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. Can Coronaries Be Avoided? LEARN THE TRUTH OF YOUR OWN INNER POWER The increase in the number of men coming down with coronaries and ulcers is alarming. Much of this is due, many authorities agree, to man’s effort to go through life alone, unaware that within him is a POWER infinitely gr eater than his own. Thousands of hard-headed executivesand their wives have written their thanks for the comfort, inspiration and inner peace received from the simple approach contained in the book YOU ARE GREATER THAN YOU KNOW. Written by a business man who admitted frankly he was a failure until he discovered this POWER within him, this book may bring you a new appreciation, of your own powers and true greatness. Edward R. Murrow, in introducing the author of this book to a nationwide audience, said: “Lou Austin was born in poverty and raised in an orphan asylum. For forty years he fought for success, money and position. Broke in 1932, he changed his whole philosophy liefs. All he had previously ought for and failed to get came to him.” What happened was that the author discovered there was something more to life than making money. He discovered a POWER within him that led to life’s most priceless treasures: an understanding heart, love of friends, work that serves, inner peace, vigorous health, a deeper, more satisfying life. Amazingly enough, in the wake of these things came material possessions, to be used for the benefit of others. Starting on his new way of life with nothing, he has built an. enterprise for which he recently refused more than a million dollars. At 66 years of age, he is now a younger man in body, mind and spirit than when he first discovered this way of life at 40. Almost nine years ago, he was guided to form a nonprofit Foundation to spread to others his great discovery. To this Partnership Foundation he has assigned, without compensation, all his interest and royalties in the book, so that the only ones who profit from its sale are those purchasing the book and adopting this true way of life. Virtually everyone who has read YOU ARE GREATER THAN YOU KNOW has reacted favorably to it. Thomas J. Watson, late chairman of the Board of I.B.M., wrote his thanks for “an inspiring message of tremendous value to men and women everywhere.” W. M. Kiplinger, founder and head of the well-known Kiplinger Washington L e t t e r, wrote “For writing the book in the first place, thanks. For giving people an insight into the life of the spirit as manifested in one man, thanks again.” It will cost you nothing to find out if these benefits will be yours. Send for a copy of YOU ARE GREATER THAN YOU KNOW on a free ten day trial. Read part or all of it. If you do not agree with the thousands of hard-headed executivesand their wives that here is a book you will want to refer to many, many times to be reminded of your own true greatness, return the book for complete refund. If you find, howeveras we sincerely believe you willa lessening of tension, a saner view point on life, its cost of $3.75 \(lc a day for a year and cant. Readers tell us the benefits last and actually grow with the passing of time. They no longer try to carry the world on their own shoulders. They have found a new strength and peace of mind that stands them in good stead in every emergency. Send for a free ten day trial. To any bookseller, or The Partnership Foundation, Capon Springs, West Virginia: Please send me copies of YOU ARE GREATER THAN YOU KNOW on a free ten day trial basis. I have the right to return same within ten days for complete refund. I enclose \($3.75 per Name Address City & State \(All copies ordered promptly will be autographed by the Special Session Is a Certainty Texas Tech Matter Bubbles Right Along Bank Conflict Enters Courts _ AUSTIN Gov, Price Daniel doesn’t care what the results of H o u s e Speaker Waggoner Carr’s poll of the Legislature showed; he intends, he said, to call a special session anyway. Carr’s poll showed, he said, that four out of five members of the legislature oppose the proposed special session. He said he personally opposed the special session because of a possibility new taxes might have to be ley. ied to pay for it. Daniel said he would call the special session, that no tax bill would be necessary, and that State Comptroller Robert S. Calvert had informed him that more than $600,000 is available for legislative purposes. Carr said that if no tax bill was to be submitted, he would not oppose the session call, but hinted that Daniel might be wrong about money being available. “Other sources …. which are also reliable, question the governor’s belief,” Carr said. He quoted Jimmy Banks of the Dallas News. The complete results of the Carr poll, based on 101 answers from the 150 House members: To the question, is a special session necessary? Carr got 17 yeses, 70 noes, and 12 votes to leave the matter to Daniel. Should the session be limited to a week? drew eight yeses, 88 noes. Would you be willing to serve a week without pay? got 13 yeses, 79 noes. If you favor a special session and do not think it right for the members to serve without pay, do you think