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Called “Stockholder Profit Sharing Plan,” and available only to ICT Group stockholders, -t h I s plati offers: I, INCOME PRODUCING INVESTMENT Z. SAVINGS BANS SECURITY 3. LIFE INSURANCEPROTECTION All who participate in the Stockholder Profit Sharing Plancreate profit for themselves in two ways: 1.FROM CASH DIVIDENDS PAID ON UNITS OF THE PLAN 2.AS STOCKHOLDERS IN ICT INSURANCE COMPANY 0 R I C T DISCOUNT. CORPORA-TION, YOU SHARE IN THE PROFITS MADE BY ICT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. THE WEEK IN TEXAS o Teri major railroad systems con trol 97.1 percent of ,the railroad mileage in Texas, a Railroad Commission statistical report shows. There are 15,324 miles of first-main track in Texas. During the past year, the number of vvorkers on the railroad decre’ased 5,895 to a total of 50,846. Oil revenue for Texans for 1955 is expected to total $2,857,822,931.60. Seven banksin Houston ‘ , Dallas, Fort Worthhave put up $25,000 to underwrite a preliminary survey for the Dallas-Fort ‘Worth-Houston turnpike, their offer being accepted by the Texas Turnpike Author= ity, a public body. Two more Eastern finance syndicates are interested in the toll road bonds. Texans paid. $2,245,297,000 in federal taxes. in fiscal 1955. This breaks down into $1,422,000,000 income. taxes ; $579,659,000 corporate income .and prOfit taxes ; $50,979,000 estate taxes; $5,625,000 gift taxes; $24,719,000 alcOhol. taxes ; $120,670,000 other excise taxes. Gas rates in towns all over the state may go up if the Texas Supreme Court holds. in favor of the contention of the Houston Natural Gas Co. that the City of Alvin and the Texas Railroad Commission should have been guided by its present dollar-value properties instead of “fair value,” that is, original cost less depreciation. The hearing is Jan. 25′. U. S. Rep. Poage of Waco made public his reimbursable spending on his -36-day junket to South Amer= ica$218.16, a daily average . of $6.06. Trial of U. S. Rep. John J. Bell on a charge in the veterans’ land scandal will not come off in December because of :the Court of Criminal Appeals ruling that Guadalupe County, Where the indictment was ;returned, must use a jury wheel to select a venire .for petit criminal trials. A ‘grant. jury-in Seguin is considering a re-indictment of Bell, thrown out once because of an “illegally Tonstituted” May grand jury. In San Antonio, voters approved $9 million in four bond issues for streets, sewers, and fire-fighting, but rejected issues for police services, the airport, parks and recreation, public libraries, and Witte Museum. The voting was close. The Texas Highway Department . re-allocated $3 million it had planned to spend in Dallas, which has not provided necessary highway right-of-way. The department also announced $28 million in allocations for work on 4,650 miles of road: The Third Court of Civil Ap peals held that a simple ballot majority is enough to enable a county to issue bonds for. farm to market and lateral roads. A six-month jail s-entence for driving-while-drunk, handed out by a Travis County district court DALLAS Mrs, Eleanor Roosevelt will speak at the All-Texas 1956 Roosevelt Day Dinner here Jan. -16. Co-chairmen of the ,TeXas committee, Otto MUllinax, Dallas labor lawyer, and Kenneth V.. Holbert, a young Negro attorney here, said that one hundred Texans from sixteen counties have already accepted appointment to the North Texas committee for the event.. The Texas committee on the day honoring the late President Roosevelt is associated with the National Committee for Roosevelt Day, of which Senators .Hubert .H.umphrey of Minnesota and Herbert Lehman of New York are co-chairmen. Mrs. Grace jury, was -upheld by the Cowl of Criminal Appeals-. In Galveston, a blueprint techni cian admitted making crude counterfeit $10 bills by photo-copying real bills on both sides and pasting the pictures back-to-back. He passed eight or the fakes before he was caught. Howard County’s former tax as sessor-collector B. E. Freethan is on trial in Big Spring on a charge of embez z ling $2,520 in county funds. Two Port Arthur men were con victed of evading : income tax by reporting more dependents than they had over a period of several years. Wiley Cheatham, Cuero county attorney, and his father, State Rep. Torn Cheatham, charged foes are ganging up on the younger Cheatham, a candidate to replace resigned D. A. Wayne Hartman. Gov . Shivers is to appoint the successor. ilk An attorney for the sVuck Valley speech that organized labor is targeting the Rio Grande Valley like they did Port Arthur; that they sue groups who oppose them ; and that a political action drive in the Valley is aimed at giving labor control of public offices. in Port Arthur, a judge granted a