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BRAINPOWER Have , a Debate on the Topic, ‘Conformity’ should help you with your job. What he said was that she shouldn’t stay home and take care of the children, but go of and party. TED: I think instead of playing bridge with the boss’s wife she should stay home and do what she likes instead of promoting the husband. I’m an individualis ‘ here, and I think what goes on in the company is my business, and I’ll fight for what I think, but I’m not going to force my wife to play bridge with the boss’s or executives’ wives if she doesn’t want to. TEACHER: Maybe we also have involved here a question of degree. Maybe you’d want her to attend an annual picnic or Christmas party, but you would not expect her to fill up, say three afternoons a week, associating with other company wives. How many boys would agree to that point? Tastes and Pressure Sometimes one finds that one has personal tastes that are unpopular. For instance, if you live in a college town, you might find Former Rep. Jack Cox in Austin called for exemption of teacher salaries from income tax assessments . Retorted the Corpus Christi Caller’s editorial columnist, Bob McCracken: “A Pox on Cox.” Dallas Times-Herald’s Bob Hollingsworth, on politicalsigns-to-watch-for at the TarrantDallas appreciation dinner for Sen. Ralph Yarborough: “Should the senator gain a large, enthusiastic crowd embracing all elements,. the strength built by virtue of holding office is going to be enhanced.” But the reverse is also true, said Hollingsworth, warning that the size of the place selected for the dinnerDallas Memorial Auditoriumhas some if the senator’s friends “slightly aghast.” I Dist. Judge Sarah Hughes of Dallas all but confirmed a report in this space of several months back: She is “thinking about” challenging Joe Greenhill for his seat on the Texas Supreme Court or running for the vacant place. Dallas News added Robert Baskin to its Washington staff of Walter Hornaay and Ruth Schumm., announced the addition in a half-page ad saying a number of prominent Texans make Washington news, named Sen. Lyndon Johnson, Speaker Sam Rayburn and Rep. Bruce Alger as among these, ignored Sen. Ralph Yarborough. IThe News’ Lynn Landrum said it is possible that federal Dist. Judge William Atwell knew, when he ordered rapid integration of Dallas schools, that he was giving the Dallas school board a pretty good appeal foundation, thus providing “a breathing spell.” At any rate, chortled Landrum, integration is stalled, has “rumbled to what looks like a full stop” in the South. IJon Ford, in San Antonio Ex press, assesses actual and potential candidates for statewide office: Lyndon Johnson”secure in the job he holds as long as he wants it.” Ralph Yraborough”… may not be so secure.” Price Daniel”is expected to leave yourself regarded as a “lowbrow” if you liked popular music. On the other hand, if you lived in a small rural town, you might find yourself regarded as “highbrow” if you liked classical music. Let’s have some of your ideas on to what extent you could stand being looked on as “different.” TED: I like classical music, and I feel that everyone likes some form of it. If they like bop, they may like classical, because some bop is made up of variations from classical music. I’ve been liking classical music for a long time. I will keep on listening to it, and if somebody differs from me, it doesn’t bother me a bit. TEACHER: Let me remind you we are not just talking about music. That’s just an example. We’re also talking about taste in art, furniture, books, entertainmentall those things that fall into the category of individual taste. MARTHA.: I think that the more individual you are the more you’ll get done. I think people will look up to you. CHUCK: I want to ask you all a question. I heard the other day that they caught a speeder and made him get his hair cut. I want to know, do you all agree that competitive public office” at close of second term. Will Wilson “undoubtedly will be trying to succeed” Daniel, “if all goes well.” Ben Ramsey”… could find himself defeated in almost any strenuous run. His chances of promotion are slim.” John White”… the damage he received \(in last year’s U. S. Senpermanent.” Texas Businessman this week looks at Texans in Washing ton: “Overall, the Texas House members are finally back to their Political Intelligence strongest position since World War II ended, high again, in committee seniority, likely to figure prominently in news more. No thoughts of stepping down. Johnson problem No. 1 is presumption any man in his position must be aiming at the presidency. He has no ambitions for it, or expectaand he will stay. That is the judgment found universally here …” V Al E. Cudlip, Jr., of P. 0. Box 395, Lufkin, is mailing news releases opposing the federal dam at McGee Bend on the Angelina Riverthe dam with the hydro-electric feature to newspapers. The releases favor the state plan for a series of small dams. 1 San Antonio Express gave Sen. Lyndon Johnson a front page buildup again. A cartoon showed Johnson beating Presi dent Eisenhower to the draw with his “Peril of the Hour” speech and quoted from a New York Times appraisal of Johnson: “As befits a man from Texas, Johnson talked big … as befits a presidential candidatewhich he denies he isJohnson talked in terms of large and popular objectives.” An editorial praised Johnson for his astuteness in eclipsing the Eisenhower State of the Union message. they should be able to make them get haircuts, or should they let them just wear it any way they want to? TED: I think in this case the judge was very wrong. He was taking his own personal taste into making a sentence. Look at Einsteinhis hair was very long. SHIRLEY: As a girl I’d like to give my opinion on that. I know long hair looks nice, but would you like to buy them a dog tag too? TED: I want to ask you, Shirley, if