a tax would be justified to pay the cost of a special session? received 18 yeses, 65 noes, and one vote saying it depends on the circumstances at the time. AUSTIN J. Evetts Haley, a member of the Texas Tech Board of directors, was not, as has been reported, fired from the faculty of the University of Texas in 1936, the Observer is informed. Records of the University reflect that Haley was not a teacher of history at the University. He was brought there to collect historical materials for the library; old-timers in the department say he did “a very fine job of that.” He was paid from a grant to the University from the Social Science Research Foundation, which was disbursing Rockefeller funds, when, in 1936, he was collecting material for museum exhibits during the Texas Centennial. That summer he headed up the Jeffersonian Democrats. M e a ntime funds that had been providing his salary were exhausted. The University did not search about for new funds to maintain his work, but he was not fired, the money to sustain the work he was doing was exhausted. On July 24 this year the Dallas News quoted Haley as saying he was “both a former college faculty member and a broken down cowhand.” The story says further: “Haley said he was fired by University of Texas regents in 1936 because of ‘my activities with the Jefferson Democrats. I’m not saying I didn’t deserve to be fired. I didn’t think it was up to me to question the authority of the board of regents and I still don’t. Not one of these bleedingheart, ultra liberal organizations ever came to my defense when I was fired back in ’36.” LUBBOCK Dean Charles S. Davis of Florida State University, named by the Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools to investigate the dismissal of Profs. Abernethy, Herbert Greenberg and Per Stensland from Texas Technological College, will delay his probe until September. Last week, Donald Agnew, executive secretary of the association, announced that Davis would be on the Tech campus this week. However, Davis said, he will not act until September in the hope that “maybe by September the situation will be cleared up.” He noted that Tech’s board of directors will hold a regular meeting on Aug. 17. Davis said the association was not interested in individual faculty members’ relationships to college administration. “We leave that to such organizations as the American Association of University Professors, which has been asked to investigate the Tech situation. “Our only concern is whether there has been a violation of our standards.” He added there are “many political implications that would be a violation, and many that would not be.” Meantime, Tech board member J. Evetts Haley said he fears no investigation by “any outside group, self-appointed, or selfanointed.” \(The Dallas News comment e d editorially: “Mr. Haley is. right. The board is responsible solely to the people AAUP’s last word on its possible investigation came from Dr. Ralph Fuchs, national executive director, who said: “We should determine within a week or 10 days whether to conduct an investigation. If we do a special committee will be named to go thoroughly into the situation.” The court fight Attorney General Will Wilson said he feared might follow his vote switches as a member of the State Banking Board \(ObserDistrict Judge Charles 0. Betts has issued a temporary restraining order barring issuance of a charter to a Houston banking g r o u p headed by Judge James Elkins. The order was asked by a second Houston b a n king combine, headed by Harris McAshan and including R. D. Randolph. On Aug. 1, Wilson voted to issue a charter to both groups \(both seek to open a bank in the same Houston shopping called an executive session of the board and voted to let the charter be issued to the Elkins group only. The McAshan group’s petition to Betts charged Wilson and State Treasurer Jesse James, also a board member, with having performed “procedural gymnatics” at the Aug. 2 meeting. A hearing on a temporary injunction has been scheduled for Aug. 16. FAIR QUESTION? MoScow-born Rudolph Abel, indicted in New York on charges of radioing U.S. atomic and military secrets to Russia, was taken from McAllen, where he was being detained for deportation, to New York. He stopped at Houston long enough to be asked if his special effects with microfilm might include espionage and to reply: “Now that wasn’t a fair question.” THE TEXAS OBSERVER Page 5 Aug. 16, 1957 you can give to the 16 million or more emotionally disturbed or mentally ill is UNDERSTANDING. For as your help grows-their hope of recovery increases. Great strides have been made in research for treatment and prevention of emotional and mental illness. But so much more could be doneif only more people had a better understanding of this problem. 1 You can help best by acquainting yourself with the truth about emotional and mental illness. If this problem should ever occur in your family, there is no reason why you shouldn’t discuss it, face it as you would any physical illness. Find out how to deal with it, how it can be treated. And above all, work with your local mental health association. OI CI Arktip *4 4T 0 4,