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DALLAS In his role as critic of the State Department, the junior senator from Texas made a lot of friends here this week. Speaking at the 53rd annual Southwest Zionist Convention, Ralph Yarborough lambasted John Foster Dulles’ boys and praised the young state of Israel. And it was the right place to do that. Interrupted time after time by applause, Yarborough also responded to four standing ovations. He hardly had time to eat his dinner because of chatting with individual members of the Zionist Organization of America. But he’s become adept at eating and talking at the same time. but not seeming to eat. It was the same old thing when he left the hall for another appontment. He needed 20 minutes to walk 40 feet. Voters stopped him every couple of feet. Yarborough worked hard on the speech. The copy he passed out to the press was on two types of paper with passages written in and stricken out by two colors of ink. It was at least the third version, and he struck pretty close to itfor him anyway. One departure from the text Gasoline Prices In El Paso Hit WASHINGTON Sen. Ralph Yarborough has asked the Senate Antitrust and Monopoly subcommittee chaired by Sen. Estes Kefauver to investigate gasoline prices west of the Pecos River. In a letter to Kefauver, Yarborough said “the people of El Paso believe … discrimination … exists against the people in that area in respect to gasoline prices.” The letter went on to say: “Recent price differentials show El Paso tank wagon prices of 18.6 cents. East of the Pecos prices range about 16.5 cents. In Houston the price was 16.2 cents. But in other areas much further removed from the centers of productionand even of refining the costs were comparable to East Texas prices. Examples: “New York City, 16.8 cents; Binghamton, N. Y., 17.3; Boston, Mass., 15.9; Portland, Me., 16.4; Miami, Fla., 17.6; Los Angeles, 17.4; Cleveland, Ohio, 17.3. “The tank wagon prices of gas in Maine were about the same s those in East Texas. It is felt there is no excuse for tank wagon prices being higherat least rn excuse for them being about 12 per cent higherthan in the rest of Texas. “It seems discriminatory.” The Yarborough statement also noted the tank wagon prices of gasoline in various Texas cities. all of them under the El Paso rate: “San Antonio, 16.5; Dallas, 16.3; Fort Worth, 16.3; Wichita Falls, 16.5; Amarillo, 16.5; Tyler, 16.5; San Angelo, 16.5; Waco, 16.4; Houston, 16.2; Port Arthur, 16.2 ” Meantime, Rep. Wright Patman of Texarkana, chairman of the Senate-House Joint Economic Committee, is planning \(in the cost of living. Patman says he intends to find out exactly why prices continue to climb. The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ latest consumer price index showed that the cost of living had reached a new high, rising almost five per cent since last January. had him flailing away at an unnamed large Texas newspaper which, he said, editorialized that Israel was a Democratic responsibility because Harry Truman recognized the new country so quickly in 1948. It was about this time in the talk that Gen. W. B. Ruggles, editor of the editorial page of the Dallas News, left the press table. \(An editorial feature in the News had made the point Yarborough started out by saying he couldn’t live up to the praise of his introduction by Dr. Marcus Levinson of Houston, even if he lived as long as the Patriarch Abraham. Then he told how he lived with a Jewish family named Goldstucker for a year while he finished high school in Tyler. He said his family lived in Chandler which had no senior year. Yarborough said he was much impressed as a young man when a Baptist, “a distinguished member of my own faith,” referred to Zionism “as the unfulfilled dream of the ages. He had then just returned from the Holy Land. He quoted the language of the Prophet Isaiah, that beautiful promise that the land of Israel would once more blossom as the rose. `In the wilderness,’ the Prophet said, ‘shall water break out, and streams in the desert, and the solitary place shall be glad for them.’ ” NOW THAT PROMISE is being fulfilled, he said, and the United States should realize the value of Israel to America. He listed five reasons: “1. Israel is the only democratic government in all the Middle East. 2. It is oriented toward the West, its destiny linked with the West, and its political institutions Western … 3. Israel is not only non-communist and anticommunist, it is also socially and politically democratic … 4. Israel has demonstrated a stability of government, and the ability of its people to govern themselves democratically … 5. Israel is a permanent Point Four laboratory in the Middle East.” He expanded on the last point, saying that Israel had served as a schoolhouse of modern technology for the Arabs before the war, pushed by Nazi-like dictators, broke out in 1948. “It is obvious, then, that Lawrence of Arabia was wise in his judgment that the Israelis could be of immeasurable help to the Arab world, and it is sad for all of us they haven’t been permitted to be. “For all of these reasons, the continued existence and progress of the State of Israel is definitely to the well-being of many underdeveloped states Israel still !s an undeveloped stateand to the United States in its somber struggle with communism.” Yarborough said Israel has proved her value as an ally. “The Israeli’s, like our Puritan ancestors in New England and like our ancestors in Texas and the West, are a Bible-reading, church-going, rifle-toting people.” DESPITE ISRAEL’S importance to the United States and for world peace, the senator said, “the State Department’s policy has been so wavering and so tununderstandable’ that last year our three greatest allies England, France and Israelin despair and frustration felt they were forced to desperate and secret measures after Nasser had reneged on his promise to keep the Suez open to international trade. “At this point the State Department stepped in. “The State Department humiliated and humbled America’s greatest friends to save a dictator’s neck. “And did we win the undying loyalty of that dictator by saving his neck? We all know full well that this dictator is now closer allied with Communist Russia than ever before. He is still reneging on his pledge with regard to an open Suez. “Two weeks ago ire witnessed the latest manifestation of our tragic wavering in the Middle East. On that Sunday Americans learned that the Syrian Army, which controls the country, had fallen to the Communists in a coup. “Syria which outflanks Turkey and the Bagdad Pact, Syria which is the key to our pipelines, Syria which is so vital to the Free World is tied now to the Communists. “What area is next? “In the Middle East we have come too close again to one of those fatal brinks. “We have lost Syria to the Communists. There are a thousand more natural reasons for Sy;ria to be friendly to the United States than with the Reds. But, the State Department has fumbled again as it did in North Viet Nam and in so many other countries around the globe.” A Debt Is Paid WASHINGTON Sen. Ralph Yarborough has paid a debt loyal Texas Demcrats have long owed Wisconsin’s new senator, Democrat William Proxmire. It was Proxmire who led the floor fight in the 1952 Democratic National Convention to seat the loyal Texas delegation and toss out the delegation led by former Gov. Allan Shivers. Yarborough sent .Proxmile $50, advised him throughout his campaign and sent him a telecast speech idea Proxmire used in his election eve appeal. Proxmire told Washington reporters Yarborough had been of great help. Yarborough and Proxmire are political “look alikes.” Both lost three consecutive gubernatorial races before winning special Senate elections. OGov. Daniel will address the Teague Methodist Men’s Club Sept. 16 on “Righteousness Exalteth a Nation.” ODallas city council decided to turn down a plea from its unclassified city workers for an increase from their present pay rate of 99 cents an hour. Denton hired extra patrolmen for the back-to-school period at a pay rate of $1 an hour. OThe state Democratic execu tive committee starts a series of state-wide meetings Sept. 10 at Huntsville, with Gov. Daniel speaking. Sen. Ralph Yarborough is speaking in San Antonio Sept. 14, the same day the Democrats of Texas convene their steering committee for the first time in San Antonio. OLabor committee on politi a strategy meeting Sept. 21 in Dallas. OA swindle involving as much as $400,000 is being investigated in Houston. It reportedly Price Appoints Tax Researchers AUSTIN Governor Price Daniel appointed three members to the vital state tax study commission and advised legislators he intends to submit only four subjects to the special session, which do not include small loan regulation. He named to the tax study group Dr. John R. Stockton, professor of business at the University of Texas and director of the University’s Bureau of