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DALLAS don sit there As the “Democrats of Party for their Texas” convention May 18 The in Austin approaches, liberal Democrats are pointing to the recent Young Democrats’ convention in Dallas as evidence of their strength in the party. If Governor Price Daniel or his aides did launch a drive to take over the state youth group. they were soundly thrashed at Dallas. The outcome was so clear-cut there was never even a test vote. The day before the convention, at a press conference, Daniel carefully assured reporters he had not authorized Jim Lindsey, YD’S WIN GIRDS LIBERALS Bob Bray chairman of the state Democratic executive committee, to use the Governor’s name in his efforts to take over the YD’s. A number of more conservative clubs showed up at the convention, but it would not have been fair to identify them in a simple way as “pro-Lindsey” or “proDaniel.” They were on the whole more gradualist on the segregatiOn question. The clubs in the unshakable majority resolved opposition to state segregation legislation and carefully qualified their “commendation” of Senate Leader Lyndon Johnson a n d House Speaker Sam Rayburn. The commendation resolution stirred the loudest debate of the convention. It was originally introduced to commend Johnson,. Rayburn, and Senator-elect Ralph Yarborough “for their outstanding service and loyalty to the Democratic Party.” Johnson came in for long boos and catcalls when it was pointed out by Ronald J. Manesson, San Antonio, that . the Senate leader might be the 1960 Democratic presidential nominee. Maness on argued for amending the resolution. Others opposed Johnson’s commendation, but only one, H. H. Gray, Austin, also criticized Rayburn. “They’ve betrayed the Democratic Party. Tell them so,” he declared. He said he had sneaked into the Fort Worth convention by a side door to see “dear old Sam and dear old Lyn Issue State Department of Public Welfare, the executive director of the , Good Neighbor Commission, the Commissioner of Education, the director of the Texas Department of Public Safety, the Commissioner of Health, and the Commissioner of Labor Statistics. The ‘Texas Legislative Council study showed that there were more than 40 migrant labor centers operated in Texas in 1955, most of t h em from August through November. The council reported: “The composite camp consists of one or more open-front sheds, probably of sheetiron, frame, or concrete block construction. It is adequately lighted but has no heating, screening, or flooring. It is not equipped with cooking and laundry facilities. It has an adequate supply of water, with a hydrant or tap outside the shed. In about half the cases, it has a coldwater shower and indoor waterflush toilets. It might just as likely have pit privies and no bathing facilities. Garbage is col ‘ lected about twice a week and disposed of by some municipality, and some provision is made for the control of insect vectors and rodents Page 7 April 30, 1957 vote and the committee resolution was adopted the same way. Some twenty other resolutions were adopted by clear voice vote. THE BATTLE was settled the opening day. The credentials committee, headed by Houston Clinton, Jr., Austin attorney, sifted through the applications for membership. There had been reports that Rhodes, state YD vice president, and state Democratic executive committee chairman Jim Lindsey had lined up enough new clubs to challenge the liberalloyalist control, but Clinton said that no serious threat developed. Clinton said that most if not all of the clubs turned down were organized by Rhodes, Lindsey, or workers in the same group but “added that if all had met requirements for membership, liberal-lOyalists would have still’ held lop-sided control. It was estimated that the dissidents ended up with about 75 to 80 delegate votes out of the total 310 and would have had about 40 more votes if the other clubs had been accepted. Rhodes declared that if all the clubs had been chartered, the “labor-dominated liberals” would have had only about hall the delegate voting strength. Rhodes charged that “undemocratic methods” had been used to bar CLASSIFIED SALESMAN WANTED: HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY Good Rawleigh Business now available in part of Austin. Write for information. Rai,vleigh’s Dept. TXC-1771-502, Memphis, Tenn. FOR SALE Transitor Type Accousticon Hearing Aid. Good Condition, Twenty Dollars. Contact A. J. Scaff, 2704 French Place, after 6 p.m. Phone GR 7-5478. LEGALS NOTICE TO CREDITORS of the estate of Jesse W. Saxon, Deceased Notice is hereby given that original letters testamentary upon the Estate of Jesse W. Saxon, deceased, were granted to me, the undersigned, on the 8th day of April, 1957, by the County Court of Travis County, Texas. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same to me within the time prescribed by law. My residence and post office address are 404 W. 26th St., Austin, Travis County, Texas. MRS. HANNAH W. SAXON Executrix of the Estate of Jesse W. Saxon, Deceased TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that DeWitt Nelson, doing business as Nelson Typesetting Company, has heretofore on November 1, 1956, incorporated such firm under the firm name of Nelson Typesetting Company. This the 5th day of April, A.D., 1957. NELSON TYPESETTING COMPANY By DeWITT NELSON IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS, DALLAS DIVISION In the Matter of American Atlas Corporation, Bankrupt No. 4496 in Bankruptcy Notice of Hearing on Trustee’s Application to Sell Property To All Known Creditors: Notice is hereby given that the Trustee, Emery Wiley, has filed in this court his application for authority to sell certain property belonging to the above estate as set out in said application reading as follows: * “The petition of Emery Wiley, Trustee in Bankruptcy of the Estate of American Atlas Corporation, Bankrupt, respectfully represents: Among the assets of the estate in bankruptcy is the Northeast 31 feet of Lot 1 in Block C/563 of Worthington’s Addition to the City of Dallas, Texas, according to the map thereof recorded in Vol. 86, page 191 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, and being more particularly described him and fellow moderates from having a full voice in club affairs. He declared that prospective members of “moderate” philosophy who had signed up in San Antonio and Houston were “screened by labor organizations.” “I would not have anyone say I was affiliated with any on e,” Rhodes said. He denied that he had directly or indirectly been encouraged in the membership drive by Governor Daniel. He said that he paid his own expenses in organizing clubs around the state. The new Gregg County club was refused membership because it had “scratched out the party loyalty pledge from its copy of the constitution.” Three of the clubs turned down were from NueCes County. Ted Anderson, Corpus Christi attorney, a longtime Shivers supporter and a leader in the county’s Democrats for Eisenhower campaign last year, headed one of the rejected clubs. The credentials committee reported none of them had filed a constitution. Most clearcut result of Rhodes’s effort at Organizing some 20 new clubs was that he was defeated for re-election: Liberals re-eleOted Edgar Berlin, Beaumont, president and made Clinton vice president, Clyde Johnson secretary, and Ann Klempt treasurer. Victor Emanuel, Houston, Kenneth Nordeman and Richard Lee Higgins, both of Austin, Jim Wilson as follows: Beginning at the North corner of said Lot 1 on the Southeast line of State Street; Thence, Southeast along the Northeast line of said Lot 1, 150 feet, more or less to its East corner, being the Northwest line of an alley; Thence, Southwest and along the Southeast line of said Lot 1, 31 feet to the corner of a part of said Lot 1 conveyed by E. M. Baker et ux to Avolette Doxey et ux by deed dated March 19, 1926, recorded in the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; Thence, Northwest along the Northeast line of said Doxey lot, 150 meet more or less to the Southeast line of State Street; Thence, Northeast along the Southeast line of said State Street 31 feet to the place of beginning. That the aforesaid property was purchased with funds belonging to American Atlas Corporation and title to the same taken in the name of Joe A. Irwin, President of the bankrupt; that thereafter J. A. Irwin, by warranty deed dated September 1, 1955, and acknowledged on that date conveyed title to said property to David W. Gay; that said deed from Joe A. Irwin to David W. Gay conveyed title to the aforesaid property to Emery Wiley, Trustee in Bankruptcy of American Atlas Corporation, bankrupt; that between the date of September 1, 1955, and this date, federal tax liens were filed of record in Dallas County, against J. A. Irwin and J. A. Irwin, Inc.; that American Atlas Corporation owns all right,’ title and interest in and to the aforesaid property; that A. D. McNabb has offered to purchase all the right, title and interest of the estate in and to the aforesaid property free and clear of all federal tax liens against American