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SAN ANTONIO LOOKS AT ITSELF SAN ANTONIO A harvest of misery from San Antonio’s slums \(approximately 31 percent of all sented the city with : 62 per cent of its new tuberculosis cases-356 of 494. 72 per cent of its TB deaths76 of 105. 88 per cent of its infant diarrhea deaths-31 of 35. 61 per cent of its home fires645 of 1,044. 78 per cent of its fire deaths18 of 23. 62 per cent of its police calls in a typical month-4,237 of 6,787 in Masy. 65 per cent of its assault with intent to murder cases-25 of 38. 95 per cent of its aid to depend ent children cases-1,399 of 1,459. MEXICO \(Continued from Page Frontier, pointing out that of the post-revolutionary presidents, six have come from the South, are as much for Munoz because he is a Northerner as because he is a little more left of center than his rivals. However, it seems that Cortines and Cardenas are much closer to a mutual meeting of minds than either is to Aleman or Portes Gil. And so it looks as though Lopez Mateos, who hails from the Central Plateau state of Tolucawhich abuts on the Federal Districtand who is the most middle-of-the-road in his politics, is the Tapadito \(even though he doesn’t smoke EleBut punditing about the PRI is as foolhardy as drawing to an inside straight. Although it is a monolithic party it has as may factions, pressure groups, to-thedeath rivalries, and jealousies as the Democrats and Republicans lombined. And because they pick their candidate behind closed doors, instead of in primaries and conventions, and with almost no appeal to the voters or the influence of polls, you’d find it hard to place a bet on even one of the congressional elevator operators. Ernesto \(“Flowers and ernor of the Federal District, who has done so much to brighten the lives of the residents of Mexico City, is still frequently mentioned, as is the ever-running Senator Bermudez, head of Pemex, the government-owned oil industry. \(Editor’s Note: PRI has now selected Adolfo Lopez Mateos its candidate”E1 Tapadito.” The leftist Partido Popular endorsed Mateos late in November, although he said he did not want their help, the Coalicion Nacional Revolucionaria also endorsed him; the sinarquistas decided not to support anyone. However, PAN, the Partido Accian ‘Nacional, has nominated a 38-yearold former University of Texas student, Luis H. Alvarez, who says he will win “if the elections are free” but expects he will be doubting, after the election, that they were free. Alvarez accused PRI of having deliberately given false counts of votes in previous elections. The New York Times says almost everyone, including PAN, thinks Alvarez has no chance to rein. His platform includes freedom to teach religion in public schools, more free enterprise, and political freedom, which he says does not exist in Mexico. He now manages his family’s textile business in ChiNext: The Eggheads on PRI. 65 per cent of its old age assistance cases-5,075 of 7,786. 65 per cent of its homicides24 of 37. 57 per cent of its venereal disease cases-250 of 440. Also, the cost of furnishing city services to slum areas cost more than for non-slum areas: $470,408 more in a comparison of a slum with a non-slum area of the same size. These figures are from a justpublished report of two San Antonio municipal agenciesplanning, and housing and inspections and a 43-member citizens’ urban renewal advisory committee chaired by William Barrett, Jr. The committee is working toward voter approval of a statefederal slum clearance program under terms of federal law and the urban renewal act passed by the regular session of the 55th Legislature. With this arrangement, federal funds pay for twothirds of the program, local funds the balance. San Antonio, said the report, “is sick. It suffers from an urbantype disease called blight and ness much like we do. When a disease strikes one part of our body, we feel the effects of it throughout the rest of our body. If a disease is not cured, it spreads to the healthy parts of OEx-interim U. S. Sen. Wil liam Blakley, speaking at Weslaco, said the nation overlooks its friends, particularly Latin-America, in the distribution of foreign aid. 0 U. S. Dist. Judge William Atwell, Dallas, dismissed suit brought by Dallas school trustees asking they be advised of their “rights and duties” under the state local-option-on-segregation law. Atwell, at Dallas, dismissed a suit brought by Dallas school trustees asking they be advised of their “rights and duties” under the state local-option-on-segregation law. Atwell said he did not have jurisdiction. OA Dallas grand jury indicted BenJack Cage for a second time. This one’s on a Safeway Concedes FORT WORTH Safeway Stores, Inc., has agreed to a federal court order restraining it from trade practices the Federal Trade Commission said were monopolistic. A consent order, issued here last week after a hearing before federal district judge Joe E. Estes, enjoins Safeway and its 2,000 stores from: Selling at prices which in FTC’s opinion are below cost or unreasonably low; from operating stores below the cost of doing business for the “purpose of destroying competition.” The order also forbids “price discrimination for predatory purposes” and keeps Safeway from requiring its personnel to achieve ecrtain arbitrary sales quotas. A criminal case growing out of the same FTC allegations was settled last June. In that case, Safeway paid fines totaling $187,500 after pleading no contest to the charges. our body and brings on added complications.” Before the slum sickness overwhelms all of San Antonio, said the report, it must be cured: by “surgery” of the most decayed areas, by “rehabilitation” of areas now nearing slum status, and by conservation of the rest of the city. “Urban renewal” is the answer, in the report’s view. The report lays out