you remember back in the old days when our country was founded every boy wore long hair with a ribbon around it. That was practiced. I feel that if a boy wants to wear his hair long he ought to be allowed to. Some of these girls around here have their hair cut so short it doesn’t look nice, but if a girl wants to I feel she should have the right to. SHIRLEY: Now Ted, I agree with you on that, everyone to his own opinion, but times have changed. We’re not going to see a boy wearing his hair down to his neck with a ribbon around it. I know a bunch of girls that wouldn’t like to go with a boy with sideburns or long hair or a duck, anything like that. JSan Antonio Light’s Don Politico said Gov. Price Daniel goofed when he announced he had completed all his program, that he overlooked a tax plan with which to pay for it. I”Kings have lost their heads when popular resentment against oppressive taxation unleashed revolutions,” said the South Texas Chamber of Commerce in an editorial in its magazine, “South Texan.” The cornment comes just above a plea for retention of the 27 1/2 per cent depletion allowance for the petroleum industry: “There is no valid argument against complete retention of the depletion allowance … but well-organized efforts will be made in the Congress to materially reduce the 27 1/2 per cent figure.” THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR AN INTERNATIONAL DAILY NEWSPAPER Good Reading for the Whole Family News Facts Family Features The Christian Science Monitor One Norway St, Boston IS, Moss. Send your newspaper for the time checked. Enclosed find my check or money order. I year $10 Q 6 months $9 Q 3 months $450 Name Address JANE: In other words, Mr. Morris, you mean the unwritten laws in society that we have to put up with. There are a lot of things that aren’t written down in black and White that we have to abide by. MR. MORRIS: You’re right, Jane, the unwritten laws. Then of course when the unwritten laws are broken the written laws are put into effect. MARTHA: Well, I think that if a person has a kind of hair. style or anything that offends. anybody, other people will ridicule them and give them funny looks until they realize that if they really care they’ll change. TEACHER: The question arises here: Does a lawmaking body have a right to legislate on something which, though it might offend people esthetically, is not genuinely harmful? CHUCK: I don’t think we ought to have laws that say you can’t wear your hair the way you want to, but long hair doesn’t help your nation in any way. SHIRLEY: I definitely don’ think the legislature should spend all its time on little laws on these personal idiosyncrasies, but I do think that is a sort of unwritten law in society. Everybody has different customs, and I think people will be outcasts if everyone doesn’t agree with them. TED: I want to tell Jane something. I had long hair in. the seventh grade. I wore it because I liked it, not because anyone else wore it that I was copying. There’s only one thing against it, thougheverybody laughs at you. JANE: Ted, I thought you said , you were an individual. Being laughed at shouldn’t bother you, then. How Much Risk? sues. Everyone is going to be unpopular with someone, naturally when he forms these opinions, but tell me this: how many of you would be willing to endure a very large amount of criticism or social ostracism because of an opinion? Suppose that 90 per cent of the people who were usually nice to you stopped being nice and that you had one or two real friends left, simply because you believed something and felt inside that you were right. I’m asking you how much social disapproval you would be willing to stand for a conviction. MARTHA: I think it depends a lot on the issue. I think if it’s some really controversial issue naturally you’re going to have enemies. I think if it really means a lot to you, say your religion or something, you should stand up for your views no matter what. But sooner or later you’re going to have to give in on something. You can’t be right all the time. If it isn’t important I think you should give in .. JANE: I know I can’t do without friends, and if 90 per cent of my friends turned against me I wouldn’t be able to meet life because I like people. I like to be friends with everyone, and I depend heavily on all my friendships. I think everyone does, and I would be perfectly lost if I didn’t have my friendships. SHIRLEY: Jane, don’t you agree that if you believe strongly in something and you thought that deep down inside you were right, wouldn’t you tend to disagree with your friends and be an individual? JANE: Shirley, there’s a compromise in everything, and a compromise could be reached. IS OUR MOST VITAL RESOURCE! You can’t dig education out a the earth. There’s only one place where business and industry can get the educated men and women so vitally needed for future progress. That’s from our colleges and universities. Today these institutions are doing their best to meet the need. But they face a crisis. The demand for brains is increasing ‘ fast, and so is the pressure of college applications. More money must be raised each year to expand ficilities bring faculty salaries up to an adequate standard provide a sound education for the young people who need and deserve it. As s practical business measure, help the colleges or universities of your choicenow! The returns will be greater than you think If you want to know what the college crisis means to you, write for a free booklet to: HIGHER EDUCATION, Box 36, Times Square Station, Now York 36, New York. Politicians Are Assessed I Page 7 THE TEXAS OBSERVER City Zeno Rote January 17, 1958 MIS TEACHER: I will agree with you, Shirley, that there are certain hairstyles that offend a lot of people, but I think the real question here is: Do things like hairstyles fall into the category of things over which the law should have power?