Suspending Asylum
More migrants are being stranded at the U.S.-Mexico border under Biden's executive order.
Since 1954
Anna-Cat Brigida is immigration reporter for Houston Landing. She previously covered immigration, security, and human rights as a freelance journalist in Central America and has been a contributor to the Migratory Notes newsletter and an editor for El Faro English. She was a 2021 Alicia Patterson Foundation fellow reporting on mental health in El Salvador and Honduras. Follow her on Twitter @AnnaCat_Brigida.
More migrants are being stranded at the U.S.-Mexico border under Biden's executive order.
Las deportaciones estadounidenses de migrantes han exportado Covid-19 a Guatemala y han provocado miedo, caos y el colapso de los ya frágiles servicios de salud.
U.S. deportations of migrants have exported COVID-19 to Guatemala and prompted fear, chaos, and a collapse of already fragile health services.
Desde una doctora varada en Ciudad Juárez, hasta un refugio cerrado después de un brote, el Covid-19 está golpeando fuertemente a lo largo de la frontera entre Texas y México.
From a doctor stranded in Ciudad Juárez to a shelter closed after an outbreak, COVID-19 is hitting hard along the Texas-Mexico border.