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The one great rule 011111, of compositio-n is to speak the truth. ;Vol. 47 , ci’ Thoreau k, AIJ ,o ‘.6. fs; c’2′ ”.\(.. .6 -4-2’S’. \(*a 4e, 4, .,; \( &,xas Ottstrurr An Independent Liberal Weekly Newspaper We will .serve no group or party but will hew hard to the truth as we find it and the right as we see it. No. 33 TEXAS; DECEMBER 7, 1955 I arborough Plans To Run 10c per copy Agreed to Payoffs, Giles Says Again AUSTIN Ralph Yarborough’s candidacy for governor or senator next. sum .Tier became a virtual certainty last week as newsman Lyman Jones returned to Texas from California to act as a political assistant and adviser. In Fort Worth, Lt. Gov. Ben Ramsey said he is “strongly. inclined” to enter the governor’s race, and “the word is out” that Sen. Price Daniel very well may step down from his Senate seat to try for the office he has always wanted: -Yarborough is considering running for the Senate if Daniel resigns the Senate to run for governor. John White, Texas Com1 missioner of. Agriculture whO has been one of the gubernatorial prospects,let it be knoWn last week that he, too, would consider the Senate race if Daniel stepped out. With State Sen. Jimmy Phillips of Angleton and . Reuben .Senterfitt of San Saba already in the governor’s race, Texans are assured of a summer of madcap politics such as has not been seen since 1946. The Mystery of the Missing Benefactor, or, Who Gave the Pay to T-P-A? A Newspaper Drama With Real People. \(In .40 I, the usifally placid waters of Austin politics were rippled slightly by a statement from C. T. Johnson, defeated .candidate for lieutenant governor, that he anticipated suing Lt. Coy. Ben Ramsey for double damages for failure to report certain campaign expenditures. Johnson had a deposition taken from Vern Sanford,’secretary of the Texas Press AsSn,, on . who paid for certain political ads on Ramsey’s behalf, but Sanford said he didn’t have the records ally more had, in. fact, discarded them a few months before. This raised the :question, who paid the T.P.A.P Without waiting for a solution, Johnson sued Ramsey and T.P.A. both, for $36,500 damages. Whitecaps appear on the usually placid waters of Austin poliAct II, Scene 1. Ben Ramsey, the Lieutenant -Gov-. ernor, as .well as the national.DemoCratic Committeeman . from Texas; was in his Capitol Office-apartment one brisk. fall afternoon when .1 -o, appeared a gentleManhe did not know. Extending his hand,. he being a friendly .man, the Lieutenant’ Governor found it clo y ed around a piece of paper instead of a fellow man’s palm.A protegs had been. served. Ramsey put in a call to his attorney, Everett Looney, of the firm of Looney, . Clark, and Morehead:. Together they went to the ‘office of E. B. Fuller, an attorney and notary deputized by an Austin district court to read questions prepared by C. T. Johnson’s lawyer, Bill Y,e10erman. In the course of an ,hour-long ques.. tioning, Ramsey.. made the ,following assertions : . That he “does not remember” seeing either of’ two advertiSementS on his Last week Jones, Austin American staffer who worked for Yarborough last summer, returned to Texas from his job as city editor. of the Burlingame Advance, a suburban daily in San Francisco, to rejoin Yarborough’s staff. It is understood that Yarborough’s pre-campaign support has been bolstered by the disaflection. of a wealthy former supporter a Gov. Allan Shivers. In Silsbee, 27 Hardin County residents organized a “Southeast Texas: Grass Roots for Yarborough Club,” urging Yarborough to announce for governor and. calling him “the . only man whO,..can drive out the .corruption ‘ ,in the State -Capitol” and return the government to the people. On another levelthat of precinct politics Shivers supporters and loyalists made more plans for next May’s grass roots fights. George Sandlin, chairman of the State Democratic Executive. Committee, called a secret,, closed-door meeting of about 100 carefully se Question Remains, Who Paid T.P.A. for Them? behalf, placed, according to Johnson, in 600 Texas newspapers ; That he “does not remembee_ ing the copy for these advertisements before they were publishid; That he did not authorize the Texas Press Assn. to distribute these ads for publication and did not authorize anyone else to do so, and that he did not pay for them or authorize anyone else to do so; That Herman Brown of Houston did not contribute to his 1954 election campaign ; That he does not know who