Atlas Corporation and against Joe A. Irwin and/or J. A. Irwin, Inc., and to pay therefor the sum of $5,350.00 in cash; that said price is the highest and best price obtainable for said property; that said price is equal to the present fair market value of said property and that the acceptance of the offer and sale upon such terms to A. D. McNabb would be in the best interest of the estate. W h e r e f or e, your petitioner prays that the creditors be circularized herein and upon hearing hereof he be authorized to accept the offer of A. D. McNabb on the right, title and interest in and to said property free and clear of all federal tax liens against American Atlas Corporation and against Joe A. Irwin and J. A. Irwin, Inc., for the sum of $5,350.00 in cash.” NOTICE is hereby given that this application will be heard by the Court at a hearing which is called to be held at ten o’clock A.M., at Room 330 Federal Building, Dallas. Texas, on April 26, 1957, at which time and place all creditors and others of interest may appear and approve or oppose the granting of such order of sale by the Court. Dated at Dallas, Texas, this 16th and Larry Woodward, both of Fort Worth, were named to the board of directors. THE SE RESOLUTIONS were also adopted: Advocating that American migrant workers be included under the Federal Minimum Wage Law and that Texas uphold the U. S. Department of La b o r’s minimum housing requirements for imported Mexican labor; Endorsing the Civil rights plank of the Democratic Party as set forth at the 1956 National Democratic convention; Favoring the restoration of 90 percent parity support for the basic agricultural commodities; Resolving opposition to the proposed college tuition increase bill on grounds it would be improper taxation on the students themselves; Approving proposed voter registration laws by going on record favoring House Bill 275 and Senate Bill 136 “without the Bracewell amendment.” Recognizing “friendship cannot be bought at any price and opi posing any needless expenditures of tax money for cash foreign aid, provided, however, that the clubs wholeheartedly endorse the Truman point four program and urge expansion of technical aid and assistance to the needy .Disaproving a bill aimed at giving “one group exclusive control of the title which belongs to any Democrat.” day of April, 1957. T. WHITFIELD DAVIDSON, Judge, United States District Court BY VIRTUE of a certain Order SHERIFF’S SALE of Sale issued by the Clerk of the District Court of Travis County, Texas, 98th Judicial District, on the 8th day of April, A.D. 1957, in a certain Cause No. 105,224, herein the Farm and Home Savings and Loan Association is Plaintiff, and Vesper Lee Warwick and Mildred Warwick, are Defendants, judgment was rendered in said Court on the 1st day of March, 1957, in favor of the said Plaintiff for the sum of Six Thousand Seven Hundred Thirty-one and 32/100 Dollars at the ratd of 6 per centum per annum from the 1st day of March, 1957, together with all costs of suit; AND, judgment was also rendered in said Court on the 1st day of March, 1957, in this Cause, in favor of the United States of America, for the sum of Seventynine and .25/100 Dollars the rate of 6 per centum per annum from the 1st day of March, 1957. I, on the 8th day of April, A. D. 1957, at 11:24 o’clock A.M., have levied upon, and will, on the ‘7th day of May, 1957, that being the first Tuesday in said month, at the Court House door in the City of Austin, within legal hours, proceed to sell for cash to the highest bidder, all the right, title and interest of Vesper Lee Warwick and Mildred Warwick, as the same existed on the 1st day of March, 1957, and at all subsequent dates existed and still exists in and to the following described property levied upon, towit: Lot No. 10, in Block “A”, in Burnet Heights, a subdivision of a part of the George W. Spear League in the City of Austin, Travis County, Texas, according to the map or plat of said Burnet Heights recorded in Volume 5 at Page 39 of the Travis County Plat Records, to which reference is here made for all purposes, together with all improvements thereon, including specifically the water heater and venetian blinds. THE ABOVE SALE to be made by me to satisfy the above described judgment for $6,731.32, in favor of the Farm and Home Savings and Loan Association, for the foreclosure of Plaintiff’s vendor’s and deed of trust liens on the above described property, and for the foreclosure, subject to the rights of Plaintiff, in favor of the United States of America on for its tax lien in the amount of