureyour fine series of articles \(Obs. Nov. 6, 1957, give these men a chance and try to help them. I believe we are just as likely to get some good recommendations about taxes through their work as we have in other fields. ALLEN EARLY, JR. 801 Barfield Bldg., Amarillo \(Apart from pointing out, as no other Texas newspaper has done, that the state has officially designated a private agency financed largely by oil companies to do its tax research, the Observer has carefully avoided prejudicing the League’s work. Warning of the possibilities of a special interest approach does not constitute prejudgment. In an editorial July 26, 1958, the Observer remarked editorially, the League “is the official creature of big business in Texas. … We do not, so saying, prejudge the work of the League. … But it is the business of the state to do its own studies on taxation. … Governor Daniel, as well as the League, will have to be held accountable for the strict impartiality of \(the , NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF THE ESTATE OF SARAH BURLESON, DECEASED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Original letters testamentary upon the Estate of Sarah Burle on, deceased were granted to W. E. Phillips on the 22nd day of January, 1958, by the County Court of Travis County, Texas. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same to my attorneys, Virgil C. Lott and J. Phillip Crawford within’ the time prescribed by law. The address of my attorneys is 2229 East 7th Street, Austin, Travis County, Texas. W. E. Phillips, Executor of the Estate of Sarah Burleson, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF THE ESTATE OF LILLIE SCOTT, DECEASED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that letters of administration with will annexed upon the estate of Lillie Scott, deceased were granted to W. E. Phillips on the 22nd day of January, 1958, by the County Court of Travis County, Texas. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same to my attorneys, Lott and Crawford, within the time prescribed by law. The address of my attorneys is 2229 East 7th Street, Austin, Travis County, Texas. W. E. Phillips, Administrator of the Estate of Lillie Scott, Deceased. CITATION BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF TEXAS TO Paz Andrade, if living, and if dead, the legal representatives of Paz Andrade, and the unknown heirs of said named Defendant; the legal representatives of the unknown heirs of said named defendant, if the unknown heirs of the unknown heirs of said named Defendant, if the unknown heirs of said named Defendant are dead, whose places of residence are unknown to Plaintiff; Defendants, in the hereinafter styled and numbered cause: by commanded to appear before the 53rd Jud. District Court of Travis County, Texas, to be held at the courthouse of said county in the City of Austin, Travis County, Texas, at or before 10 o’clock A. M. of the first Monday after the expiration of 42 days from the date of issuance hereof; that is to say, at or before, 10 o’clock A. M. of Monday the 10th day of March, 1958, and answer the petition of plaintiff in Cause Number 107,536, in which Julian Cano and wife Nora. Cano, are Plaintiffs and Paz. Andrade, if living, and if dead, the legal representatives of said named defendant, and the unknown heirs of said named defendant; the legal representatives of the unknown heirs of said named Defendant, if the unknown heirs of said named Defendant are dead; the unknown heirs. of the unknown heirs of said named Defendant, if the unknown heirs of said named defendant are dead; and Marshall Carrion and wife, Virginia Carrion, filed in said Court on the 17th day of July, 1957, and the nature of which said suit is as follows: Being an action and prayer for judgment in favor of Plaintiff and against Defendants for title to and possession of the following described lands and premises located in the City of Austin, Travis County, Texas, to-wit: Lot 3, Block A, Driving Park Addition No. 2, Outlot 62, Division “0” as per plat recorded in the Travis County Clerk’s Office in Volume 2 at page 240 of the Plat Records of Travis County, Texas; Plaintiffs allege that on April 15, 1957, they were the owners in fee simple of said above described lands and premises, and on said date defendants unlawfully entered upon and dispossessed them of such premises and withhold from, them the possession thereof; Plaintiffs further allege that they have had peaceable and adverse possession of said land, using. claiming and enjoying same, and having the same under fence for a period of more than ten years prior to the filing of this suit; Plaintiffs further pray for relief, legal and equitable, and for costs of suit; All of which more fully appears from Plaintiff’s Original Petition on file in this office and to which reference is here made; If this citation is not served within 90 days after date of its issuance, it shall be returned unserved. WITNESS, 0. T. MARTIN, JR., Clerk of the District Courts of Travis County, Texas. Issued and given under my hand and the seal of said Court at office in the City of Austin, this the 23rd day of January, 1958. 0. T. MARTIN, Jr. Clerk of the District Courts, Travis County, Texas. By GEO. W. BICKLER, Deputy. / Dallas News editorially praised Sen. Johnson’s call for seeking peace through control of outer space under U. N. auspices: “Lyndon Johnson’s vision of winning peace in this world through control of outer space is magnificent … It is so challenging that even Krushchev may have had to think twice before throwing his usual monkey wrench into it.” Political Intelligence / Stringfellow Barr, the educaV tional iconoclast, in the Jan. 25 Nation, comments on Sen. Lyndon Johnson’s view that hegemony of outer space is at stake: “… Senator Johnson calls us to conquer control of outer space rather than nibble at the problem here on earthwhere, in any case, it has become well-nigh insoluble, at least by military means. This soaring method of solving our problems is, if I may be excused an apparent piece of jingoism, worthy of the American Eagle; and it is also worthy of what might be called This Lunar Age … “… I may wake up some moonlit night, restlessly turn on my radio, and learn that the Pentagon has simply skipped the moon and placed an expeditionary force on Mars, led quite possibly by Senator Johnson as Chief Muttnik …” “On the other hand, Sen. Johnson might be declared psychologically unfit to make the journey: a leading psychologist has suggested that … a person with mild schizophrenic tendencies might be effective as a one-man crew, but probably not as a crew member . . .” Tulia Herald’s H. M. Beggarly opens a column of comment on Gov. Daniel’s warning that conservatives may lose unless they hurry up and buy poll taxes thusly: “Good morning, fellowtravelers, left wingers, pinkos and members of the liberal-labornegro splinter group of Texas.” / Chairman Wright Patman of v the House small business committee is pushing a bill which says a manufacturer or distributor cannot sell to retailers competing in the same areas at different prices if this practice would “substantially” lessen competition. Prejudging To the Editor: You and Mr. Jones have had several articles that are critical of the tax study commission because it is depending on the Texas Research League for its factfinding and for general help in its work. It seems to me you should give the men on that group a chance to do something before you cast aspersions on their plans. Certainly, they are a group that is “conservative,” but can you think of any group you could get . together in Texas that would be NOTICE OF INCORPORATION To Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given that 0. P. Leonard formerly doing business under , the firm name of Leonard Nut Company incorporated such firm without a change of the firm name on December 31, 1957. LEONARD NUT COMPANY 0. P. Leonard NOTICE TO THE CREDITORS OF THE ESTATE OF GEORGE C. MENZIES, DECEASED Notice is hereby given that original letters testamentary upon the Estate of George C. Menzies, Deceased, were granted to me, the undersigned, on the 23rd day of July, 1956, by the County Court of Travis County, Texas, in Probate Cause No. 17,888. All persons having claims against said Estate are hereby required to present the