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A. J. ASHMORE. M. D., F. f. C, S. 2 MEDICAL. DENTAL ro.sILDIN3 CD’ P,_ CHF7/S g. AS FWereere , le, 1,93 ‘ 9.cereor Alleeivers Austin, Texas Dear eir:. , a k. tA 1 wish first to thenk ycu for Chr -inte br eee r\(eeee , or the Inauevrel weieh ee e eee. very neeil.. the enclosed list or men ee,i I e.e.e ei e u % Len leek. le 1 ,ey 3 pieee ,f Coenty. 1 et eecice:i:ne the le:: ter fro\(‘ elles. you ee eoueh to aek !eze. earlieet’ettention? I heve t mplete. a treeeeeien t1’..i$ Lek you for this and many kInenes:ee in ehe pee:.. 1/7 ef ‘rert, EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT AUSTIN 71, TEXAS ALLAN SHIVERS C 0 P FIB 27 I*3 REFERRED TO V,CRAt4S’ LAND BOARc liettratn’ 11:zmo Arr vv..v t/maliere# Pe St.0.144. frA.14449 flifeaa41. 1444 1-t 05mrral 31:anh Offict AUST.N 14 ;Lee eee Above, a letter on the stationery of a former executive secretary of the Veterans Land Board, Alvis Vandygriff, tells Laurence Jackson that Senator Bell is “interested” in the York deal and will call him; and shortly thereafter Jackson tells two appraisers of Bell’s interest and urges “every consideration possible.” c -teff. Copy of attached letter indicates that I notified all of the 1 1 veterans and the ter interested parties and gave them full infermation en to my whereabouts and eetivities. \(wife: the passible exceptlen of from tweauiesday thru Friday. .ne phone call was the only respense to eeeraieel hy Jonsen and myself. “he Pal estete , men were the only ones lel et ereraleeI. ticurans STATE OF T6′..XAS \(General 31…a10 \(Office AUSTIN 14 Creckett,Texas Merch 4,195.5 TAE: Joint Purchase Veterans ebertson eounty ieekeanch NOM TOt mr.diles Mr.Jeokson . .’ Since this is such a questionable deal \(t e details of eliicb we observations, and I am forwarding all -ef the aeplieetfens,ete. to’e:r. Ned Johnson for such additiOnal eoMments, cerrectiens and aditiens tik :,3 he wishes to make. He will ferwerd the entire set-up to :ei?\(I for your censideration. 0 In making our anpraisal, we were aecemeaeled by the Zeal. Yet to Agents and’then spent an ether full 1.ay to g ether air the ereperty. I en’t know what persenal c?mmente ; ,’,r ..Tehneon meke is ee’dition to : ,Jine, we are prepared to “stand .eat” on thtsone, I would like tp etate \(as I told ‘Y.r.Threwer vie tae -eeh :^tit of we returned from our final detailed lneeeetlon ef tbie er::e-ty we divide/ the total tract into six elaee!fi’attens end -fade ,ear eee’_zet1.ene separately and then compared note: as wP view thet it was a eee s e jeet, On the three \(east classes of land or ostietatien was ;;Je three lower cleesificatiOns we differed fyem 3.00 to It .00 ‘er re. ,e split the difference en these. I ‘reiFht say that I was en eh g e last three clessificatiens. tan the.S4VP we were 4.2.Q0 eer ‘er, .eerte and eenln I was tiehest. eia the leela,, I ka.5 o’eesteerably eelew : r ,naeon. but eon ceded ttat he was right ‘and i’3,euro as it it a v,:eeeIe reereetienal ihase et the oveluetieer. On the`seer: vemente en :Init -, we made :.cur evel.uatiens and then 1 coneeded e re,eetien on ..he vele ef le the only ee that we :Jive reted to be, worth the asking price. Mr.Sohnsen and myself utilized all evellable netelde enaeieurces .ie erelve ear eenelueIene ,afar w e , ere !.-eele ,ee te er, eur eveluatiene en tnly, ereorty. I em eleeeee telieel thru `!r.,7ebneen in oer mny eeee eey ante :n ee to, my ‘Iatar we werke tee :’!11 ‘ Photostats Show Shivers Role In 3 Bell ‘Infested’ Jackson Said Vet Jeint ‘eareh .aee “ererte-n anty These are photostats from the master file on the 17-veteran York group land deal in the Veterans’ Land Board offices. Above a Corpus Christi doctor asks Governor Shivers to ask Bascom Giles to give the deal “earliest attention,” and Shivers writes to the doctor and Giles that he’s sure Giles will “expedite” it. Right, two appraisers relate how none of the veterans showed up for the appraisal. Below, ApGiles and executive secretary Lawrence Jackson that the York deal is “questionable” and “a bad project.”