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Parr’s Third Firearms Charge SAN DJ.EGO George Parr has been charged by .a realtor with assault with intent to murder, a felony punishable by five years in jail. It is the Duval ex-Duke’s third firearms charge in less than three years. . The real estate agent, Juan Cariiillo, Jr., charges formally that he met Parr about 10:30, a.m. Sunday, Nov. 20, on San Diego’s Main Street; that ‘they got _into an argument which led to a brief scuffle; that Parr pulled a. pistol on hit ; and thaf a bystander; En-; carnacion Pena of Freer, ‘former dis,. trict court interpreter, , grabbed Parr’s arm and prevented him from using the gun. : Duval County Atty. R. F. Luna who was elected with Parr’s backing but has broken with Parrsaid he interviewed several witnesses before preparing the complaint for Ca r rillo to sign. Parr waeaccused of hitting a political,c9,ponent, Cristobel Ybanez of San Diego, on the head with a rifle butt in the summer of 1953. He plead guilty and paid a fine for aggravated assault. He Was charged with brandishing a pistol at another . political enemy, Manuel karroqiiin, in January ; 1954. He plead innocenthe said it was a pair of binoculars, not, a gunand was fined again. term of employment, would provide . “time for preparation, for attentionto individual pupil’s, and for supervision of activities related to the school program which are not a regular part of classroom work.” They said the teacher-pupil ratio should be one to 75. Teachers should . have sick leave benefit of ten days per year, accumulative to at least 90 days, and exemption from federal income “taxes of pension and retirement incomes up to $1,500 a year, they, said. They favored a minimum salary of $3,000 per year for teachers with B.A1 degrees. They disapproved ; merit -rating for salary scheduling. They urged an unassigned period in addition to the lunch hour within each school day for classroom teachers. There. was a National ‘ Education Assn. dinner Friday evening. Rep. Maury Maverick of San Antonio was given a rising ovation for amending a House resolution calling for investigation of “outside influences” on Texas education. Maverick had. “presSures: on teachers” included in the investigation. Muse Water Committee To Hold Texas Hearing AUSTIN A House subcommittee on water resources and power will hold hearings at Federal Building here Dec. 12 on the Hoover Commission repoft on the withdrawal of the Federal Government from water development. Bill Sturdevant, a staff ifiember, was in Austin recently lining up witnesses for the hearing. One of them -will be Harry Bu3 -1.60 of the Bureau -of Reclamation.khirleigh drew up the plan for Texas wa i ter development which Dr. Walter p. Webb of the Unive4ity of Texas later. popularized. which is a part of the House Committee on Government Operations, are Reps. Jones, Alabama, , chairman, Martha Grif fibs , Detrpit,’ Henry Royce, Milwatil, and Glenn Lipscomb, Los Angeles. Lipscomb , is a Republican, the others Dernbcr a.ts. You are Invited to CASA LOMA ‘Austin’s Beautifully Different Restaurant’ We Excel In Mexioan and American Food Attentive and Courteous Service Prices Everyone Can Afford People of All Nationalities Most Welcome Private Room for Parties Phone 7-0680 Open 11 a.m.-2 a.m. . daily, . 11 a.m.-3 a.m. Saturday. Closed Wednesday. 800 Lydia Street, Austin Texas Politics Like France’s Reporter Magazine Says Texas Is Multi-Party State, Not.One-Party; Reviews Tensions Among Loyalists EARLIER in the week, the classroom teachers .adopted resolutions bearing on teachers’ responsibilities and. proper -teaching methods. Excerpts : . “We reiterate that teachers MUST assume an active community role,. accepting fully :their responsibilities and exercising all their rights and privileges as .citizens under a democratic government.” “We believe in the importance of teaching well the fundamentals of learning. . . . The school curriculum should -provide the student with an enriched and coordinated educational prograM that will equip him ”to live in today’s complex world. . . classroom teachers should be privileged to cooperate with their ad ministrators in the formulation of school policies and . they should share in the responSibility for the success of these policies.” .. regardless of the acute short age of teachers, selective recruitment of ‘candidates, for the teaching profession must be maintained.” “We . support sound experimentation based Upon valid scientific technics of research and evaluation in any area of education. However, we view with concern the interpretation being drawn from current experimentation regarding the use of teacher aides as a substitute forqualified teachers.” The classroomteachers als.0 spOke out for more teachers’ welfare. They’ called for . schedules which, without lengthening. the school day or Auditor C. H. Cavriess has suggested use of part of the latter fund for operating costs of state universities. The delegates agreed to . these recommendations and all others _ submitted by committees. The teacher welfare committee reported that teacher contracts of longer than a year help morale and should be . considered and that school districts should establish ‘reasonable policy” on paid sick leave, leave for death or illness in the family, and professional. leave. It called attention to salary inadequacies for Texas teachers, small salaries of public school principals, and unevenness in the application of higher teacher pay schedules adopted in 1954. A sub-committee on the content of social studies in Texas schoolsrecommended these subjects for grade levels one through twelve : home and school liie ; neighborhood activities ; the expanding community ; and types of communities ; communities in the rest of the world, and how conditions of life are influenced by climate, resources,. and terrain; the U.S. and its