temporary injunction against picketers of Juneau’s Cafe_ They went back to work and ‘he cafe re-opened. The national AFL-CIO merger will not be effected in Texas until late in 1956: Fort Worth’s city manager is ask ing the federal government to inincrease its dollar-for-dollar ante for the new city-county public health center because the expected cost is increasing: In Washington,. U, S. Judge Lti ‘ ther Youngdaki held that Curtis Wilson; a postal worker, was within his rights writing the Houston . Post a letter against Allan Shivers in 1954. The Civil Service Commission had suspended him for 90 days. Wilson said the decision “enfranchises one million federal employees to say whom they want .to govern them.” East Texas federal judge Joe Sheehy denied North Texas State College at Denton the right to refuse a Negro. youth the right to apply far admission. This in effect opened the college for Negroes. In Palestine, 50 . Negroes, led by the Negro..Cramber -of Commerce head, petitioned for employment of a Negro policeman by the city. The Mayor, Bob Pickel, said the point was well taken and would be considered. Federal grand jury in Houston is investigating a possible, civil rights case involving a :Necr b ro in Yoakum. They called the Yoakum police chief and a patrolman. The Houston Informer quoted eyewitness charges that Hobart Taylor, Negro leader, was the object Tully, executive assistant to Senator Lyndon Johnson, is a member of this national . committee. Attendance at the dinner will be $5 a .ticket.. It will be held at the Plantation at 7*p.m. Speakers at the North Texas event honoring Roosevelt last year included James E. Doyle Of Americans for Democratic Action and Stanley Ruttenberg, research director’of the Congress of Industrial Organizations. Senator Wayne Morse of Oregon was the 1953 Texas speaker. Page 8 Dec. 7, 1955 The Texas Observer of “obscene languageand raCial. epithets” from detective Bob Ferguson. The Houston Chronicle is raising its monthly subscription rate froth $1.50 to $1.75, and the Houston Post is up to $1.95 from its former $1.75. Newsprint costs are blamed. Senator Johnson, in Los Angeles to speak to the American Hotel Assn. convention, said that bipartisanship that permits disagreement on methods will continue in foreign policy unless there is a split about objectives. . Johnson praised Harry Jersig at a dinner in Jersig’s honor in San Antonio; Johnson said he would push for a larger part for “voluntary workers in human relations” like Jersig in the Point Four program of technical aid. Atty. Gen. John Ben . Shepperd said in Washington that there should -be a White House conference on the narcotics problem and that state laws should be made sensible and uni. form. .Texas cotton growers will vote Dec. 13 on whether they want production quotas next year. Bill Kittrell, loyalist leader, was honor guest at the .last meeting of: the Democratic Women of Dallas County He discussed party loyalty. In BrownsVille, a “Let’s Talk Liberty” group has formed to study constitutional liberties. The first topic : “The Bill ‘of Rights and Our Constitutional Liberties.” IF YOU BUY A CAR IF YOU BUYS A HOUSE IF ANY OF YOUR POLICIES EXPIRE-CALL IOW’ WILLIAMS Automobile and General Insurance Represents ICT The Company Owned by Union Members 624 LAMAR BOULEVARD AUSTIN, TEXAS TELEPHONE GReenwood 2-0545 “LET’S ABOLISH THE POLL TAX” 111111111 Gentlemen: I understand the Stockholder Profit Sharing Plan offers ine as an ICT Group stockholder many exclusive, unprecedented benefits. I want to be among the first ICT stockholders to hear all about the Plan and receive my Allotment :Certificate. So, please have a Home Office Representative call on me as soon as possible. Name Address City State Mrs. Roosevelt To Speak In Dallas Many of you may want to have the Plan explained to , you in detail before a Home office Representative has a chance to contact you personally. At right is a coupon to be filled out and mailed if you would like to have complete facts on the Plan as soon as possible. ICT BUILDING, DALLAS A vitally important message to all ICT Group stockholders YOU ARE ENTITLED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE NEW Stockholder Profit Sharing Plan After many months of hard work and careful study, The ICT Life insurance company is ready to announce an exclusive personal benefit plan for ICT Group stockholders only! If you are an ICT Group stockholder, Home Office Representatives will soon be calling on you to fully explain your rights under the Plan and show you how to exercise’ them. For your own , benefit and profit, give these Representatives an oppor 7 tunity to point out many exclusive advantages the plan offers. LIFE INSURANC COMPANY ICT Remember, Stockholder Profit Sharing Plan Is for ICI Stockholders only!