an explanation of what “urban renewal” is, and, anticipating possible attacks, what it is not. What it is, according to the report: “A total program for eliminating and preventing blight and slums in cities; a program which uses available federal financial assistance to help cities eliminate their slum and blighted areas; a community-wide program which requires private enterprise, citizen support, individua cooperation, and governmental assistance.” It is not, said the report: It . . public housingthe Texas urban renewal act specifically prohibits public housing in urban renewal projects; not a cureall for health and crime problems. It is aimed at dilapidated, run-down buildings, but … helps eliminate the environment which may be causing health and crime charge he embezzled from ICT Insurance Co. in connection with sending a check to former insurance commissioner Byron Saunders. OSecret Service agents warned Houston-area residents to keep a wary eye out for counterfeit $20 and $100 bills. OThe Rev. Blake Smith, of Austin’s University Baptist Church, said at St. Louis, to a meeting of the World Council of Churches: Segregationists a r e fighting in a lost cause; he is proud of Southern Baptists for statements favoring integration. OThe state Pardons and Pa roles board set a hearing on pleas to let former Land Commissioner Bascom Giles out of prison for Dec. 16. Giles’ son, Rogan, and Earle Burkhalter, both of Austin, made separate pleas for the hearing. Burkhalter gave the board a petition favoring Giles’ release to the board. He said 100 Austinites had signed it. OWalter Hendl, conductor of the Dallas Symphony since 1949, resigned, effective the end of the 1958 concert season. OUSDA said the Texas cotton crop will run half a million bales under the early-season estimate. Reason: bad fall weather. OThe director of research for H o u s t o n’s public schools said the city’s ratio of pupils to teachers is falling. That is, teachers are teaching bigger classes. OAbout 100 naturopaths met at Abilene to map a common defense against Atty. Gen. Will Wilson’s attempts to put them out of business. OSouthern Educational Re porting Service said there is a slow upturn in the number of Negroes attending Texas public schools. The Negro students were 13.4 per cent of the total scholastic population three years ago and now make up 13.7 per cent. problems. Urban renewal is not a simple give-away program. The local community must pay onethird of the net cost of a project and the federal government will pay two-thirds of the net cost. The locality can pay its one-third share by receiving credit for such items as new streets, schools, utilities, and other similar items which normally provides each year anyway.” San Antonio has ‘already adopted a “workable program” a set of prerequisites necessary for qualification for urban renewal funds. There are seven points in the “workable program”: Adoption of adequate building codes and ordinances, setting up of an urban renewal administration; analyzing of slum tracts; creating a master plan; setting up financing; providing for rehousing of slum dwellers; arranging for citizen participation the public relations program of urban renewal. Seven Texas cities, Corpus Christi, Dallas, Port Arthur, Laredo, Austin, Mercedes and Lubbock, are in a stage of urban renewal planning, in addition to San Antonio. Lubbock voters last week, in a referendum, adopted an urban renewal plan. The turnout was light, about 2000 voting. Urban renewal won by an 8 to 1 margin. OState Rep. Joe Pool said he will make his announcement against Cong. Bruce Alger official by paying the $2,300 filing fee in early January. Both are from Dallas. OFederal Dist. Judge T. Whit field Davidson ruled that Sec’y of Agriculture Ezra Benson must give an oral deposition in a wheat acreage allotment suit brought by USDA against Oklahoma rancher and farmer J. Evetts Haley, Jr. The state won an $84,340 judgment against Del Doc Refineries, Inc. of Houston, in an Austin district court. The company failed to pay its October, 1956, motor fuel taxes, the state charged. San Antonio health authori ties said bats roosting at the top of Jefferson High School pose a rabies threat to pupils. OPublisher-wit Bennett Cerf, in an interview at Fort Worth, said he thought the city should develop a “fiesta” atmosphere downtown, with plazas, sidewalk cafes, trees, etc. OGov. Daniel said there’s no need for a third special session to raise money. Get It Now? AUSTIN State Auditor C. H. Cavness sometimes hones his criticisms as though they were razors. For example \(from the auditor’s annual report, for fis”Our last audit report included the comment that ‘the staff of the Teacher Retirement System is not adequate to accomplish the work load of the System.’ We regret the necessity of repeating this comment, and of mentioning that the term ‘adequate’ was not used solely with reference to the number of employees ..” Price, Ramsey, Senators To Go To Duck Hunt BEAUMONT, PORT ARTHUR “The Governor’s tenth annual duck hunt,” paid for by Sabine area business interests, will be attended next week, Dec. 15-17, by Gov. Price Daniel, Lt. Gov. Ben Ramsey, very likely a quorum of the Texas Senate. and other state officials. Postponed once because of the second special session, the event again attracts the upper echelon of Texas state government. The state party will sail from the Jack Tar Orange House dock in Orange at 3 p.m. Sunday on the Texas Company yacht, “Ava,” for the long cruise along the Orange channel. A few will disembark at the Sabine Towing Co. docks about 7:30. The hunting party will then proceed into the south Jefferson County marshes to hunt Monday and Tuesday, and will return on the Ava early Tuesday afternoon. The hunting facilities of Port Arthur Hunting Club and Gulf Oil Corp. will be used. The Ava