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Called “StOckholder Profit Sharing Plan,” and available only to ICT Group stockholders, this plan `offers: 1.INCOME PRODUCING INVESTMENT 2.SAVINGS BANK SECURITY 3.LIFE INSURANCE PROTECTION All who participate in the Stock-; holder Profit Sharing Plan create profit for themselves in two wayS: 1.FROM CASH DIVIDENDS PAID ON UNITS’ OF THE PLAN 2.AS STOCKHOLDERS. IN ICT INSURANCE COMPANY 0 R I C T DISCOUNT CORPORA-TION, YOU SHARE IN THE PROFITS MADE ‘BY ICT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. A vitally important message to all ICT Group stockholders YOU ARE ENTITLED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE NEW Stockhol s er Profit Sharing Plan After many months of hard work and careful study, The ICT Life insuranompany is ready to announce an exclusive personal ben plan for ICT Group stockholders only! If you are an ICT Group stockholder, Home Office Representatives, will soon be calling on you to fully explain your rights under the Plan and show you how to exercise them. For ‘your own benefit and profit, give these Representatives an opportunity to point out many exclusive advantages the ‘plan offers. Many of a you may want to r Gentlemen: have the Planexplained to , you in detail before a Home i office Representative has a chanCe to contact you perI sonally. At right is a coupon to be filled out and mailed if you would like to have complete facts on the Plan as soon as possible. I understand the Stockholder Profit Sharing Plan offers me as an ICT Group stockholder many exclusive, unprecedented benefits. I want to be among the first ICT stockholders to hear all about the Plan arid receive my Allotment Certificate. So, please have a. Home Office Representative call on me as soon as possible. Dap C T LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ICT BUILDING, DALLAS GROUP 8fITIA Remember, Stockholder Profit Sharing Plan Is for ICT Stockholders only! THE TEXAS OBSERVER Page 5 Sept. 21, 1955 Name Address City State r Joseph .L. Ratih of Washington, D. C.; -national chairman of Americans for Democratic Action, spoke to the Dallas chapter this week. A.D.A.’s recent list of Congressmen Noting “100 percent liberal” contained no Texans, but three. Texans made A.D.A.’s “booby list” by voting 100 percent conservative Reps. Bruce Alger of Dallas, Clark Fisher of ‘San Angelo, and Martin Dies of Lufkin. Sen. Lyndon Johnson says there will be “no true economy in cutting defense spending to balance “a set of books.” In the. county grand jury says local loan sharks are. getting 500 percent interest and that when they -don’tget -paid they threaten or physically attack the borrowers. Robert B. ,Anderson of Vernon, Former Deputy Secretary of Defense, has become president, of Ventures, Ltd., a worldwide Canadian mining company.He thus .drops out as a likely Texas gubernatorial prospect. . . U. S. Rep. John J. Bell of Cuero comes to trial in SeguinDec..12 on charges of conspiring to steal .money under the veterans’ land program. He denies any .guilt, and his attorney contends his indictment was politically. inspired by ? the Attorney General’s department. A fact -gathering conference on the Texas water . situation’ is being held among experts and officials at Texas A&M Sept. 19-21. A conference on athletic recruit. Mg practices has been . called among Southwest Conference. officials Sept. 25the day before the -official season opens, Texas a Attorney General John Ben Shepperd has been . elected president of the National Association of Attorneys General. Horse race gambling devices are coining under police scrutiny in Beaumont. The Laredo suit against’ George Parr, which his friends say was filed to help him by alleging he borrowed certain Duval County funds, cannot now proceed because of an injunction against its continuance from HOUSTON For a day or two it seemed possible, if not too likely, that Bob Smith, the oil man, philanthropist, and former head of the Texas Good Neighbor Commission, might be persuaded to run for mayor in place of Iris incumbent friend, Roy Hofheinz. . Names were not Mentioned but it became known that some of hiS fellow tycoons were insisting that Smith ought to run. Aides of, Hofheinz, equally anonymous, said ‘he would. step aside if the philanthropist consented to make the race. Smith did not consent. After three days he said, still more firmly than in the beginning, that under no circumstances would he run for Mayor. He went ahead with the organizing of the. United CitizenS.AssOciation, which is being recruited. to support Hofheinz for another term and to . choose a group of City Council candidates to run with him. Smith said the association will have some 200 members and will delegate the choosing of the council candidates, to a small committee. One