Business Research; John McKee, manager of industrial relations for the Dallas assembly plant of Ford Motor Co.; and Hugo Loewenstern, past president of the Texas Real Estate Assn. and past president of the Amarillo Real Estate Board. session. beds four weeks ago. In Galveston a mother and a nursery were chargcid with neglect of children when the mother’s 21-month-old boys were found in the nursery so fe4le from hunger they could hardly’ move. \(“Flies were everywhere! and oatmeal was strewn 77he Texas Education Agen ces teacher education program by televisioncalled “AdventOes in Education”will be offereLl over 17 Texas TV stations this fall. Dr. Arthur Moehlman of the University of Texas is to be the TV teacher of teachers. cases A.tty. Gen. Will Wilson has advised Dr. Henry Holle, the state health commissioner, that the h6alth department may agree with each city participating in slum clearance on the city’s prorata share of the state’s personnel fo r the administration of the state’s part of the program. Sf ,etail sales rose from $999 to $ 116 million July’s ’56 and ’57 Ti IE TEXAS OBSERVER Pag 5 Sept. 6, 1957 RALPH HAILS ISRAEL Speaker Waggoner Carr has already appointed Reps. Frates Seeligson, San Antonio, Richard C. Slack, Pecos, and John Huebner, Sr., Bay City, to the study commission. The three Senate members have not been designated. The commission is empowered to use any corporation engaged in governmental research. This will permit it to hire the Texas Research League, a business-financed research organization, to do its research if it so wishes. Daniel’s letter to legislators, which he said wryly was not a “poll,” an apparent reference to Speaker Waggoner Carr’s earlier poll of House members, said he intends to submit “these and only these” items to a special session: 1. A lobby registration bill patterned along lines proposed t y the Texas Legislative Council. 2. A bill to register those who represent others before state agencies. 3. A study to determine how to improve law enforcement, and criminal procedure and prevent crime. 4. A water planning division in the Board of Water Engineers to coordinate state master plans for water conservation and flood control. Daniel asked for a “frank expression” w h et h c r members would cooperate: Fl e t: as said he will call the session unless a majority of legislators convince him of theire unaltei -able opposition. Daniel has r.: ,ceivcd some requests that he put loan shark legislation on the agenda for the The Legislative Council, made up of the Lieutenant Governor, House Speaker, and 15 legislators, meets Sept. 13 to decide what projects to study from among those requested by the legislaturesmall loan regulation, Texas constitutional re v i s i o n, traffic accident control, old age assistance, the physically handicapped, state parks, narcotics, schoqk laws, workmen’s compensa tion ; auto insurance, submerged a bill drafting help, and ad v alore m re as, ` taxes. Daniel and Sen. Ralph Yarborough spoke at Jasper at groundbreaking ceremonies for the McGee Bend dam project. Daniel said it “will benefit not only this immediate area of southeast Texas, but the entire state.” Yarborough said Army engineers have rated it “one of the nine most important water conservation and en tire U.S.” In projects in the en , In other state news, the Board of Education raised the per capita. state Money for public school education from $78 to $80 per pupil. The total cost of the state foundation program will be about $336 million for 1957-1958 compared with $291 million for last year. \(Teachers’ pay raises and normal populPition growth account for Purchase of federal wagering stamps is reported down sharply in Texas in consequence of Atty. Gen. Will Wilson’s clampdown on gambling in Galveston and elsewhere in the state. The Texas Railroad Commission will hear protests from railroads on Sept. 18 against the commission’s ‘order dated March 11 that they must show complete itemized expenses on each passenger train they seek to discontinue. The Texas Railroad Assn. requested the rehearing. The Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen & En gimemen Texas legislative board ‘has called the ruling “one of the most important orders ever issued” by the commission. Under Texas law the commission i4 required to authorize the disconpnuation of passenger runs when t he railroads can show the partictilar operation is question is losing :money. The commission is not permitted by the statutes to