did pay for the ads in his behalf ;_ lected Shivers leaders in Austin Friday and Saturday. Reporters were barred. Subjects discussed included organizing a county, rules of conventions, Texas election laws, And women’s part in organizational work. -. Saturday morning a moot convention was conducted ‘by Carl Hardin, Austin attorney and Travis County campaign manager for Shivers last year. Yarborough blasted the “little clique of self-appointed political leaders” for a “renewed effort to steal the Democratic Party” and to “thwart the will of the people of Texas at next May’s state convention.” The Democratic Advisory Council executive committee_ meets in Austin Dec. 10 to discuss, its organizational work for the precinct, county, and state conventions. Reports that the loyalists and organized labor are well ahead of the Shivers group in precinct organization were one factor in last weekend’s political ABC session among the conservatives. That he had some rooms at the Driskill . Hotel for the campaign but that ;he did not pay any campaign workers ; That Senator Crawford Martin of Hillsboro was not’ his campaign manager and was not authorized to contract for newspaper advertising in his behalf ; And that the advertising was not filed with the Secretary of State as a, campaign expense because “I did not order such advertising, did not authorize anyone to do so for me, and I did not pay for it or authorize anyone to pay for it.” Attached to the questions were exhibits of Texas Press Assn. Adver 6-Year Sentence To Run Concurrently With Others CRYSTAL CITY For the second time, Bascom Giles has been ‘sentenced to prison after pleading guilty. to accepting a bribe without coming to trial on whether, lie actually took the money. The six-year sentence he received in 38th District Court here Monday . is to run concurrently with threeand six’year ;jail terms assessed in earlier cases growing out of the veterans’ land scandal. He still faces trial on ten’ more chargesone that was not disposed of here Monday and nine that are pending in Travis County. District judge Ross Doughty sentenced the 54-year-old former Texas Land. Commissioner after hearing him admit ,that he had agreed to _take 13t-ibeS of $38,000 and $8,000 froth J. Paul Little of Crystal City in. return for pushing veterans’ land deals*. that Little was promoting through the Land . Office. . A charge that he agreed to accept a $15,000 Etribe from Little in another land deal was not brought to trial as scheduled. It may be heardat Judge Doughty’s discretion. Doughty entered a recovery judgment of.$33,000 -against Giles for the state in a . suit involving the same cases. The state sought and obtained trial of the civil case in the morning before the bribery charges were considered. It was brought out that the state paid huge sums -for grossly over-Valued blocks of land that were then resold to veterans by the state at high prices. In one case, for example, land was bought for $65 an acre and resold to the state at $230 an acre. The Zavala charge reads that Giles agreed to accept three bribes from J.. Paul Little, CryStal -City attorney, in exchange _ for helping Little push through highly profitable veterans’ land program deals. All the deals were RAMSEY DENIES KNOWLEDGE OF ADS Advertising Insertion Order Please publish the enclosed advertisement -in your newspaper in keeping with the instructions appearing below. This order is placed at the rate which you have filed with the TPA Central Office, as applicable for this type of advertising. Rate,aarrget quire at least 90 days advance notice. 4, Advertiser Ad No. Insertion Data Size of Ad BEN RAMSEY or Lt. Governor 1 ONE TIM ONLY: Thursday, June 17, or your nearest publication date thereto. , 2-Col. x 5-inches Nat enclosed BILLING AND CHECKING COPY DESTRUCTIONS Immediately following publication, a FULL-PAGE tearsheet and a bill for this advertisement must be sent IN . THE SAME ENVELOPE, by FIRST-CLASS MAIL to the Central Office of newspaper, the mane of the town and the publication date must be printed on the page, Newspapers publishing this ad in keeping with the above instructions will be paid on or before the 20th of the month following publication. lees. the TPA service charge of 15% for TPA member newspapers and 25% for non-members, TEXAS PRESS ASSOCIATION 1/16 San Antonio Street’ Awitin,,Tazaz : 0′. Wt. O’f.11:11’111 04:0 *941 THE ORDER FROM T.P.A. PLACING THE RAMSEY ADS T.P.A. Records Discarded; Ramsey Says He Doesn’t Xnow Who Paid