Western neighbors; world neighbors of the Eastern hemisphere, not, however, specifically including the Soviet Union ; Texas and its neighbors ; the U.S. and its possessions; citizenship at local, state, and national –levels; world geography ; world history;’ and American history and/or civics, with emphasis on “democracy as a political philosophy.” of them in 1948, and the 1952 delega tion fight-that was settled “in favor of . burn, the convention chairman, passed the word that he was satisfied with assurances offered by the adroit Texas governor.” “Enraged” by the Shiversled bolt to Eisenhower, Rayburn had the D.A.C: created, Cater observes. The D.A.C.’s -task is complicated by the relationship between the national Democratic Party and the Shiverscontrolled Texas party machinery, _ Cater reports, and Ben Ramsey’s op as national committeeman to replace Morrow “suggested by Johnsern to Shivers and approved by . Rayburn” has been a sore point. “Some D.A.C. members .. : wondered ‘how -far their leader, Rayburn, was, prepared to go inplacating the enemy,” Cater says, but at the Nov. 4 -WacO meeting, “discretion won the day,” Ramsey being accepted with reservations. “Everyone knew that even as they met, the stern old party leader was sitting in -his hotel room upstairs waiting to address the eveningbanquet,” Cater wrote. As Cater sees it, the loyalists have certain assured strengththe East Texas Democrats under Dr. Howard , :Bryant, with a .full-time . .organizer. ,ris County Democrats in Houston under Mrs. R. D.. Randolph; royalist strength in county committees in Houston, San Antonio, Fort Worth, and other cities. , Rayburn, Cater said, “appears more ‘deeply committed than ever to fighting the fierce -civil war of Texas politics,” but he represents “a sort of rottenborough constituency that the Shivercrats. have frequently, threatened to reapportion.” Rayburn’s critics, says Cater, say he does not understand bigcity organization and is `too “paternalistic.” S HIVERS, says Cater, has gone up “a blind alley” for his own ambitions and in his “,political phy.” Cater reviews. some of the recent scandals and what he calls Shivers’s.”predated pledge of disloyalty”.in . stating h’ewill not support Adlai Stevenson, even if he is nominated. Cater reports a secret. conference between Carmine De . Sapio, Averell Harriman’s _chief strategist, and George Sandlin, chairman of ‘ the Shivers party organization. “De Sapio asked if Harriman could .carry -Texas: Sandlin said Harrintan couldn’t,” Cater reported… Cater.says Johnson conceives of himself as mediator in this situation. But, he says, Johnson is running risks. would 15e :damaging both at home and nationally for him to head a patched-tip delegation . \(as favorite. at Chicago.” And he must “calculate the resentment he may stir. up among the loyal Dernacrats in Texas” that “could produce.a revolt against his leadership that might greatly jeopar, crats.” Already, lie says, D.A.C. members are arguing angrily that he “would sacrifice everything to save the one-party system in Texas.” Cater incidentally discussed some aspects . of Johnson’s thinking on national politicshis. disavowal _of the anti-Stevenson coalition report, -his de-sire for a “moderate’I national Democratic record of progress. Cater said he “makes no bones” about his intention to push the bill exempting gas producers from ‘federal regulation “but hopes that the resulting party split ‘will be quick to heal.” “It is his job, he says candidly, to represent the independent. gas producers of Texas just as . Hubert Humphrey represents the dairy, farmers of Minnesota.” bor and liberal groups “in the background, since they have served as tartacks.” On the other,. he said, are groups in. thebig . cities that ,are beginning to contain the predominant voting strength of’ Texas to whom organized labor 18 a source of funds and volunteer help. He quoteS Jerry Holleman, executive secretary of the’ State Federation of LabP -r, that unions register half a million voters next year” a goal which, if fulfilled, ;will dramatically revise the rules by .which politics is played in Texas.” in., :thiscamp,-too, he said, ,”are. the Texas eggheads, with an eloquent voice in the weekly Texas Observer, who believe that . the state party should be re. molded along more liberal as well as loyalist lines.” He points -out tha,t since .1939 the governor’s office has been held by a succession of conservatives . : while Texas’s . leading Washington representatives were -internationalists and national Democratic leaderS. I HE ARTICLE is entitled “The Trouble. in Lyndon Johnson’s Back Yard,” which, Cater says, .provides the senator with “the most difficult balancing act in his brilliant careen ‘, He reviews the Texas Regulars’ splitting of the 1944 Texas Demo _ cratic delegation, the loyalists’ purge Teachers Urge Retirement Aid AUSTIN One of the most acute analyses of post war Texas politics. ever published appears in The Reporter magazine for December is It is written by Douglass Cater, WaShington editor of the magazine, who toured , Texas a. month ag -O. .Cater’s basic perception is that “beneath the seamy. panoply of the .oneparty system” Texas has a multi-party’ system. much like that of, France. . The principal divisiPn . is between loyal Democrats and “Texas Demo crats”.. ,who go so fart as to support the Republicans he said. There are “the Brass Collar Dernocrats, the et -al-Loyal the ,,Shiver crats … the Wright Mrro wcrats ..”. The traditiOnal Democrats of the Deep South sections of East Texas differ widely from the equally ‘loyal’ but urbanized Harris County Democrats. Party, a New ,Party, a Freedom Party, and a Latino PartyDemocrats all. ..-.. Finally, there is the so-called Republican Party of. Texas, which more closely resembles a skeletal fac, tion of the Democratic Party and only puts on flesh during Presidential elections.” He 1