association’ member . said Hofheinz, if reelected, will serve only one more term. Much of the summer was spent in a row between Mayor Hofheinz and members of the City .Council, who worked hard but unavailingly . to impeach him and’ remove him from office. There was a charter election; at which the only proposal to carry was one providing that a new mayor .and District Judge C. Woodrow Laughlin. District Judge_ Roberts in AuStin refuse to order the Texas Conimissioner of Education to calla .hearing on a request from Irving for revocation of certificates of Irving teachers who struck during the recent dispute there. The Harlingen School Board re fused, 3-2, to bar pregnant students. from high school classes but agreed i that no married pupil may take part. in any athletic . or social A total of 1,329 .Texas schdOls took paKt in the federal sChdol milkjprogram during the last school year. The Agriculture’ Department estimates that 305,000 Texas children ‘drank 18,000,000 more half pints of milk under this programlast year than they did the previous year, before the program began. Governor Shivers asked Presi dent Eisenhower to declare certain counties major disaster areas because of drouth. Raymondville officials asked that ,their flooded town be declared a state emergency disaster -area. .Their damage is estimated at $2.5 million. Heavy rains fell in the Valley again last week. Dockvvorkers along the Texas coast were ready to go on strike last week in sympathy with an eastern waterfront walkout, but the’ dispute abated before they did so. The N.A.A.C.P. is considering filing labor discrimination suits in the Houston area. From Our Correspondent council be elected in November and take office in January. Who will run against Mayor Hofheinz .is still not clear. Former Mayor Oscar Holcombe says that if no one he likes announces against Hofheinz by October .first, he will think seriously about running himself. The -long-embattled School Board, by the’ customary majority of 4 to 3, voted . an indefinite suspension forJ. 0. Webb, the assistant superintendent in charge of special services.._ He was formerly assistant irsuperintendent in charge. of senior high-schools and was removed from that job on charges of insubordination. The new charges are muck the -same. In effect, Webb . seems to be regarded as a faithful and too-enthusiastic follower of the views represented by the three-Member conservative minority of . the board. The motion . to suspend him was made by Dr. W. W..Kemmerer, former president of the University of Houston. A hearing was set kir Thursday. . Mrs. A. S. Vandervoort, jr:, one of the fOUr majority members, told the board that she has asked for a declaratory judgment in district court to d .etermine .if she is eligible to serve. For some weeks there have been chat lenges of her eligibility because at the time she: was elected, the First Na .tional. Bank,_ in which ‘she holds stock, was the school depository. Apparently that iS forbidden by the.general law but not by the special law under which the Houston school district operates.’ Two opinions from the attorney general’s office have not entirely clarified the issue: , .A. mild counter-challenge had been made against Dr. Henry , A. Petersen of fs the minority three on the ground that Mrs. Petersen -.held stock in two utility companies here and he was the medical director for one of them. Dr. Petersen asked the board itself to request a declaratory judgment .in both cases. The motion failed..It was thus. ‘left up to him to decide whether , or not he will follow Mrs. . Vandervoort’s example. Sen. Price Daniel is back from a ix-week European trip. The Democratic Digest has 2,585 ‘subscribers in Texas, Compared to its quota of 9,690. The Texas_ total is the seventh highest in the country. The worst swarming of mosquitoes in recent years is reported in Corpus Christi. As of Sept. 3, 1,271 Texans have come down with polio this year. The wetback boatlift from Port Isabel to Vera Cruz has been declared a success by, immigration authorities. Two ships have been used ; The cost is $9 per wetback. The Texas Congress of Parents and Teachers is holding six regional seminars on mental health. The State Department of Health says that the faddish “uranium dirt and sitting houses” \(supposed to cure assorted diseases for those whO medically worthless. Agriculture Cominissioner John White is arranging for TeXas farmers to present their ‘views on farm policy Nov. 5 in Fort Worth before the touring Senate Agriculture Committee. ‘BOW’ WILLIAMS Automobile and General Insurance Represents ICT The Company Owned by Union Members We are liberals. We-can write insurance for Observer readers anywhere in the State. Call us collect at 2-0645 in Austin. “Let’s Abolish the Poll Tax” 4 THE WEEK IN TEXAS -HOUSTON LETTER